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Chapter 59-Part 2

Ji Ran thought for a moment and felt that this kind of situation must be quite uncomfortable. Just now, there were many people standing in front of the bulletin board, but as soon as he appeared, they all turned and left.

The more she thought about it, the more irritating it seemed.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Ji Ran’s mind: she really wanted to call those people back and tell them that Shen Zhi wasn’t the type to bully people for no reason.

On the contrary, he fought to protect his friends, to shield them from bullying, intimidation, and threats.

What a wonderful person Shen Zhi was.

Ji Ran looked at him with a particularly soft expression and said, “I’m sorry.”

She tilted her head slightly, her dark eyes filled with reliance and affection, staring directly at him.

“You’re not scary at all.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

In fact, I only like you.

Shen Zhi understood her meaning. He hadn’t expected Ji Ran to be so sensitive and considerate, worrying that he might feel wronged. He had always been indifferent to the rumors and gossip at school.

After all, who would really care about those exaggerated and distorted rumors?

But suddenly, he reached out and lightly touched his nose, speaking softly, “It doesn’t really matter; they can misunderstand if they want.”

It wasn’t self-pity, but it was more moving than self-pity.

Ji Ran’s heart ached immediately. She shook her head earnestly and said, “They don’t understand how good you are.”

Xia Jiangming had originally turned to call Shen Zhi to look at the bulletin board’s disciplinary notices, but when he turned around and heard their conversation, he suddenly understood why he could only be a single dog.

Brother Zhi, you are so scheming.

Wen Qianxia, unaware of the situation, looked at the school disciplinary notice in surprise and said to Ji Ran, “Ran Ran, can you believe Jiang Yi took her classmates to a bar and almost got into a fight? It even involved the police.”

It turned out that last weekend, Jiang Yi took her classmates to a bar, causing a commotion. After the police filed a report, the school found out.

Even when Shen Zhi had fought before, the school had only given him a demerit.

So this time, the school didn’t show any favoritism regarding Jiang Yi’s matter and still issued a demerit. But Jiang Yi had already been discussed a lot on the school forum because of the sports car incident.

After all, a guy had come to the school in a sports car to look for Jiang Yi, and many people saw it.

The forum had been buzzing with discussions about whether the guy with the sports car was Jiang Yi’s boyfriend. Unexpectedly, the school’s disciplinary action came out today.

Wen Qianxia found it hard to believe, saying, “I remember Jiang Yi wasn’t this outrageous before.”

In her first year, Jiang Yi was quite popular in school, almost a prospective school beauty with many admirers. It was said that she came from a good family with a strict university lecturer mother, making her hard to pursue.

But after her sophomore year, her image completely collapsed.

Especially after the incident with Ji Ran, everyone realized that Jiang Yi’s boastful family background was fake. Moreover, she had even stolen Ji Ran’s dress to show off.

This incident had been talked about a lot.

But no one expected her to now be hanging out with people from outside the school.

However, this was just a minor episode. Most students were still focused on the upcoming final exams.

Due to the cold weather, Ji Ran was picked up and dropped off by her family’s driver. After evening self-study, Shen Zhi accompanied her to the school gate, but the usually conspicuous Mercedes was not there today.

Shen Zhi glanced around and asked, “Do you have the driver’s phone number?”

Ji Ran hesitated and said softly, “He might just be a bit late.”

Unexpectedly, the driver’s call came in shortly after. He spoke in a low voice, “Miss Ji, Madam needs the car today, so I can’t pick you up.”

The driver’s voice was shaky, caught between Jiang Liqi and Ji Ran, not wanting to offend either.

Ji Ran didn’t mind and said directly, “I’ll take a taxi home.”

“I’m really sorry, truly sorry,” the driver kept apologizing, then added in a lower voice, “Please be careful when you take a taxi; maybe send me the license plate number first.”

Ji Ran didn’t pay much attention to it. She wasn’t a child, and she had taken the bus to school before.

After hanging up, she told Shen Zhi that the driver couldn’t pick her up. Surprisingly, he seemed quite happy, his face showing a light smile as he said matter-of-factly, “I’ll go home with you.”

Ji Ran didn’t refuse, and they hailed a taxi together by the roadside.

Since Ji Ran’s family driver started picking her up, Shen Zhi hadn’t walked her home. Although they still texted and called, the feeling of walking her home was quite nice.

Unfortunately, the ride felt too short, or maybe Shen Zhi felt it was too short.

It seemed like they had just gotten in the car when the driver turned and politely informed them they had arrived.

Ji Ran told him not to get out, as finding a taxi in the winter could be troublesome. She suggested he take the same taxi home. After getting out, she turned and waved.

Shen Zhi rolled down the window, and Ji Ran looked at him.

The warm yellow streetlight cast a glow, bringing his face out of the shadows. The light accentuated his sharp features, casting a soft shadow over his nose.

At that moment, Ji Ran couldn’t tell if it was the warmth of the light or the intensity of his gaze.

Suddenly, she turned back, bent down, and reached through the car window to hug his neck, her voice filled with a bit of longing.

“You’re right, I really want to grow up soon too.”

At twenty-seven, Ji Ran could be with him openly.

They could be together every day.

Every single day.

When Ji Ran got home, she happened to see the driver dropping off Jiang Liqi. Their car must have entered the villa area just before Ji Ran’s taxi arrived, and now Jiang Liqi was just getting out after a phone call.

As she stepped out, she supported her waist lightly, making it obvious she was pregnant.

Ji Ran glanced at her flat stomach and headed inside.

Jiang Liqi, seeing Ji Ran’s indifferent attitude, called out, “Ran Ran.”

Ji Ran turned back to look at her, staying silent but indicating she was listening.

Jiang Liqi’s smile grew softer. She had a gentle, motherly face, but every time she smiled at Ji Ran, it felt like a deceptive facade.

Ji Ran continued to stand quietly, waiting to hear what Jiang Liqi wanted to say.

Jiang Liqi smiled and said, “Ran Ran, I know Xiao Yi has been unruly and has upset you many times. But she has been kicked out and is living alone now. She’s just a seventeen-year-old child. Could you please let things go, considering she’s no longer a bother to you?”

Ji Ran tilted her head slightly.

This sounded almost laughable. Her relationship with Jiang Yi ended the moment Jiang Yi moved out. For her, there was no need to keep entangling with Jiang Yi.

Her life had too many important things to focus on, and she really didn’t have the time.

But Jiang Liqi didn’t think so. She said, “You must have heard about what happened to Xiao Yi at school, right?”

The question was a probing one.

Since they attended the same school, Jiang Yi’s demerit wouldn’t have escaped Ji Ran’s notice. Jiang Liqi had come home late tonight after meeting with the school’s leadership.

If Ji Ran had reported to Ji Qingli, removing the demerit wouldn’t have been too difficult.

But Jiang Liqi didn’t want Ji Qingli to have an even worse impression of Jiang Yi. After all, Jiang Yi had gotten into a fight at a bar with other patrons.

Naturally, Jiang Liqi was angry. How could a high school student not focus on studying but instead go to such places?

But Jiang Yi had cried, saying she was lonely and friendless after being kicked out. Desperate for company, she would go anywhere with anyone who was willing to be with her.

Soft-hearted, Jiang Liqi felt pity for her.

Although she had stayed with Jiang Yi for a few days while Ji Qingli was away, it wasn’t as convenient as being at home.

Moreover, Jiang Liqi had been busy with her pregnancy, unintentionally neglecting Jiang Yi.

Unexpectedly, this led to a big issue.

Busy with damage control, Jiang Liqi had only now thought of Ji Ran. If Ji Ran complained to Ji Qingli, Jiang Yi might never be able to return.

Ji Ran watched her with a cold smile.

She wasn’t truly a seventeen-year-old girl who understood nothing. Jiang Liqi’s question made it clear she was afraid of Ji Ran tattling to Ji Qingli.

Noticing Ji Ran’s expression, Jiang Liqi tried to maintain her composure. Even she didn’t know why she felt such pressure around Ji Ran.

The girl in front of her exerted tremendous pressure on her.

It seemed ridiculous since she was the elder and Ji Ran was just a seventeen-year-old girl.

Using her usual tactics, Jiang Liqi attempted to pacify Ji Ran. She softly said, “Ran Ran, Xiao Yi was deceived. I often tell your father how much I envy him for having such a well-behaved and sensible daughter like you. You’re so much better than Jiang Yi.”

Jiang Liqi lavished praise on Ji Ran.

Ji Ran grew tired of standing in the cold and listening to her nonsense. It was freezing outside.

The clear moonlight overhead cast a silvery glow across the entire landscape, and the cold wind blowing around them gave the surroundings a frigid, barren feeling.

She looked directly at Jiang Liqi, curled her lips into a slight smile, and finally spoke, “Are you afraid that I’ll tell Dad?”

A flicker of embarrassment crossed Jiang Liqi’s face as she prepared to explain.

Ji Ran continued, “Don’t worry, I’m not that bored.”

This was true. Recently, she has been studying diligently with the final exams approaching. She was even planning to dethrone her future boyfriend from the top spot in the grade, regardless of their relationship.

She really had no energy to worry about why Jiang Yi was going to bars or whether she had completely fallen.

With her backpack on, Ji Ran walked a few steps up the stairs, then suddenly turned to Jiang Liqi, her expression somewhat amused.

“I think you’re overthinking it,” she said, her tone quite amusing.

“My dad is really not that idle. He wouldn’t care if Jiang Yi got a school punishment or not.”

“She isn’t his daughter.”

“Ji Qingli doesn’t care about her.”

Ji Ran stood on the steps, looking down at Jiang Liqi.

Her gaze was full of mockery, and she suddenly realized that this couple really didn’t understand each other very well at all.

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