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Volume 1 (Human World): Chapter 18

The sunlight fell on her face, glaringly bright. The person on the bed frowned, as if trapped in a nightmare. In the dream, a youth in red clothes was wielding an icy sword formed from his demonic energy, thrusting it towards her chest.

“No! Don’t kill me!” Bai Shuo screamed and struggled to sit up.

Her vision was blurry, but she recognized the familiar surroundings: the yellow pearwood canopy bed and the lingering fragrance of incense. This was her home, the Bai Residence, specifically her secluded courtyard. Yet, the red bridal decorations from her wedding yesterday had been replaced with her usual simple decor.

“How did I come back?” Bai Shuo felt a sharp pain in her forehead and rubbed it, recalling the scenes before she lost consciousness.

Mount Muxiao… the donkey… the Long Yi Pig… the tragic deaths of the bandits… the unconscious Chong Zhao… and the demon youth’s cold, murderous gaze.

“Ah Zhao!” Bai Shuo snapped out of it, her face turning pale. She tried to get out of bed but almost fell due to weakness.

“Miss!” Taohua entered the room just then.

Seeing Bai Shuo awake, she hurried to support her, then turned and shouted, “Quick, go inform Madam that the young lady is awake!”

“Taohua? What’s going on? Wasn’t I in Weicheng? How am I home?” Bai Shuo’s head was pounding. She had left home desperately seeking immortality, nearly died, and now woke up back home!

“M-Miss…” Taohua stuttered.

Bai Shuo urged impatiently, “Never mind, I’ll ask Father myself! This is absurd!”

As Bai Shuo pushed Taohua aside to leave, Taohua remembered the Princess Consort’s instructions and blocked Bai Shuo firmly.

“Miss! You can’t go!”


“Miss! The master said that if I let you leave this courtyard, none of us servants in the secluded courtyard would be kept!” Taohua, usually obedient to Bai Shuo, was resolute this time.

Bai Shuo paused. These people had grown up with her, and she couldn’t bear to implicate them, but she was anxious. “Alright, I won’t go. Just tell me, how did I get back? And what about Ah Zhao? Is he safe?”

Taohua’s expression changed, and she hesitated again.

“Taohua, just tell me! If you don’t, I’ll call for Ah Xi!” Bai Shuo threatened.

“Miss, you and Young Master Chong were brought back by a donkey!” Taohua finally relented.

“A donkey? Not a person?” Bai Shuo was stunned.

Taohua shook her head.

“Early that morning, when the city gates opened, you and Young Master Zhao were brought back to the capital in the mist by a donkey. It came straight to our general’s residence, pushing open the gate. This news has spread all over the capital. The master said you’re not allowed to step outside the residence from now on.”

Taohua’s voice grew softer and softer. Bai Shuo held her head, unable to contain her question, “What about the donkey?”

“The master said the donkey saved you and should be treated well. It’s being kept in the backyard.”

Bai Shuo thought the donkey was quite clever but sensed something was wrong. “Father only said I couldn’t leave the residence?”


“He didn’t tell me to kneel in the ancestral hall? Didn’t order a whipping?”

Taohua shook her head.

“This isn’t right. I caused such a huge mess, yet I don’t even have to kneel in the ancestral hall…” Bai Shuo was incredulous and felt dizzy.

Taohua quickly helped her back to bed. Before Bai Shuo could speak, a sorrowful cry sounded: “Shuo’er!”

Madam Bai, supported by maids, rushed into the room and embraced Bai Shuo, “My Shuo’er, you’ve finally woken up!”

“Mother…” Bai Shuo feared nothing but her mother’s tears. She quickly patted her back to comfort her.

“Mother, I’m fine, really!”

“Fine?!” Madam Bai wiped her tears.

“You little rascal, you’ve been unconscious for half a month! I was worried sick!” Madam Bai sobbed, and Bai Shuo looked at Taohua, who avoided her gaze, making Bai Shuo suspicious.

“Mother, look at me; I’m lively as ever!” Bai Shuo jumped up and down to show her vigor.

“I could beat a bull!”

“You!” Madam Bai was helpless, pulled her daughter back, and gently tapped her forehead.

“When will you ever grow up?”

“Mother, I’m sorry, I’ve caused trouble again.”

Bai Shuo lowered her head, feeling guilty.

“I’ve embarrassed you, Father, and Ah Xi.”

Madam Bai’s eyes reddened as she hugged Bai Shuo.

“I just want you safe. If you don’t want to marry, you don’t have to.”

“Really?!” Bai Shuo’s eyes lit up with joy. She was solely focused on seeking immortality and had no intention of getting married. “Did Prime Minister Chong agree?”

Madam Bai paused, then nodded absentmindedly, “Your father personally intervened, and the prime minister agreed.”

Bai Shuo sighed with relief and cuddled closer to her mother.

“Mother, you’re the best.”

Madam Bai looked down at her daughter with a flash of sadness in her eyes, but she held back her words.

Only when Bai Shuo fell asleep did Madam Bai leave the secluded courtyard.

Outside, General Bai had been waiting for a long time. In just a few days, his hair had turned gray, aging him significantly.

Madam Bai’s eyes reddened, and she staggered, supported by General Bai, “Husband.”

General Bai sighed deeply, unwilling to say more, and led her away.

That night, Bai Shuo still hadn’t woken. Taohua entered with a night lamp, placed it on the table, and tucked Bai Shuo in. But Bai Shuo grabbed her hand before she could react, staring at her with dark eyes.


Bai Shuo made a “shh” gesture and whispered urgently, “Taohua, what exactly happened in the residence?”

Taohua’s hand trembled, avoiding eye contact. “Miss, what are you saying? What could possibly happen in our residence…”

“Taohua, we grew up together. You know I’m not a fool. You might hide it from me today, but you can’t hide it forever. My marriage was decreed by the emperor. How could it be annulled just like that?” Bai Shuo’s voice was hoarse, and her eyes were reddening. “Did something happen to my father and Ah Xi because of me?”

“It’s not the master and the eldest miss; it’s Young Master Chong…” Taohua, in her anxiety, blurted out, and then, realizing her mistake, she fell to her knees in fear, covering her mouth.

“Ah Zhao? What happened to him?” Bai Shuo’s face turned pale. She jumped out of bed, barefoot, and grabbed Taohua’s shoulders.

Taohua, seeing Bai Shuo’s anxious eyes, couldn’t hold back and started crying, “Miss, something happened to the Chong family.”

Bai Shuo was stunned, and Taohua’s sobbing voice continued.

“The day after you and Young Master Zhao were brought back, the emperor confiscated the Chong family’s estate!”

Bai Shuo gasped in disbelief, “How could this be? Uncle Chong has always been honest and upright. Why would the emperor confiscate their estate?”

“Raising private soldiers,” Taohua whispered, “the emperor sentenced the entire Chong family to execution. The sentence will be carried out tomorrow.”

Bai Shuo felt her entire body go limp, collapsing to the ground. She suddenly sprang up, not even putting on shoes, and ran out the door.

“Miss!” Taohua chased after her, but Bai Shuo had already disappeared.

Bang! The door of the ancestral hall of the General’s Residence was thrown open, and Bai Shuo rushed in. Among the cold candlelight, Bai Xun stood alone with his head bowed.


Bai Xun didn’t respond, remaining silent. Bai Shuo ran forward, kneeling before him, her voice hoarse. “Uncle Chong couldn’t have…”

“A thousand private soldiers, hidden in Weicheng, undeniable evidence,” Bai Xun sighed, patting her.

“Shuo’er, your father has done everything he could. You must understand that raising private soldiers is a crime of treason.”

Bai Shuo collapsed to the ground, feeling helpless. She had enjoyed wealth and privilege for many years, but now she realizes that she is powerless to do anything in this mortal world, let alone achieve immortality.

“Even if prime minister Chong is guilty, Ah Zhao… Ah Zhao knew nothing… Father, please save Ah Zhao…”


Hearing Chong Zhao’s name, Bai Xun showed a hint of reluctance, but he hardened his heart and called out loudly.


Immediately, guards approached from outside the ancestral hall.

“Confine the young lady to the ancestral hall for three days. She is not to leave without my orders.”



Bai Xun turned to leave. Bai Shuo ran towards the door, but the heavy doors of the ancestral hall shut, trapping her inside.

As Bai Shuo felt like a caged beast, she heard a crack in the corner, and a gust of wind blew in, making the candle flames flicker. She turned to see a donkey’s hoof sticking through the window, gracefully jumping inside.

It was still the same donkey, but it was noticeably smaller, making it easy for it to move freely within the heavily guarded general’s residence.

Bai Shuo silently watched the donkey, her eyes filled with a hint of wariness. With the confiscation of the prime minister’s estate and Chong Zhao’s life in jeopardy, she seemed to have matured overnight.

“Hey!” A teasing voice echoed in the ancestral hall.

Bai Shuo was startled, looking around.

“Don’t look around; it’s me!” The donkey tapped its hoof on the ground.

Bai Shuo looked at the donkey suspiciously. The donkey started circling her.

“You seemed quite spirited at Mount Muxiao. Why are you so down now that you’re back in the capital? Feeling defeated at home?” The donkey, having been tricked by Bai Shuo on Mount Muxiao, seized the chance to mock her.

Bai Shuo pursed her lips and asked, “Why did you bring me back? That… the Lord of Haoyue Palace, wasn’t he trying to kill me?”

The donkey’s ears twitched, and it snorted lightly: “He wanted to, but it was my loyal and righteous self who risked everything to save you and that fool.”

Bai Shuo frowned, clearly not believing it. The donkey snorted, changing the topic to “Why are you thinking about the Lord of Haoyue Palace? Don’t you care about that fool?”

“Can you save him?” Bai Shuo’s expression turned hopeful, and she stepped forward.

“Right, you’re a demon. You must be able to save him, right?”

“I can’t save him,” the donkey shook its head.

“That flower demon caused a huge mess in the human world, and now the capital is swarming with immortal lords to prevent any demon chaos in the imperial city. I’m injured, and trying to rescue a condemned prisoner from the sky prison now would only get me skinned alive by those immortals before we even escape the capital!”

Disappointment flickered in Bai Shuo’s eyes, but the donkey continued.

“But although I can’t help you rescue that fool, I can let you see him one last time before he dies.”

“Really?” Bai Shuo was still doubtful. “Aren’t you injured? How can you get into the sky prison?”

The Donkey snorted lightly, flicking its tail. A faint green glow flashed, and then it disappeared before Bai Shuo’s eyes.

She looked around, but then heard the sound of hoofbeats on the ground.

Another green glow flashed, and the donkey reappeared. “It’s just a matter of hiding my presence. If you sit on my back, I can take you into the sky prison, but you’ll only have fifteen minutes.”

“What do you want from me, Long Er Donkey?” Bai Shuo quietly watched the donkey, finally addressing it by its name.

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