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Chapter 51-Part 2

On the third day of the auction, Zhao Min had just arrived at the shop’s entrance and hadn’t even opened the door when he found himself surrounded by even more people.

They were shoving gifts into his hands, complimenting him, saying they felt a kinship with him and wanted to become sworn brothers…

Zhao Min was completely dumbfounded. Weren’t they supposed to be looking for Starry Grass? What were they doing, gathering around him?

It wasn’t until someone praised him that he finally understood.

“The chief pharmacist of Tangmen is truly a miracle worker! Miss Zhou, who took the gene purification potion, went to the auction house for another test today, and they say her gene level has already reached C-grade!” The speaker’s eyes were full of envy.

Zhao Min finally understood what had happened.

The person who drank the potion didn’t just improve by one grade; they had risen two grades in three days!

At that moment, Zhao Min felt very conflicted.

He was thrilled by the astonishing efficacy of the potion but also stressed by the throng of people surrounding him.

Glancing at the dense crowd, he couldn’t help but shiver and silently curse, “Damn, so many people.”

Thinking of the miracle doctor’s prediction that it would take about three days to see an improvement of one grade, Zhao Min felt slightly overwhelmed.

This is not the time to be humble! The consequences are severe—almost life-threatening!

Zhao Min forced a smile and tried to reason with the crowd: “The potion’s effect is truly beyond my expectations. Why don’t you all quickly go find Starry Grass so that our chief pharmacist can make more potions for everyone as soon as possible?”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Zhao; the Li family has already sent people to find the herb, and we’ll have news soon.”

“The Sima family is doing the same! We’ll inform you as soon as we have any updates.”

After saying this, those giving gifts continued to shove them into his hands, those trying to form connections kept doing so, and the flatterers kept flattering.

Zhao Min’s smile was beginning to falter, and he felt a surge of frustration.

They clearly wanted to keep him talking and wouldn’t let him go.

Feeling a bit helpless, Zhao Min continued, “Everyone, the last vial of the gene purification agent was taken by me two days ago. Once we have new potions, I’ll inform you all.”

“That’s alright; no potion is needed for now. We can still get to know each other and build connections,” someone said enthusiastically.

Zhao Min looked up at the sky speechlessly and saw a few people already arguing about the priority of purchasing the potion, with some even starting to bid.

“…” There’s no potion, so why are they bidding so eagerly?

Besides, he had just clearly stated that the potions would be sent to the auction house. Were these people selectively deaf?

Despite the hot sales of the potion, why did he feel so displeased?

Zhao Min thought of someone leisurely enjoying themselves on the Huangsha star. The miracle doctor must have anticipated this situation and pushed him into the spotlight on purpose.


Unaware of Zhao Min’s troubles, Tang Xin was currently staring at Yan Hao in surprise.

“What did you say you wanted me to make?”

Yan Hao glanced around and whispered, “You heard me right; make a potion to conceal my level. I’ve become a seventh-level martial artist. When we first met, didn’t you see through me? You should be able to make it, right? The formula I have is too low-level and can’t be used at the seventh level. It’s inconvenient for the Yun family to know about my promotion.”

Tang Xin was overjoyed.

“Of course, I can make it. I’ll start right away. Thanks to the gene purification agent, you were able to drink three bottles at once. As expected of an SS-grade gene, the upgrade speed is so fast.”

Yan Hao smiled and didn’t argue, agreeing with her, “Yes, it’s fortunate that the master provided the potion.”

Tang Xin’s face suddenly stiffened, looking at Yan Hao strangely.

She was feeling proud, taking credit for herself, but she knew very well how hard Yan Hao worked to upgrade.

Every day, he followed her around like a shadow.

When she stayed in to make potions, Yan Hao seized the time to practice martial arts.

He eats medicinal meals three times a day, and although she found the smell unbearable, Yan Hao never complained, eating it all without a word.

Tang Xin knew that SS-grade genes were powerful, but she had expected it to take at least six months for Yan Hao to upgrade, not less than a month to reach level seven.

Yan Hao worked so hard to become stronger; why didn’t he argue and give her all the credit?

A sudden thought crossed Tang Xin’s mind, leading to an unreliable guess.

Hesitating for a moment, she decided to ask directly, in a joking tone, “Do you like me?”

Yan Hao’s cheeks instantly turned pink.

Was the master trying to confirm if they were mutually attracted? Considering how much the master liked him…

“Yes.” Yan Hao readily admitted, his ears turning red.

Tang Xin stared dumbfounded at his pink cheeks, red ears, and wandering eyes.

Yes? Yes!!!

It felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Tang Xin felt completely thrown off balance.

Was he joking with her?

Tang Xin carefully scrutinized Yan Hao, seeing his shy expression and eyes avoiding hers.

“…” Tang Xin was speechless.

Reflecting on Yan Hao’s odd behaviors, Tang Xin realized that everything seemed to make sense now?

He told Xu Huixin, “I always go along with her and listen to her in everything.”

When they first stayed at the Yun family, he inexplicably climbed into bed with her.

At the auction, he unhesitatingly handed his federal card to her.

Could it be that he was so annoyed with Zhao Min because he was jealous?

His loyalty wasn’t due to allegiance but to love?

Tang Xin was stunned by her own thoughts.

She felt dazed, her entire worldview crumbling.

At this moment, Yun Tian and Uncle Su approached together.

Yan Hao quickly retracted his aura, acting nonchalant.

Yun Tian remained courteous and gentle.

“Miss Tang, you mentioned before that the S-grade gene potions were unsuitable. However, I would like to request a gene purification agent for Uncle Su.”

Uncle Su was stunned, having not expected this, quickly saying, “Master, there’s no need.”

Yun Tian sighed.

“You have taken care of me for many years with unwavering loyalty. It’s only right for me to ask for a potion for you.”

Uncle Su’s eyes welled up with tears, too moved to speak.

Tang Xin watched their touching display of loyalty with a blank expression, feeling extremely annoyed.

She didn’t want Yun Tian to take the potion and become SS-grade, surpassing Yan Hao.

But giving it to Uncle Su was equally unappealing!!

If Uncle Su upgraded his gene level and reached level eight, how long would it take for Yan Hao to surpass him?

No way; she couldn’t give it.

Tang Xin had no intention of putting her life in someone else’s hands and living at their mercy.

Already feeling quite annoyed, couldn’t they avoid adding to her troubles right now!!!

Tang Xin suppressed her urge to shout, racking her brain for a valid reason to refuse Yun Tian.

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