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Chapter 9

Before Liu Shuang had the chance to ask Yan Chaosheng if he wanted to return to Canglan Lake, something happened outside the Ghost Realm.

One of the demon envoys who had come to the Ghost Realm to celebrate Yan Chaosheng’s birthday had died, apparently killed by a ghost cultivator.

Yan Chaosheng received the news and immediately went out with Fu Heng and Su Lun.

Chang Huan sneered, “I bet it was that Immortal Lord. He can’t defeat our Demon Lord, so he likes to cause trouble behind the scenes. The relationship between the demon realm and the ghost realm has never been harmonious, and provoking a conflict between the two realms sounds like something he would do.”

Liu Shuang nodded in agreement, also suspecting Feng Fuming. Despite his appearance of warmth and humility, this Immortal Lord was not above using underhanded tactics.

However, in the art of war, there is no right or wrong. Yan Chaosheng could be just as ruthless.

Liu Shuang knew she couldn’t help with such matters. With Yan Chaosheng occupied, she might have to return to Canglan Lake by herself. So she wrote a letter in advance, leaving the last line unfinished.

She still held onto hope that Yan Chaosheng might return in the next few days.

Taking Yan Chaosheng to Canglan Lake had always been her wish. Liu Shuang opened a drawer and took out a silk box. Inside were various old pieces of jewelry, all delicate and carefully crafted despite their age.

These belonged to humans and were the dowries left by the mortal woman who had taken her in.

Those years in the human world were the purest and happiest times of Liu Shuang’s life.

The mortal woman always said that according to human customs, a daughter must return to her parents’ home with her husband after marriage to ensure a long and loving relationship. She told Liu Shuang that when she got married, she must return home with her husband.

But before she could find a suitable husband for Liu Shuang, a passing Taoist claimed Liu Shuang was a demon who would bring disaster to the Qi Kingdom. The Taoist, being highly respected and a disciple of the former kingdom advisor, convinced everyone to point out Liu Shuang’s differences.

They said she had a demon’s beauty, didn’t feel hungry after two days without food, and didn’t bleed when pricked by a needle. In fear, her parents eventually drove her out of the house.

Later, when the mortal woman was dying, Liu Shuang visited her. Although Liu Shuang still looked like a young girl, the woman had aged, her face weathered, and her hair gray.

Liu Shuang walked through the walls into her room, kneeled by her bed, and held her hand. The woman, with tears in her eyes, traced Liu Shuang’s features with her fingers and asked if Liu Shuang blamed her.

Liu Shuang shook her head and gently combed the woman’s hair.

In this world, the bond between parents and children is not easily broken. They took her in when she was naive, taught her goodness and knowledge, and gave her warmth and care. Liu Shuang understood their fear of her. Traveling through the mortal world with her friend Shao You, she learned many things and forgave their past mistakes, remembering only their long-lasting kindness.

The woman wept bitterly, her face wet with tears. Liu Shuang was her only child, as she had refused to have more. It was Liu Shuang’s first experience with the sorrow of parting.

The little immortal grass arranged for the woman’s funeral, keeping vigil. When she was driven out of the house, she was ignorant and confused, but now, though the world had changed, she could handle everything competently.

Her elderly father came in, no longer the handsome gentleman of the past, and patted her head, giving her a box.

Inside were their life’s savings, her dowry. Despite knowing she wasn’t human, her father still told her, “Finding a good person is hard, but being yourself is not. If your future husband treats you well, cherish the good times. If he treats you poorly and breaks your heart, be yourself, leave him, and find new happiness. Don’t lose yourself for anyone.”

Shao You said they might have driven her out not out of fear but to protect her. A few years later, this gentle father also passed away. Liu Shuang then set up memorial tablets for them at Canglan Lake.

Liu Shuang realized that while all living beings are different, a brief moment for her was a lifetime for her mortal parents.

She had kept the box of dowry for a hundred years, taking it to the demon realm and now to the ghost realm. The old jewelry hadn’t faded, just like the warmth and love she once received.

Liu Shuang wanted to take Yan Chaosheng to Canglan Lake to show him everything that belonged to her.

She wanted to tell her parents that she had not lived badly and had always been happy. Her husband was a mighty sovereign, protecting both realms and countless lives.

When Liu Shuang first met Yan Chaosheng, she mentioned Canglan Lake to him. He casually replied, “Oh? What place is that?”

“You don’t remember? You’ve been there!”

Two hundred years ago, during a great battle with the immortal realm, Yan Chaosheng was seriously injured and accidentally fell into the Canglan Lake immortal land, his blood staining the land.

At that time, Liu Shuang had just awakened her spiritual consciousness, thinking she was about to face disaster. She was startled, and she begged the old tree beside her to save her.

Yan Chaosheng’s blood merged with her stems and veins, and the overwhelming spiritual energy nourished her almost instantly. Before she could react, her immortal grass instincts absorbed his energy.

Liu Shuang quickly tried to return the energy, but before she could finish, Yan Chaosheng stood up, wiped the blood from his lips indifferently, and transformed into a black stream of light, disappearing.

After that, she was able to take human form and was later found by her mortal parents.

All her vivid memories began with Yan Chaosheng, though he knew nothing of it.

Every ten years, when Canglan Lake faced the fire tribulation, Yan Chaosheng sent a group of demon soldiers with Liu Shuang to quell the fire and protect her kin.

Liu Shuang took her unfinished letter and went out, hoping to ask Qingluan to deliver it. With Qingluan’s speed, it could quickly travel back and forth. As she stepped out, she saw Chang Huan looking distressed.

“Chang Huan, what’s wrong?”

“Madam, Qingluan is missing!”

“What!” Liu Shuang was shocked.

“I called for Qingluan today, but it never came. I asked the ghost cultivators to search for it, but no one has seen it. Qingluan is a loyal beast; if it doesn’t come when summoned, something must have happened.”

Liu Shuang understood Chang Huan’s unspoken words. Qingluan’s absence meant it was either gravely injured or dead.

Either possibility was alarming.

“Has the Demon Lord returned?”

“Not yet.”

Liu Shuang tried to stay calm, “Is Chiyan here? Did the Demon Lord take Chiyan when he left the Ghost Realm?”

“Chiyan went with the Demon Lord as well.”

This is a difficult situation. Both Yan Chaosheng and Chiyan, who could easily sense Qingluan’s location, are not here. Worried that something might have happened to Qingluan, Liu Shuang made a decisive decision and said, “Qingluan would never leave the Ghost Realm on its own. I have the Demon Lord’s decree in my quarters. Mobilize the available ghost cultivators to search for Qingluan!”


In no time, dozens of ghost soldiers were dispatched, their figures flitting through the Ghost Realm, searching for Qingluan.

Chang Huan tried to comfort her, “Madam, don’t worry. Qingluan is very powerful and won’t easily get into trouble.”

Liu Shuang nodded, unable to spare words with Chang Huan, and personally went to the places Qingluan liked to frequent.

Qingluan had been with Liu Shuang for a century, with a proud and aloof temperament. Liu Shuang had personally groomed its feathers, built a nest for it, and often fed it homemade snacks, gradually winning its loyalty.

After recognizing her as its master, Qingluan became very attached to her. Once, when Liu Shuang was nearly in danger, Qingluan shielded her with its body.

In the Ghost Realm, besides Chang Huan, Qingluan had accompanied Liu Shuang the longest.

Now, Liu Shuang felt an ominous unease, deeply worried that something had happened to Qingluan. She searched the Pine Sandalwood stones where Qingluan and Chiyan rested, finding nothing but a few fallen feathers.

Liu Shuang was disappointed. With Lord Su Lun absent, she had no way to search other parts of the ghost realm for Qingluan.

Later, the ghost soldiers returned, none having seen Qingluan.

Outside, the ghost crows called twice. Liu Shuang sat in her quarters, unable to sleep with Qingluan in trouble. Under the light of a glass lamp, she listed the places Qingluan might have flown to, planning to have the ghost soldiers continue the search.

At the third call of the ghost crows, Liu Shuang suddenly heard a mournful cry.

It was Qingluan’s call for help!

Without even donning a cloak against the cold, she grabbed the glass lamp and hurried out.

“Chang Huan!”

Chang Huan was nowhere to be seen, and the ghost soldiers were still searching for Qingluan, dutifully as ever.

Hearing another long wail, Liu Shuang ran towards the sound, lifting her skirts.

After the incident with the ghost rain, she knew her spiritual energy was weak and reminded herself that if Qingluan was outside the ghost realm palace, she shouldn’t recklessly rush out alone. Otherwise, she might not only fail to rescue Qingluan but also put herself in danger.

But after only a few steps, she realized Qingluan was actually inside the palace.

Strange, Liu Shuang thought. If it was in the palace, why couldn’t they find it?

This area was empty except for a blood pool in the center, surrounded by a pavilion.

At midnight, this usually elegant place looked eerie.

Liu Shuang cautiously crouched behind a rock, peering into the pavilion.

There, an old man with a white beard, his back to her, was using a large cauldron to refine something. Qingluan’s cries came from inside the cauldron.

Liu Shuang’s pupils contracted. The old man was using Qingluan to refine pills! Qingluan was an ancient mythical beast, and refining it into a pill would indeed greatly enhance one’s cultivation.

Who could be so bold as to target Qingluan?

Liu Shuang tightly gripped the dagger in her hand for self-defense, discarded the glass lamp, and approached the old man.

Shao You had once said that refining pills was like entering meditation; the alchemist wouldn’t awaken until the cauldron was opened.

Indeed, she walked right up behind the old man, and he remained unaware. Sensing her approach, Qingluan’s cries grew more desperate.

Seeing Qingluan about to be refined, Liu Shuang could no longer hesitate. Her eyes flashed fiercely as she stabbed the old man’s back with the dagger.

The dagger, imbued with Yan Chaosheng’s spiritual energy, easily pierced the old man’s body. He spat out a mouthful of blood and slowly collapsed.

Liu Shuang quickly moved to the cauldron to release Qingluan.

But just as she touched the cauldron, she heard an eerie laugh behind her. Turning, she saw the old man she had just stabbed standing up, grinning strangely at her.

Realizing something was wrong, she tried to release Qingluan and prepare to fight together, but the cauldron suddenly disappeared.

The old man’s appearance began to change.

From an elderly figure, he slowly transformed into a stunningly beautiful young woman.

The ghost crows cried out in unison as the woman collapsed weakly, clutching her abdominal wound, her face pale.

Seeing the woman’s face clearly, Liu Shuang felt as if struck by lightning. It was an extremely familiar face.

Every day, looking in the mirror while grooming, she saw a face very similar to this. The woman looked very much like Liu Shuang!

The woman, exuding immortal energy, wore white, while Liu Shuang wore green. In the blood mist of the ghost realm, it was almost impossible to tell them apart.

The woman clutched her wound, seemingly confused as the injury originally on her heart had shifted to her abdomen.

She staggered, and in an instant, a figure dressed in black appeared and supported her.

“Mi Chu, how are you?”

Mi Chu, with blood trickling from the corner of her mouth, leaned into Yan Chaosheng’s embrace, enduring the pain as she shook her head.

“I’m fine.”

Mi Chu looked at Liu Shuang with a sorrowful tone and said, “Madam, I know you don’t like me. It’s my fault for coming to the ghost realm and disturbing you.”

Mi Chu’s words made Liu Shuang realize that everything was a setup. The eerie pavilion, the old man she saw, and the cauldron meant to refine Qingluan were all part of a trap laid by this Immortal Lord’s Consort.

Liu Shuang turned to Yan Chaosheng.

He sneered coldly, “Why did you hurt her?”

Liu Shuang had never seen such a distant and cold expression from him before, as if he were looking at a stranger. It was clear at this moment whom he trusted.

Looking at the face so similar to her own, Liu Shuang felt a chilling coldness spread through her body.

So, this was the Immortal Lord Consort’s Mi Chu.

Her heart, tempered through countless trials, ached slightly. She pressed her lips tightly together, watching them from a distance. The vague suspicions in her heart are now connected, making her tremble uncontrollably.

Liu Shuang curved her lips into a smile, though it was a pale one. “Yan Chaosheng, did you marry me because of her?”

A century of companionship, all because she bore a face similar to Mi Chu’s?

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