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Chapter 17

Cheng Nanyu didn’t expect to see him at Master Jiarong’s place.

Cherry blossoms were falling all over the courtyard. Following a young monk from Beichan Temple, Cheng Nanyu walked a winding path to a secluded, small courtyard and stopped at the entrance. Cheng Lingdong, unwilling to come along, so she had no choice but to bring Qingluan alone. At this moment, seeing this remote place, she felt somewhat uneasy.

“Sir, this is where Master Jiarong lives. You can go in directly.”

Cheng Nanyu nodded.

The young monk, seeing him nod, made a welcoming gesture and then turned to leave. Qingluan watched the monk leave, curiously peeking inside and tilting her head to look at the plaque above the door.

“Floating Cloud Pavilion”

Perhaps finding the name strange, Qingluan stared at the plaque for a long time, lost in thought about its meaning. Hearing her voice, Cheng Nanyu also wanted to look up, but just as he raised his head and before he could clearly see the words on the plaque, he heard a voice from the courtyard.

“Since the benefactor has arrived, why not come in?”

The voice was steady and powerful, indicating it belonged to a middle-aged man. Cheng Nanyu slightly lifted her skirt, stepping on the scattered petals as she walked to the door and pushed open the heavy and old wooden door.

Seeing Cheng Nanyu go in, Qingluan, knowing this was not a place she should enter, stood obediently at the door, waiting.

Cheng Nanyu entered the courtyard and, unexpectedly, saw no one inside. However, a small room at the edge of the courtyard had a chimney with wisps of smoke, indicating someone was inside.

The door to the small room was closed. She walked over and knocked lightly. The door opened with a creak, making a somewhat grating sound.

“Good morning, sister.”

As Cheng Nanyu prepared to lift her skirt to step over the threshold, she heard a familiar voice. She looked up sharply and saw someone standing by the window with their back to her, the silhouette unmistakable as Song Yushu.


The person by the window slowly turned around. He wore white clothes, standing against the light, making it hard for Cheng Nanyu to see his expression clearly.

“This is the sister you mentioned?”

The room wasn’t very bright, and Cheng Nanyu couldn’t see where the speaker was. Suddenly, the person was right in front of her.

The man looked in his early forties, wearing a tattered robe patched in several places. His smooth, bald head made it clear he was a monk. Cheng Nanyu sized him up, thinking he was probably the Master Jiarong her brother mentioned.

“I thought sister would arrive by noon.”

Song Yushu walked over from the window, seemingly blocking Cheng Nanyu’s view of Master Jiarong. Unable to see the master, Cheng Nanyu could only look up at her brother.

For some reason, she felt her brother seemed to be mocking her.

“Brother, why are you here?”

She felt a bit annoyed, but knew it was unnecessary. Her brother was here because he knew Master Jiarong. Even though he was aware of her situation, it was kind of him to remind her, which wasn’t easy.

Why was she feeling stubborn?

Had she already accepted him as her brother, meant to help her?

As soon as the thought surfaced, Cheng Nanyu shook her head. Whether or not she accepts Song Yushu as her brother, she shouldn’t think that way.

“This little girl is completely fooled by this fox. Did he send you here?”

Song Yushu didn’t answer, but Master Jiarong seemed keen to join the conversation, shaking his head in amusement. He looked at Cheng Nanyu, who hesitated before nodding.

“I knew it. This little girl, what did the fox tell you about me?”

Confident and seemingly dominant, he stood beside Song Yushu but lacked any real aura, appearing quite amiable.

“My brother—”

Cheng Nanyu frowned, trying to recall what her brother had told her about Master Jiarong. After a while, she couldn’t remember much, only that he told her to find the master.

“I only told her you could help.”

Song Yushu, seeing Cheng Nanyu’s awkward silence, stepped in to help. He even guided her to a table, poured her a cup of tea, and then relaxed.

This unexpected gesture surprised Cheng Nanyu. It seemed her brother had always been kind to her, even though they didn’t get along when they were younger.

Master Jiarong, who was standing nearby, saw that he was ignored by the two people and was also led astray by Song Yushu’s hasty words. He immediately jumped up and down, with a rather unyielding attitude.

“What do you mean I’m useful? Am I only useful for the useless ones?”

He slapped Song Yushu on the shoulder, who seemed annoyed and tried to twist his arm but missed. Master Jiarong wasn’t one to back down and struck back, forcing Song Yushu to let go.

“Song Fox, I taught you martial arts, and you don’t call me master. How dare you use them against me!”

Though he called him a fox, his triumphant look seemed more like one. Cheng Nanyu noticed her brother nursing his injured wrist.

“Brother, you—”

“Weren’t you here for his help?”

She thought her brother had been nice lately and was about to express concern when he interrupted, reminding her of their purpose.

But how was she supposed to ask for help without knowing how Master Jiarong could help her?

Just as she hesitated, her right hand was grabbed again.

“I need an antidote for the Mist Lotus poison.”

The hand was warm as usual.

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