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Chapter 7

Ning Xi wasn’t lying; Immortal Lang Yin was indeed planting flowers. While chaos reigned outside and Xu Manman’s body was barely cold, he had the leisure to plant flowers.

Xu Manman went to the herb garden to see Immortal Lang Yin at noon because she knew his mood was the most stable and his temper was the mildest at that time. Lang Yin’s true form was a thousand-petaled hibiscus, and like all transformed spirits, his human form retained his original nature. The hibiscus changes color three times a day, and so does Lang Yin’s temperament. Xu Manman, skilled at reading people, had long figured out his moods: indifferent in the morning, gentle at noon, sharp and irritable by evening, and reclusive at night.

According to her master, three thousand years ago, a great war between gods and demons erupted at Liangjie Mountain. The chaotic and demonic energies turned the area into a wasteland, where a graceful hibiscus bloomed alone for a thousand years before transforming into human form, becoming Immortal Lang Yin. Unique among flower spirits, he was revered as a flower immortal rather than just a flower spirit.

Nian Yi, proficient in herbalism, had some acquaintance with Lang Yin. When Xu Manman first met Lang Yin at the herb garden at fourteen, she was astonished to find such a great immortal hidden within the modest Siyi Sect. She cautiously curried favor with this unattainable flower that only grows on the high peak for three hundred years, but she never felt she warmed his aloof heart. She was baffled as to why he would publicly declare himself her Dao companion.

(T/N: this is a literal translation from the word (gāo lǐng huā), a term used to describe noble and often cold beauties that seem unattainable. Some translate this as (flower on the high peak) or (unattainable beauty) but I decided to combine both and make it more poetic..hehe)

Xu Manman approached the herb garden carefully, waved to Lang Yin from outside the fence, and greeted him with a hint of flattery, “Greetings, Immortal Lang Yin.”

He remained focused on the muddy field, seemingly ignoring her. His pristine white robes, with petal-like pale pink sleeves and hem, and a green sword-turned-belt around his slim waist. His back was like a pine, his ink hair was like a waterfall, and his jade appearance was divine, worthy of the name of immortal.

Even though Xu Manman was used to seeing such an immortal figure, she couldn’t help but think, “What’s the big deal about Qun Yu Fangzun being the first beauty? Immortal Lang Yin is the true unrivaled beauty.”

Unfortunately, this beautiful person had a sharp tongue. She recalled how, soon after meeting him, she was deceived by his divine looks, thinking he was kind-hearted, only to find his words cutting.

Once, she complained to her master, “Master, didn’t you say the thousand-petaled hibiscus is a medicinal plant, a savior of lives? Why are Immortal Master’s words so hurtful?”

Her master sighed, “Even medicine is three parts poison.”

He wasn’t wrong. She had endured Lang Yin’s venomous tongue yet achieved her later success under his guidance. She never understood why an indifferent immortal like Lang Yin would so diligently train her for her master. How many life-saving debts did this owe…

“Immortal Master, are you planting lotuses?”

Xu Manman tentatively asked.

Lang Yin finally responded, turning to her indifferently, “Do you know how to plant them?”

Because of her poor aptitude for cultivation, Xu Manman had been assigned to learn flower planting for four years. Only when Immortal Lang Yin arrived did she focus on cultivation, having watched her master plant for many years and becoming quite proficient in planting spiritual herbs.

“I know a bit,” she replied modestly.

Lang Yin coldly turned away.

“If you only know a bit, don’t embarrass yourself.”

Xu Manman felt wronged.

“Immortal Master, I really do know how to plant flowers.”

“Then why did you lie to me just now?” He retorted without turning around.

“I was just being modest…” Xu Manman’s usually eloquent tongue failed her with Lang Yin.

Who knew a bit of modesty would cost her Lang Yin’s trust…

“What do you use to water plants?” Lang Yin questioned.

Xu Manman paused, then answered, “Manure?”

Immortal Lang Yin was also stunned, and then his face darkened. He flicked his sleeves towards where Xu Manman was standing, and suddenly a tyrannical and overbearing spiritual energy lifted Xu Manman up and flew her back dozens of feet, falling into the dust.

Xu Manman felt so wronged; this was what her master taught her!

She stumbled back, insisting, “I don’t know what I said wrong. Please, Immortal Master, enlighten me!”

Lang Yin replied, “Why should I?”

“Because… I am Lian Yue Daozun’s Dao companion!” Xu Manman boldly declared.

Lang Yin finally looked at her, his face icy. He reached out, gripping her delicate neck.

“Isn’t living well enough?” Lang Yin coldly asked, holding her in his grasp.

Xu Manman’s face turned red. She clawed at his hand but couldn’t break free. The difference in their cultivation levels was too vast for her to resist.

No, Lang Yin was usually more humane at noon. What had changed?

Something was wrong with Lang Yin!

His expression indifferent, Lang Yin slowly said, “Since you’re about to die, I’ll teach you one thing. To grow flowers, you need to water them with fresh blood. Flowers feed on decaying corpses.”

As he spoke, he began to lower her into the mud, seemingly ready to bury her as fertilizer.

Summoning all her strength, Xu Manman desperately activated the golden core that didn’t belong to her, trying to restore her spiritual energy. Finally, as she was half-buried, she gathered enough energy for a forceful strike to Lang Yin’s neck.

Lang Yin’s brow furrowed, his grip loosening slightly. Xu Manman seized the chance to escape, fleeing the herb garden.

Lang Yin coldly watched her flee, quickly catching up with a swift move.

Realizing she couldn’t outrun him, Xu Manman turned to face Lang Yin, shouting, “I know who stole Xu Manman’s body!”

Lang Yin’s hand stopped just short of her forehead, his fingers poised to destroy her spiritual aperture.

“What did you say?” Lang Yin narrowed his eyes.

Xu Manman moved aside to avoid Immortal Lang Yin’s fingers. His hand followed, still pointing at her spiritual aperture.

Xu Manman: “…”

Lang Yin stared at her coldly, ready to kill at any moment.

“What do you want to say?”

“Ahem…” Xu Manman cleared her throat.

“Actually, I have a theory. The Daozun’s body was never lost from Xianyun Hall.”

“Why do you say that?” Lang Yin asked.

“When the icy jade coffin exploded, I was the first to rush in. I grabbed nothing but Daozun’s robe. Earlier, Ning Xi and other disciples saw the Daozun being laid to rest, so everyone assumed someone caused a disturbance and stole the body in the chaos,” Xu Manman explained.

“Isn’t that what happened?” Lang Yin asked.

Xu Manman shook her head.

“I don’t believe anyone could steal the body in front of so many venerable masters. Perhaps the body was never in the coffin.”

Lang Yin frowned slightly.

“You mean Manman’s body was stolen before the burial?”

“Before answering that, please clear up something for me. Why did you claim to be Xu Manman’s Dao companion?” Xu Manman asked cautiously.

“We were deeply in love, bound by life and death; thus, we were Dao companions,” Lang Yin replied.

“Uh… what did she do to make you think that…” Xu Manman mumbled.

She never expected Lang Yin to answer so seriously, yet he was clearly lying, which didn’t fit her understanding of him. Had Lang Yin been deceived by someone who looked like her?

Xu Manman prided herself on her intelligence, but she couldn’t unravel this mystery.

“Let’s assume what you said is true…”

“It is the truth,” Lang Yin interrupted, displeased.

“Alright, it is the truth!” Xu Manman quickly agreed, then added, “Then you must have had deep feelings for Xu Manman.”

Lang Yin nodded without hesitation.

Xu Manman gave a bitter smile.

“Then why weren’t you there on the day of her burial?”

“I was eliminating the Burning Heaven division to avenge her,” Lang Yin answered.

“Revenge can be taken at any time, but that final farewell is a permanent goodbye,” Xu Manman observed Lang Yin’s expression, seeking his true thoughts.

“I boldly guess that the reason you didn’t attend the burial was that you knew Xu Manman’s body wasn’t in the icy jade coffin.”

Lang Yin’s face remained impassive, but Xu Manman noticed a flicker in his eyes.

“I heard that when Xu Manman was attacked, you were the first to arrive. You retrieved her body from the Burning Heaven division evil cultivators and handed it over to Ning Xi to bring back to the Siyi Sect, while you continued to pursue the other evil cultivators. This doesn’t make sense. If you truly had deep feelings for her, how could you casually hand over her body without even seeing it one last time and instead focus solely on pursuing the other Burning Heaven division cultivators?”

Lang Yin was speechless at Xu Manman’s question.

Xu Manman sighed.

“Her body wasn’t in the icy jade coffin, and you didn’t leave the pursuit of the evil cultivators. I can only guess that her body was in the hands of the evil cultivators. If Daozun’s body fell into the hands of the Blood Sect, it would surely be turned into a puppet, disgracing the Siyi Sect and the Daoist Alliance. You, and even Xu Manman herself, would have wanted to cover it up.”

Lang Yin coldly replied, “This is just your speculation.”

“Yes, it’s my speculation, but I have evidence.”

Xu Manman smiled. “That day, I held onto the robe that fell from the icy jade coffin and found a hibiscus petal inside. Immortal Lang Yin’s cultivation is unparalleled, able to create a convincing corpse with just one petal.”

Lang Yin’s breath caught, and his eyes showed a trace of panic.

“I found it strange that Xu Manman, esteemed as Lian Yue Daozun, leader of the righteous path, would be hastily buried after just seven days. She should have lain in state for forty-nine days to receive the world’s homage… I realized it was because the flower petal illusion could only last seven days. You feared people discovering that Xu Manman’s body was in the Blood Sect’s hands.”

“Hand over the petal,” Lang Yin demanded harshly.

“So it was a petal…” Xu Manman revealed a knowing smile.

“I actually didn’t see any petal. Everything I said was speculation, but now it’s confirmed.”

“You!” Lang Yin’s expression changed, grabbing Xu Manman again and demanding, “Who else knows about this?”

Xu Manman looked at Lang Yin’s divine face up close, feeling deeply moved. For a moment, she believed in Lang Yin’s deep affection for her.

“If I die, many will know.” Xu Manman wasn’t afraid of dying now, having found Lang Yin’s weakness.

It felt a bit despicable to exploit Lang Yin’s care for her.

Her initial suspicion came from Ning Xi’s words. Ning Xi mentioned that Lian Yue Daozun’s body was intact, but Xu Manman knew she had lost an arm before she died. If the body was intact, it had to be fake. And since Lang Yin handed the body to Ning Xi, the Burning Heaven division couldn’t have deceived him; if they had the ability, they wouldn’t have been annihilated by him.

However, she couldn’t reveal this most fundamental piece of evidence since only Xu Manman herself could know she had lost an arm.

With this clue, everything else fell into place. Her small probe elicited evidence from Lang Yin.

She came here today to ask Lang Yin about her body’s whereabouts. But after what happened, she had a ridiculous suspicion—could Lang Yin have used her body to plant flowers?

Her eyes involuntarily glanced at the muddy pit behind Lang Yin…

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