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Chapter 46-Part 1

His Highness’s genuine concern would have moved any advisor in the residence to tears over the handkerchief he gave.

However, Jiang Xiurun, who had long been the recipient of the Crown Prince’s affection and was on the verge of depression, felt immense pressure about the upcoming tea gathering. She waved her hand dismissively and said, “Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness, but sharing a bed is too hot and uncomfortable!”

The Crown Prince wasn’t offended by the cold response from the young tutor. Compared to Young Master Jiang’s increasing temper, His Highness has become much more gentle and easygoing lately.

They were on their way to attend a tea party hosted by Master Mufeng.

Besides Master Mufeng’s prized students, the tea party would be attended by renowned scholars and literati from various countries studying in Qi, making it a rare and distinguished gathering.

Master Mufeng had lofty ideals and was not merely a bookworm. Thus, his tea gathering was divided into three sections: poetry, music, and discussions on governance.

In the poetry section, attendees would present and recite their latest works, sharing their insights.

Given Master Mufeng’s high reputation, poems praised by him during the tea gathering would be widely copied, circulated, and even included in the royal song collection of the year, to be performed at gatherings of nobility and officials.

Thus, Master Mufeng’s tea gathering was a splendid opportunity for making a name for oneself.

The music section was equally exceptional. The people of Qi admired beautiful music, especially in Luo’an City, where playing the ancient qin was a highly regarded skill.

During the wars of the previous dynasty, many ancient melodies were lost to the flames, becoming rare treasures. Many noble scholars dedicated their lives to restoring these ancient tunes, and Master Mufeng was one such expert. Today, he planned to play a recently restored piece at the banquet.

As for the “discussions,” they were the favorites of those like Feng Liwu, who were engrossed in worldly power and strategy, focusing on topics related to national policies and public welfare.

In her previous life, Master Mufeng’s tea gathering was one of the rarest and most splendid events in Luo’an City. He wasn’t one to seek fame and fortune, and the frequency of his tea gatherings was unpredictable, sometimes with no events for an entire year.

In her past life, Jiang Xiurun, an adept socialite, was never able to attend such a truly elegant tea gathering.

Unexpectedly, in this life, she was attending as one of Master Mufeng’s students, which filled her with mixed feelings and a bit of insecurity.

Upon arriving at the banquet, she found that only a few students from the elite Tian branch of the academy were present.

As a student from the Ding branch, her presence at the banquet drew some attention.

Marquis Jinghou, Fan Zhongkun, had brought his niece Princess Tian to the banquet as well.

Seeing the Crown Prince arrive with Young Master Jiang, Marquis Jinghou snorted slightly.

The Jinghou family was one of the most prestigious old families in Luo’an City, having been one of the three major families that protected the founding emperor during a perilous time.

Because of this, Marquis Jinghou had always held himself in high regard.

Now, with his niece being the designated Crown Princess, the Jinghou family felt even more honored.

He had only one sister, who married far away to Han, and now his niece was marrying back to Qi. He needed to ensure that his niece was well-settled.

However, with the official lists for the primary and secondary consorts yet to be announced, the entry of a hostage princess from Bo State into the residence had been a slap in the face for Marquis Jinghou and his niece Tian Ying.

According to his niece, Tian Ying, the Crown Prince seemed to have an improper relationship with Young Master Jiang, being infatuated with male beauty! Under the spell of a male fox spirit, he even intended to take a woman who had borne a child as a concubine!

Thus, Marquis Jinghou looked at Young Master Jiang with anger.

In such a refined setting, the Crown Prince had brought an uncultured male lover! It was said that Young Master Jiang was ranked in the Ding branch of the academy.

Master Mufeng was never one to flatter the powerful, and he would always maintain decorum. What kind of students were in the Ding branch? Didn’t Jiang Herun realize this? Someone with no literary talent dared to show up here!

Without needing his niece to voice her grievances, Marquis Jinghou had already decided to make Young Master Jiang look bad.

In fact, Jiang Xiurun’s attendance was not due to the Crown Prince’s favor or any backdoor arrangements.

She had received an invitation from Master Mufeng early on, but the Crown Prince had not allowed her to leave the residence until that morning.

Although she was a student from the Ding branch, Master Mufeng had always held Young Master Jiang in high regard, despite his initial entry through connections.

Back then, this bold student suggested to the Crown Prince that heroes should not be judged solely by their literary talents and that both literary and martial paths should be cultivated for different talents.

Upon hearing this, Master Mufeng secretly watched some students demonstrate martial skills.

He discovered that Dou Siwu, who seemed clueless in other areas, was a rare military talent. According to the teacher who taught military strategy and formations, Dou Siwu had a natural flair for military exercises, as long as he wasn’t holding a brush.

After this, reflecting on his previous harsh treatment and neglect of students like Dou Siwu, the ever-self-reflective Master Mufeng felt deep remorse.

Naturally, he was also deeply grateful to the person who pointed out the flaws in his teaching methods.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that he had not only misjudged Dou Siwu but also that Young Master Jiang, who initially seemed like a shallow puddle, was in fact an unfathomable deep pool.

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