Home Post 1888-chapter-62


Huo Ping knew for the first time that some people could really be so terrified of dying to such an extent!

Just waiting for the car, she’d say the weather was too hot, too dusty, and the air was too stuffy, and every bit of it was her lifeline. It was difficult enough to wait for the car to come, and then she sat herself right behind the driver, steadily fastened her seat belt, and told the driver master to drive slowly and drive a little carefully. Everything was safety first, and it didn’t matter if they arrived late, she was not in a hurry.

Huo Ping couldn’t help but cover his eyes, pretending he didn’t see. He was ashamed.

He couldn’t help but sarcastically say, “If you are so worried, why do you go out? Why not go back now? How safe your home is, and there is no danger.”

Even Jiang Xiaobao, after learning that the purpose of going out this time was actually eating hot pot, could not help but persuade his sister not to go and just walk around outside. If his parents and grandparents knew about that he took his sister out for something like this and didn’t say anything, wouldn’t they kill him?

“No,“ Jiang Nian said.

“If it weren’t for my cousin who said she would take me to eat hot pot, I wouldn’t want to go out. I have never eaten hot pot. My parents and grandparents won’t allow me to because of my poor health. Even if it’s not for hotpot, even spicy foods and heavy foods aren’t allowed on the table. This time I will go and see, in the end, what the smell of hot pot is.”

In this world, there was an upstart who had never eaten hot pot? That was indeed a bit pitiful.

Huo Ping knew about Jiang Nian’s ill-health. Besides, Jiang Nian was so small and skinny, and her face did not look very good, and she was a little pale, not even as big as him despite being several years older. If not that her temperament was too weird and she was so afraid of death and her strength was too great, Huo Ping would still see her as a simple patient. Now…forget it.

He glanced at Liu Yingying, who was sitting next to Jiang Nian-because there were so many people, they split into two cars. Huo Ping, Jiang Nian, Liu Yingying, and Jiang Xiaobao in one, and Chen Yi and Xu Lihai in another. Huo Ping took the co-pilot, behind him was Jiang Xiaobao, with Liu Yingying sitting between Jiang Xiaobao and Jiang Nian.

Liu Yingying’s smiling mouth was a bit stiff: “I also saw that my cousin wanted to eat, so I said to take her out. But she can only taste it and can’t eat more. It’s bad for her health.”

Huo Ping didn’t speak, while Jiang Nian was happy and grateful, saying, “The cousin is really interested in me. She said before that she’d take me to an amusement park and also said that the roller coaster is fun and exciting. If I didn’t care about my sick body, I would definitely go with you. It’s a waste of cousin’s kindness. This time you even said to take me to eat hot pot. It’s nice to have you by my side!”

Jiang Xiaobao touched the back of the head and said blankly, “Sister, your health is so bad that the doctor said you can’t do anything too exciting. You can’t even participate in morning exercises. How can you go to the amusement park? Cousin, don’t take my sister. It’s too dangerous!”

Liu Yingying panicked and pinched her nails and said with a gentle smile: “I mean, my cousin is fifteen years old, but she still hasn’t experienced many things, and has only been kept at home. Every day, she is either at school or at home, and she doesn’t go to the outside world to take a look, so I wanted to take her to go and see. I wouldn’t let cousin participate in those activities, right?”

Jiang Nian smiled and whispered, “Yes, cousin is doing it for my sake.”

Although Jiang Xiaobao was intelligent, he was only thirteen years old and grew up in a loving and harmonious family, so he didn’t think so much. Although changing to a new school was unsatisfactory, on the whole, he was still a sunny guy. Naturally, he couldn’t see any of Liu Yingying’s bad thoughts. After all, his sister really said many times that she wanted to eat hot pot and wanted to go out to play. Even if Liu Yingying was sometimes harsh, he did not expect Liu Yingying to be malicious to his sister.

Huo Ping was different. His family meant he was destined to contact things that were not very simple. Although grandpa was very kind to him and his parents were strict with him, he grew up in the center of power. He heard a lot from adults, including some secretive methods, so he almost immediately felt that Liu Yingying didn’t seem to be very simple?

Even the driver master looked at Jiang Nian from the rearview mirror and saw that she was indeed a little thinner than others, and her face was also unhealthy white, no blood, and looked strange. If the little girl’s health was really so bad, then the cousin trying to take her out to eat hot pot and play in an amusement park didn’t seem too sensible?

The driver master said, “What is delicious and fun is not as important as life. No life, how can you eat and play?”

Jiang Xiaobao nodded immediately; this was too reasonable! Jiang Nian also said, “I know. I cherish my life, but the way the cousin described hot pot is too attractive, so I came out to taste it. After I taste it, I will definitely not think about it again in the future! ”

Huo Ping glanced back at Jiang Nian and then Liu Yingying. Liu Yingying jumped in her heart. She didn’t know why; she was a little flustered in her heart. But, this car, aside from the driver, was full of children. She didn’t need to panic at all…

Liu Yingying said: “Niannian, for your body’s sake, I won’t take you out to eat hot pot in the future.”

Jiang Nian smiled and said: “Thank you cousin. Without you, how could I get hot pot? Only once is enough.”

……Liu Yingying couldn’t laugh anymore. She always felt that Jiang Nian smile was hiding deep maliciousness, but it was not like that. Jiang Nian was so stupid, how could she know that she deliberately wanted to ruin her? No, it was impossible.

Huo Ping made a sound. This hot pot was not addictive to eat, but, if you didn’t eat it for a long time, you’d want to taste it. It was better to never have it at all…just like him, it couldn’t be said that he liked it, but he wanted to eat hot pot every once in a while and would feel panicked if he didn’t eat it.

The weirdness in Huo Ping’s heart was getting heavier and he felt as if he neglected something, but he couldn’t figure out where the problem was.

At the door of the hot pot restaurant, the group got out of the car.

There weren’t many people in the hot pot restaurant in the early afternoon, just scattered five or six tables, and the hot pot smell also came from those five or six tables. Before they entered the door, they smelled a strong hot pot smell- very oily and spicy.

Liu Yingying held Jiang Nian’s hand and said, “It’s very fragrant? The taste here is also delicious. My friends and I have eaten it several times.”

Jiang Nian nodded seriously, “Fragrant, it is indeed very fragrant. But how many years of my life do I have to lose by smelling it? The air and environment here are really bad! ”

Liu Yingying: “………“ Is there such an exaggeration?

Jiang Xiaobao was very worried: “Sister, let’s go home. You can’t eat, we don’t eat.”

In fact, Liu Yingying also wanted to go back a little. She thought of retreating on the way because she was originally planning to take Jiang alone. With her past experience, as long as Jiang Nian ate a few bites of oily and spicy food, she would be uncomfortable. She heard that Jiang Nian was born inadequate, and her delicate body was due to problems in her mother’s womb. Since childhood, she was a medicine jar and could catch a cold whenever wind struck her. Her resistance was also very bad; she got sick every ten days or half month. But where did she think she not only brought Jiang Xiaobao, but also Huo Ping, Chen Yi, and Xu Lihai! Since Jiang Nian made her uncomfortable, why not trouble her?

“Niannian, if you can’t do it, let’s go back?”

Jiang Nian frowned, thinking, and said embarrassedly, “This is coming, how can I waste my cousin’s good intentions? Just go in and see. Even if I don’t eat, it’s okay to watch you eat.”

Huo Ping shouted, “Whether you eat or not, anyway, it’s not us who’ll bear the discomfort.”

……This little fart boy, how could you tell the truth!

Anyway, they finally sat down. The group of six people sat around a small square table, ordered a mandarin duck pot. Liu Yingying ordered, Chen Yi also ordered dishes and drinks, and Jiang Xiaobao gave Jiang Nian a bowl of eight treasure porridge. Jiang Nian took a few sips, relishing the sweet and glutinous rice.

When the pot was served, the spicy red oil gurgled and bubbled up, and the mashed duck intestine was put in and swirled twice, picked up and dipped in the oil sauce, wrapped in leaves and eaten in one bite, the taste couldn’t be more fragrant!

——Of course, this was the taste in Jiang Nian’s memory.

She watched Jiang Xiaobao chew and sip, pouting her mouth, greedy drooling.

But even greedy, she was still a Big Gold slave. A bite was nothing!

Jiang Xiaobao was embarrassed to eat. Of course, he did not dare to persuade his sister to take a bite. So, he cooked two pieces of vegetable leaves and two ribs in the clear soup and put it in a clean porcelain bowl without dip, before giving it to Jiang Nian, to taste.

Jiang Nian was tired of this stew. She often ate a variety of tonic soups for her at home. There were many crucian carp soups and ginseng chicken soups. It was more nutritious at home and cleaner than this restaurant. She didn’t want to eat.

Jiang Xiaobao was embarrassed to eat; it felt as if his sister was suffering and he was enjoying happiness. Huo Ping was very happy, and also deliberately lamented that the food was ‘so spicy, so spicy, so numb, so numb, so delicious, so delicious!’

Jiang Nian stared at him for a long time and drank more porridge.

Liu Yingying couldn’t speak to persuade Jiang Nian to try anything. Did she dare to act on her careful thoughts with so many people watching? She only ate and took care of Jiang Xiaobao from time to time, telling him that this was delicious and that was delicious, and this tasted really delicious. Not to mention that she was good-looking and also ate so deliciously, naturally it made people want to eat.

She didn’t believe that Jiang Nian could hold back!

However, she was really wrong. When she was about to finish eating, Jiang Nian was still drinking the bowl of porridge. Her concentration was surprisingly good.

She probably couldn’t understand Jiang Nian’s love for Big Gold, so she couldn’t understand how Jiang Nian could be so calm.

Until this meal was almost over, Liu Yingying was a little bit overwhelmed. She looked at Jiang Nian very understandingly and said softly, “Cousin, you see your saliva is almost coming out, or you taste a bit? It should be no problem to take a bite.”

Jiang Nian lit up. Wasn’t she waiting for this moment? It’s time to show her determination for Big Gold.

“Cousin, you are so kind to me!”


Liu Yingying smiled, “But you can only take a bite, and more will not work.”

Jiang Nian also said with a smile, “Cousin is so good to me, but I still am unable to live up to my cousin’s good intentions. For the sake of my family, I still don’t eat it. Although I would like to try it, I know that I will definitely feel uncomfortable when I take a bite. I can’t be so selfish. Cousin, you don’t have to persuade me.”

Liu Yingying: “…………!!! ”

Jiang Xiaobao was still stupid, he tried his best not to let his sister eat, how could this cousin still persuade? Even one bit was too much!

Huo Ping coughed; he finally knew what was wrong. The cousin, who knew that her cousin was in poor health, had something untouchable, but secretly took her cousin out to eat. When the cousin drank a bowl of rice porridge from the beginning to the end, she was about to pay the bill and leave, and didn’t make any fuss to eat it, she actually persuaded others to try it? Was this just carelessness or was something wrong?

Jiang Nian: “Oh, by the way, today my cousin only promised to take me out alone, but I worried about the safety of my life and called you together. Do you want to keep our itinerary confidential today? Will you come again? My cousin will take me out to experience life next time.”

Jiang Xiaobao, Huo Ping, Chen Yi and Xu Lihai all looked at Liu Yingying in a few moments.

Liu Yingying: “…………!!!!!!”


Huo Ping just went out with Jiang Nian, but he felt as if he had gone out to fight a war, especially tired, and his heart was tired. To make matters worse, Jiang Nian actually said that he, Chen Yi, Xu Lihai, and Jiang Xiaobao were her front and back law protectors? This person was really shameless! Who was her protector?!

He returned home angrily, and there was a guest at home. His grandfather and his cousin were in the living room with the guest and the aunt had brought out tea and fruit pastries. He glanced at it and knew that those people must have come to ask his grandfather to do something.

When the grandfather saw the grandson’s return, his gray-haired and wrinkled face smiled, and his eyes were full of sharpness: “I am old and useless. I can’t care about your young people’s business, so I want to enjoy a peaceful retirement.”

The middle-aged guest looked at Huo Ling beside Grandpa Huo. Although he was only 22 years old and still young, Huo Ling already had a sharp edge. He heard that although he wasn’t suited for studying since young, after high school, he was thrown into the army by his family. After a few years, he was already a lieutenant. Depending on the relationships of his family, his future was promising! He heard that he was injured and recuperating after a relatively important task some time ago. So young and so powerful, if he knew that Huo Ling was recuperating in this small city, he would have called his daughter to come together.

Huo Ling narrowed his eyes, and the dark eyes looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was shocked in his heart. He laughed a few times and could only leave. Who knew that when he got to the door, the aunt handed him the gifts he’d brought, which was obviously a rejection. Thinking he was also a character who called the wind and rain, who didn’t give him a face? Yet, he still couldn’t raise his head in front of a junior of the Huo family. How could he stay further and lose even more face?

As soon as the man left, the old man’s smile was more real. Looking at the little grandson who was holding the kettle and drinking non-stop, he asked, “Don’t you say today that you are hanging out with your friends, how come you look unhappy? Are you children in conflict? ”

Huo Ping was also a broken mouth, he couldn’t hide things at all. Not to mention he was in front of his grandfather who loved him the most: “Grandpa, I think Jiang Nian’s brain is wrong! ”

The old man laughed very kindly: “What happened to Jiang Nian?”

Huo Ping la la la said it all, saying that Jiang Nian asked them to set the first, second, and third shortcut keys of mobile phone number to 120, 110, 119, because it was convenient to rescue her at any time! He said Jiang Nian was greedy and was afraid of dying, so as soon as she went out, she said that when the weather was bad, she was burning her little life. She said that the air quality was not good, she was suffering from chronic poisoning and needed to rest. The most important thing was: “Grandpa, do you know what is the funniest? Jiang Nian actually asked me, Xiao Yi, Li Hai, and her younger brother Jiang Xiaobao to walk in the four directions around her, saying it is necessary to protect her life safety, and it would be convenient to rescue her at any time when she faints. No matter what angle, she is not afraid of falling! She even has the nerve to say if we can’t do it, we’re not qualified to be her four grand front and back law protectors! She said our slogan is ‘On heaven and earth, the life of Jiang Nian is the biggest’. I think she is confused! I’m not one of her four grand front and back law protectors! ”

The old man stunned, blinked his eyes, and doubted if there was a problem with his hearing? Huo Ling was drinking tea. Hearing that, he couldn’t help but spurt out. He wiped the tea stains on his lips with the back of his hand and coughed to hide his smile.

“So, you went out today to run errands for others…To protect the law?”

Huo Ping stiffened: “I’m not!”

The old man already stroked his beard and laughed, “Your new friend is quite interesting. Bring her back someday. Grandpa will also take a look.”

Huo Ping exclaimed, “Jiang Nian is not my friend.”

He shouted, and then his cousin was actually smiling, and he couldn’t help feeling more embarrassed. No one in this family understood him!

The old man said, “Well, it’s not right now, it will be in the future.”

Huo Ping seriously refused, “Not in the future, Jiang Nian’s eyes are only filled with her golden life! I don’t want to be friends with cowards.”


“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

The old man was so happy he lost control. Huo Ling also couldn’t help laughing, which made Huo Ping annoyed. He was too lazy to talk to the family who didn’t understand him and turned and ran away.

Although Jiang Nian threatened him to go out with her with his original gamble, he really thought that Jiang Nian intended to please him and make friends with him. After all, there were too many people who wanted to be friends with him; even a lot of adults wanted to please him and gave him various gifts. He expected Jiang Nian would be like this too. In his view, gambling was just an excuse.

Where did he know that Jiang Nian caught him to do shit protection? The only thing that sick seedling cared about was her precious life!


Jiang Nian and Jiang Xiaobao and Liu Yingying returned home, and Father and Mother Jiang were not present. Grandpa Jiang was fertilizing the seedlings in the yard while Grandma Jiang was picking vegetables in the kitchen. Liu Yingying greeted to the elderly and then took Jiang Nian and Jiang Xiaobao upstairs and told them to go back to the room to take a shower and change their clothes. After walking outside for so long, they sweated and were stained a lot of dust.

In fact, the most important thing was that she was afraid that the hot pot smell would spread to other people’s noses. Wouldn’t today’s thing be exposed?

Of course, Jiang Nian had to change her clothes. After all, bacteria covered clothing was not conducive to her illness. The little fatty didn’t think about it so much.

Waiting for the evidence to be wiped out, Liu Yingying asked them to keep it secret again, seeing Jiang Nian and Jiang Xiaobao honestly agreeing to it, and then barely relieved. Of course, she did not completely rest assured and worried that Jiang Xiaobao would accidentally say something wrong. Fortunately, she quietly bought some sugar to coax him, and promised to buy him sugar every week later. The child only remembered whether he ate or not, and soon forgot.

After two days, it was really calm, Liu Yingying guessed that their outing was definitely concealed. When she went to school with confidence on Monday, she had just arrived at the school and Qi Bin came to offer diligence. Liu Yingying suffered because of Qi Bin in the last life. He was originally her first love. She gave him all her first times. The two made promised to be together for a lifetime, but Qi Bin went to college and met a rich woman then dumped her afterwards. At that time, she was still pregnant with his child, but he didn’t recognize it at all, and he threw hundreds of dollars to let her go to the hospital to abort it, saying that she should not discredit him.

Liu Yingying was furious. Of course, she was unwilling to give birth to a scumbag’s child. Besides, she was still in college. At that time, she did not dare to find money at home to get the procedure. before. At that time, Jiang Nian also went to college, and performed better than her. When she was a child, she was obviously a sick young man. But after entering college, her inconspicuous cousin actually became beautiful, and she was still recognized as a school tyrant1. Her parents were also kind to her, everything on her body was the best, however much pocket money she wanted was her pocket money. Where could her thousand yuan a month compare?

Plus, Jiang Nian even married a good man in the end…Liu Yingying was unwilling to think more and more, looked at the young Qi Bin in front of him, and started plotting.

She did not specifically reject Qi Bin, but began to talk about her beautiful, gentle and rich cousin in front of Qi Bin. Seeing Qi Bin really moved, Liu Yingying snorted coldly. She would not be delayed by Qi Bin again in this life; she would go to the best university and marry the best man!

However, when she calculated carefully, Jiang Nian took sick leave again. She said that she was uncomfortable and wanted to take a rest for two days. Jiang Xiaobao was anxious. After all, Jiang Nian was in good health and could go out to play not long ago. So why was she suddenly uncomfortable? Was she tired from when they went out?

When he went to see her sister, he watched his sister leaning on his mother’s arms to take medicine, saying, “I didn’t mean to be playful, but my cousin said that she would take me to hot pot, so I couldn’t help it. But do not worry mom, I didn’t eat the food. I just might have smelled it too long, and the day was hot, so I’m somewhat uncomfortable.”

Jiang Mother was surprised: “……eat hot pot?!”

Jiang Xiaobao was dumbfounded: “………?????”

…………Wasn’t it confidential? Why was it so simply told?

When Jiang Nian saw Jiang Xiaobao coming, she waved and said, “Xiaobao, you came. You were there, tell mom. Did I eat hot pot?”
The little fatty was a little silly, protecting his butt and said, “She didn’t eat, she really didn’t eat. She only drank a bowl of porridge! ”

Jiang Nian yelled, “Yes, my cousin advised me to eat it, but I didn’t eat it. Mom, don’t worry. I know how important things are and I won’t be as capricious as when I was a kid.”

Mama Jiang was already uncomfortable. She was so relieved that she would let Liu Yingying take Jiang Nian out. How could she eat hot pot?

“Jiang Nian, you honestly make it clear, not allowed to lie!”

“No, no, we really did not lie, my sister didn’t eat any. My cousin said let my sister try some, my sister did not eat, really!”

Jiang Mother again cross-examined the two and asked Jiang Nian about what went on that day. When she remembered that Jiang Nian said that she did not want to go out to play, but Liu Yingying mentioned it several times, this time she said that they were going to eat hot pot, and Jiang Nian couldn’t help it. What did Yingying mean? In front of them, Liu Yingying promised several times that she would watch Jiang Nian and not let her eat anything bad and she would take care of Jiang Nian. Why did she propose to eat hot pot? Their family didn’t even give Jiang Nian pepper!

Mama Jiang felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she didn’t think Liu Yingying was really ill-intentioned or deliberate. Jiang Nian also said to Mama Jiang, “Mom, don’t tell your cousin that you know about it, otherwise she will be stressed, and it might affect her college entrance examination.”

Mother Jiang poked her daughter’s forehead: “Niannian is smart.”

She did not really want to question Liu Yingying. At Liu Yingying’s age, it was difficult to know the significance of matters. She couldn’t really blame, she could only mention it a little, so that she would not take Jiang Nian to eat something unsuitable in the future.

Jiang Nian had been resting for several days. Of course, she was also very crisis stricken. The school of learning madness in school was really terrible. She would definitely be surpassed if she didn’t work hard! After staying in a high position, she didn’t want to go back, and she was afraid that her genius reputation would be lost.

Therefore, although she nourished her illness at home, she still could not leave the book.

In recent days, Jiang Xiaobao could only go to school by himself. Huo Ping had seen Jiang Xiaobao alone several times without a shadow of Jiang Nian. He was curious. He asked Chen Yi to inquire and found Jiang Nian took sick leave again.

Actually, sick again? Sure enough, a sick seedling!

When he returned home from school that day, he called out to Jiang Xiaobao: “I heard that your sick seedling sister is sick again?”

Jiang Xiaobao still hated Huo Ping: “My sister is not a sick seedling. You don’t know anything.”

Huo Ping choked and snorted, “Why is it that the sick seedling is asking for leave again? That must be because she is a sick seedling.”

Jiang Xiaobao also snorted, angrily: “Then you still lost to my sister, you are not as good as the sick seedling!”

“…………!!!” Very good, we can fight again.

But Jiang Xiaobao knew that he couldn’t beat him, and, after yelling, he pulled out and ran away.

Huo Ping didn’t have a taste in his heart. Why was Jiang Nian so weak? She was sick again after going out?

He came home, worried for a while until Saturday morning, he finally figured out a key question, and immediately went to the warehouse to get some cordyceps ginseng or something that said it to be very good for the body, and asked his aunt, “Where’s grandpa?”

The aunt said that the old man and his friend had gone to play chess and it was unknown when they would come back. Huo Ping hummed and walked out carrying a box as high as his thigh. Aunt wondered, “Where are you going to take these things, young master?”

Huo Ping was stunned for a while before thinking for a while and said, “I’m going to talk to the sick seedling and, after this, I won’t owe her anymore.”

Yes, the sick seedling still held his handle. This time he could clear the relationship with her and wouldn’t be threatened by her again later.

Auntie: “…Um?” What did that mean?

Huo Ling came downstairs and said, “Are you sending these supplements to your dear friend?”

Huo Ping was a little embarrassed and said, “Yes, is there a problem?”

Huo Ling raised his eyebrows.

“Do you think there is a problem? ”

Huo Ping: “…………”

Did Jiang Nian think he would apologize?

Of course not!


It had been a week since Liu Yingying returned to Jiang house and found that everyone’s attitude towards her had not changed. She secretly asked Jiang Xiaobao if anyone found out about the hot pot. Did anything happen at home? Jiang Xiaobao immediately shook his head and said no, everything was fine. Liu Yingying was very happy, and immediately gave him a few candies.

After that, Liu Yingying went to Jiang Nian, and this time she said that she was about to go out to play.

Of course, Jiang Nian was unimpressed. What did you do with the ghost weather? It was hot and stuffy outside, so she didn’t go. Liu Yingying had no choice but to suggest going out for barbecue this time. Their relationship was so good, and she cousin also wanted to introduce her friends to Jiang Nian.

Jiang Nian was really moved, and curiously expressed that she wanted to think about it, and Liu Yingying was relieved.

Jiang Nian turned her head down and saw her mother watering the flowers in the yard in front of her door. She walked over and looked forward to her mother, “Mom, my cousin just said to take me to eat barbecue. Is it okay to go?”

Mom Jiang: “…Eat barbecue? ”

Liu Yingying who followed up: “………???!!!!!! ”

Huo Ping and Huo Ling walking outside the door: “………”

Jiang Nian also said, “Mother, don’t worry, I have four grand front and back law protectors to guard me. I will definitely be able to come back alive.”

Mama Jiang: “………?”

Huo Ping, one of the front and back law protectors:…………:)

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