Home Post 2048-chapter-1


1: Encountered the kissing scene between my sister and fiancé.


Occasionally, she has strange dreams.

Dreams where a gentle prince with soft silver hair and amethyst eyes comes to pick her up.

After peering into Leefe’s face, he smiles with a seemingly tearful expression, then hugs her so tightly that she can’t breathe and calls her an unfamiliar name.

However, such things are just dreams and mere fantasies.

Because Leefe’s fiancé is—

“Lady Leefe, it is time for your meeting with His Highness Easton. Let go to the royal palace.”

“Thank you. I hope he wakes up today.”

In response to the maid’s call, Leefe responded with a conscious and gentle smile.

Leefe, the daughter of the Duke of Tarrant, is engaged to the Crown Prince Easton of the Kingdom of Distoria. Additionally, at the age of 18, she is known as one of the few potion masters.

One month ago, Leefe and her fiancé Easton, went for a walk on a hill. There, Easton slipped, hit his head on a rock, and has been unconscious ever since.

A silly accident, but the heir to the throne of a nation is unconscious. The situation is not good at all.

However, despite no life-threatening condition, both doctors and pharmacists have given up on Easton, who inexplicably does not wake up.

Since then, Leefe, the potion master, has taken on the responsibility of treatment. Today, she was about to visit with medicine once again.

“It’s getting hard to hide Prince Easton’s condition from the public. I hope he wakes up today…”

Praying, Leefe was about to leave the room when she noticed something unusual. The medicine she was supposed to bring today was missing.

“Oh? The magic potion I made is not here. I left it here.”

“Earlier, Lady Aria was here. Perhaps she knows where it is?”

“…I really don’t think so.”

At the maid’s words, Leefe sighed.

In her current life, Leefe has a sister named Aria. In this life, Aria is two years younger, adores Easton, and always follows the two of them. She was even with them on the hill during the accident.

(The magic potion I’m giving to Prince Easton works best when taken for ten consecutive days. Today is the tenth day, but…)

Leefe collected herself, decided to transfer the reserve magic potion to a small bottle, and set out.

(By the way, Aria’s not here in the mansion today. She always comes with me when I visit Prince Easton.)

Curious, Leefe headed to the royal palace. When she arrived in front of Easton’s room, she heard voices from behind the door.

A high-pitched, cute, somewhat lisping sweet voice, and a low, hoarse voice. Leefe inadvertently stopped when she heard the conversation.

When she peeked through the gap in the door, she saw a woman sitting on Easton’s bed.

Easton was sitting up, and upon closer inspection, the two were exchanging kisses.

The wavy, caramel-colored hair covered the man’s face as he lifted his body onto the bed. However, the woman’s hand was firmly placed on the back of his head, and it was clear that the two were exchanging kisses with a strong will.

By the way, the bandage wrapped around their fingers was the one Leefe had redone yesterday.

In other words, no matter how you looked at it, it was Leefe’s fiancé, Easton and her sister Aria.

(What’s going on…!?)

Panicking, Leafa accidentally made a noise with the door. At the sound, the two on the bed, who had been exchanging hot kisses, trembled and turned towards her.


Aria, who called out, was shaking her disheveled hair, tears filling her ruby-colored eyes. Easton, with a stern expression, tightly embraced her shoulders.

Just that gesture chilled Leefe’s heart.

—It seems to be that kind of situation.

“I’m sorry, please don’t be angry, Onee-sama…!”

Aria was trembling exaggeratedly. Leefe, who had never seen her sister so frightened, blinked her eyes.

Leefe and Aria were relatively close sisters. While the older sister Leefe is gentle, the younger sister Aria, who had a mysterious charm that attracted people from a young age, was cherished by everyone in the family and the mansion.

Aria often wanted what Leefe had, but her parents never scolded her for it. Aria always smiled innocently and naturally obtained everything she wanted.

The private tutor Leefe admired, the rose-colored dress she had only requested once, and even her grandmother’s silk handkerchief.

All of them, without exception, left Leefe’s hands with a single word from Aria: “I want this.”

However, Leefe was the only one who knew why Aria was so charming to those around her. So, resisting was futile.

(There are too many things to process… First of all,)

“Let’s call a doctor anyway.”

Leefe turned her attention back to the grim scene in front of her. Anyway, Easton, who was holding Aria’s shoulders tightly, had just awakened after sleeping for a month. They needed to have a specialist examine him.

Thinking that, when she reached for the bell placed on the table, a sharp voice came from Easton, who was still holding Aria’s shoulders.

“You are Aria’s sister, right? I’ve heard the story.”

(Aria’s sister? Is that what he just said?)

The way he said it now, it’s like a bonus to Aria. What on earth was going on? Blinking rapidly, trying to understand the situation, Leefe was thrown the next word by Easton.

“Miss Leefe, Aria’s sister. I would like you to stop envying and oppressing my precious Aria.”


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