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Chapter 9: The Heroine Has Arrived (2)

Ellen timidly entered with flowers and baked goods for a visit. Her demeanor seemed as if she were afraid of Rosa.

Rosa resolved not to bully her again.

However, Ellen’s probing gaze, nervous attitude, overly sweet way of speaking, and just being in the same space as her irritated Rosa

(There was a girl like this in my past life. She would burst into tears just from having her mistakes pointed out, similar to the junior colleague who gained sympathy from other employees.)

Rosa hurriedly shook off her prejudice.

“Rosa-sama, how are you feeling? I’m sorry for suddenly visiting like this, but I couldn’t help worrying.”

Rosa swallowed the words, ‘Were we really that close?’

“Yes, I’m quite well.”

“But, Your Highness must be worried, right? These flowers were all sent by Your Highness, weren’t they?” Ellen asked, looking up at her.

“I did receive flowers from His Highness. but not only from him. I’ve received them from other friends as well.”

Ellen blushed and quickly lowered her head.

“I apologize. I’ve just started to live in the capital city, so I don’t have friends. Rosa-sama, you seem to be liked by everyone. I envy you.”

Rather than true envy, Rosa felt a hint of flattery in her words.

“Oh, really? Ellen-sama, I’m sure you’ll make wonderful friends soon.”

“Um, Rosa-sama. So, could we be friends…”

Before Ellen could finish, a knock on the door interrupted

“Come in,” Rosa said.

Ethan entered. Today, his visit for a checkup couldn’t have come at a better time.

“Ellen-sama, thank you for today. The examination is starting now.”

Ellen glanced at Ethan, stood up, and politely bowed.

“Then, I’ll take my leave.”

“I can’t see you off in this state, but thank you for the visit.”

Upon hearing this, Ellen’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Oh, no, it’s just a common gift. I’m sorry if it doesn’t suit your taste. The Croitzer family has much more expensive sweets, right? I apologize if they’re not to your liking.”

In response to Ellen’s words, Ethan gave Rosa a sharp look.

(T/N: Oh my!…the heroine is such a bit***h.)

(If I respond like this, it’ll seem like I’m criticizing the gift.)

“There is no need to be modest. Farewell, Ellen-sama,” Rosa said with a smile, hiding the tension on her face.

Finally, Ellen gave a firm smile to Ethan before leaving the room.

Looking at it this way, the heroine seemed quite cunning, or rather, calculating.

Rosa, before her memories from her past life returned, didn’t pay much attention to Ellen, who was considered lower-class at the time.

And so, with Ethan’s arrival and Ellen’s departure, the brief relief of fresh air was replaced by the usual tension during treatment.

“Your Excellency, you really don’t need to come anymore.”

Rosa tried to sound like a villainess but maintained a friendly appearance.

“That’s because my employer is not you, right? Lord Croitzer seems unwilling to accept it until the scar on your forehead disappears.”

Rosa sighed.

What a doting father! Despite wanting him to stop, she also felt the need to protect the Croitzer family from its downfall.

She once again thought that staying away from Alex was the best way.

Recalling her past life before the engagement was a stroke of luck.

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