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Chapter 14: The Palace Banquet

Finally, the day of the evening party arrived.

Since the injury, it was the first time she attended a formal social event.

In the manga, at this evening party, Alex and Ellen secretly enjoy a rendezvous in the rose garden, avoiding Rosa’s watchful eyes.

Of course, not everything goes as planned in the manga. After all, Rosa is not engaged to Alex yet.

Lately, Alex has been persistently proposing to Rosa through letters, so she intends to confirm their meeting in person.

For Rosa, it’s crucial that Ellen and Alex get together at this event.

However, despite being in a relationship with Ellen, if Alex continues to insist on proposing to Rosa, she can’t forgive him.

That would be disrespectful to Rosa and dishonest to Ellen, she believes.

On the day of the event, her brother escorted Rosa. He seemed amused yet puzzled by Rosa, who suddenly lost interest in the prince.

“But why did you suddenly lose interest in Prince Alex? And recently, your personality has become milder, and you no longer make unreasonable demands on the servants. Did something change in your mindset after almost dying? I heard a story once from a friend that someone who nearly died once underwent a change of heart.”

It might sound rude, but it was the truth.

However, Rosa hasn’t had a change of heart; she’s just restraining her actions based on memories from her past life.

“Change of heart is rude. Well, it’s true that I used to be quite selfish. Now, it’s not just a change of mindset; it feels like a rebirth.”

Whether she actually died or not when kicked by a horse is unclear, but the mix of the poor office worker from her past life and the selfish villainess of this life has given birth to a new persona.

“However, both the past you and the current you have an undeniable powerful side.”

“I don’t think so.”

Rosa is simply reveling in the luxurious life of wealth in this life.

She will probably return to her top-down, workaholic self from her past life soon.

“Forget about Alex; even if the prince gets a lover, will your feelings change?”

My brother asked with concern.

Certainly, the previous Rosa would have changed her mind and likely done something malicious. Rosa had a bad habit of wanting what others had.

But, on the flip side, that meant she lacked confidence in herself.

Rosa realized that people around her were interested in her family’s power and wealth, not in her. Now, she slightly understands her own feelings.

Trying to calculate love as a contribution from the other person is pitiful.

(Well, it’s easy to see when it’s just flattery from lower-ranking nobles and sycophantic lords. Just desperately pretending not to see, that’s all.)

In fact, Rosa was not well-regarded by higher-ranking nobles, especially the lords. It’s probably because she appeared to be an extravagant and wasteful daughter. Well, it’s not entirely an incorrect perception.

“Probably His Highness has someone he loves.”

Closing her fan with a snap, Rosa said firmly, causing her brother to furrow his brows.

“I’ve never heard such a rumor. We’ll find out soon. More importantly, don’t you have your own relationships, dear brother?”

A while ago, young ladies who hadn’t found a fiance were sending amorous glances to her brother. Perhaps they find Rosa too intimidating to approach.

“Oh, that. It’s a hassle. How about spending the evening together? Tonight, let’s not part ways.”

He suggests something unexpected for an heir. He is a capable brother, but he has a childish side.

“What are you saying? I envy your popularity. Besides, you’re the heir. Please marry someone reliable. Oh, and please, someone who won’t treat me poorly. Well then, I’ll have some light refreshments.”

Rosa intends to live unmarried in her family’s villa unless she finds a handsome man she likes. She can’t afford to be treated coldly immediately after the succession.

“Hey hey. Don’t tell me you’re going to be a wallflower?”

“I don’t want to stand out and become the center of attention. After all, I’m the foolish daughter who forced the prince into a date and got kicked by a horse. Who knows what people are saying behind my back.”

Her brother is surprised once again by Rosa’s words.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you aware of your surroundings now?”

“Rude. Until now, I was just pretending not to see.”

In reality, Rosa is taking a break from her overprotective brother, investigating the social scene, and carefully observing the movements of the prince and Ellen.

As soon as Rosa parted ways with her brother at the evening party venue, Juliet, the rival and daughter of the wealthy Earl Ips, arrived with her entourage.

She looked at Rosa with the eyes of an uncouth carnivore that had found its prey. It was a bit tiresome for Rosa to meet her right at the beginning of the evening.

She, too, was aiming for the third prince, Alex. Although Rosa harbored no strange sense of rivalry, the actual rival was Baroness Ellen, not Rosa.

“Oh well, like monkeys on a mountain, the mounting begins.”

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