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Episode 6: Grasping Stomachs


The silently narrowed crimson eyes were intimidating.

“Ah, um, Your Majesty the Demon King… I’m sorry!”


“But I didn’t mean any harm! Certainly, it’s my fault due to my carelessness, and there’s no excuse for that, but I have my own circumstances too.”


No matter what she said, the man in front of her, who remained frozen and silent, refused to open his mouth. Viola’s spine chilled in front of him.

He probably won’t kill her. If he does, he has a very short temper. But the undeniable fact is that Viola’s life is in the hands of the man in front of her, who seems angry no matter what.



As the Demon King began to speak, a powerful voice echoed through the corridor, shaking it. Ignatz burst into the scene in front of Viola.

“On—! Uh, um, Your Majesty the Demon Lord!”

“Ignatz, I think it’s too late.”

“Your Majesty the Demon King! Good morning! Your radiant face is truly a tearful sight. Ignatz is deeply moved.”

“Uh, isn’t the difference in attitude from when it’s me too much?”

Viola’s voice seemed to go unheard by Ignatz. Ignatz, standing upright as if a board were inserted into his back, waited for the Demon King’s words.

“Ignatz! Did you find that sound—! Um, um, Your Majesty the Demon King. Good morning.”

“Arnold, I think it’s too late for that too.”

With both eyes fixed on him, the Demon King let out a small sigh.

“Ignatz, Arnold, you seem quite energetic early in the morning.”

“Yes! Energy is my only virtue, isn’t it!?”

From behind, Arnold silenced Ignatz by poking his elbow into his side. Arnold, who meticulously arranged his disheveled hair, stepped forward, bowing his head.

“Demon King. I apologize for the early morning disturbance.”


“Demon King! If anything happens to that woman over there! If something happens to you, I—”

Viola quickly averted her gaze. The view from the Demon King’s castle was not particularly beautiful. It was cloudy, and the clouds had a hint of red. The birds flying in front of the clouds were probably a type of magical beast.

Even in silence, she felt a piercing gaze from behind. The emotionless gaze without warmth was undoubtedly the Demon King’s.

Comparing the two, Ignatz suddenly shouted.


Wings fluttered on his back, causing a nearby door to make an unsettling noise. The only thing quiet was the heavy door, adorned with decorations. In the howling wind, Viola restrained her disheveled hair.

“Ignatz, do you want me to say the same thing twice?”

“I-I’m sorry! However—”

“Enough. I’ll ask.”

A chill ran down Viola’s spine, and she took a step back. Just as she was about to turn and run, she felt a sensation like something entwining around her ankle.

Surprised, she looked down, but there was no apparent change. However, something invisible had undoubtedly stitched her foot to the ground, making it impossible to escape.

There was only one culprit. Viola, looking up at the Demon King with trepidation, saw him smile vaguely.

“Sorry. I’ll be more careful next time.”

“Colliding with me and trying to settle it with just an apology takes some courage.”

“Eh, is this not enough? Ah.”

Not knowing what to do, Viola glanced around, and eventually she remembered the presence of the wrapped package in her hands. At the same time, she remembered the main topic.

Holding out the package with both hands, Viola tilted her head.

“Will this make you forgive me? A share of breakfast.”

In an instant, the Demon King’s eyebrows furrowed.

Ignatz was about to scream, but Arnold silently held down his mouth and tightened his grip.

“…I see, a clever move.”

“Huh, are you suspecting me of poisoning? I never thought poison would work on the Demon King, though.”

“Do you think I need you to teach me that?”

“I don’t need you to tell me that. I have no interest in whether I can assassinate the Demon King or not.”

Viola slowly unwrapped the package, revealing two still-warm pieces of bread with a lingering pleasant aroma.

“How about eating these together? It’s more of an apology. Actually, I wanted you to eat this, so I was looking for the Demon King.”


Silently, the man turned on his heel, seemingly ignoring Viola, and began to walk away.

“Hey, Demon King! Even if you’re the Demon King, isn’t that a bit rude? I think so!”


“Demon King, Demon King!”

As the Demon King approached the heavy door from earlier, it opened smoothly without him even touching it.

The interior was shrouded in darkness, and Viola couldn’t see what was inside from her position. Nevertheless, as the Demon King was about to step inside without hesitation, Viola instinctively grabbed his hand.

The face, partially enveloped in darkness, contorted into an expression of astonishment.

In reaction to the intensity of his response, Viola, too, quickly released his hand.

“Sorry. Did you not want to be touched? If I offended you, I apologize.”


It was a different voice from the emotionless one earlier. In a slightly puzzled voice, Viola sensed victory.

“What are you thinking?”

“To have the Demon King eat this.”

“Why go to such lengths for something so absurd?”

“Is it absurd?”

Viola grabbed the Demon King’s hand once again, pulling him out as he was about to enter the room. With both hands, she presented the package again, smiling.

“Isn’t it nice to have someone say my food is delicious? Besides, isn’t food tastier when you eat it with someone?”


“I said it before, didn’t I? At this point, I’m going to enjoy myself to the fullest. So, I’ve decided to do what I want.”

“If you offend my mood, it won’t be a matter of enjoyment anymore.”

“Although the Demon King may indeed have a narrow heart, I don’t think he’ll kill me over something like this. Besides, try eating this once. After experiencing the deliciousness, any intention to kill me will disappear completely.”

“So, that was your aim from the beginning. Quite confident, aren’t you?”

“I won’t deny having such feelings.”

Releasing her hand from the Demon King, Viola quickly took her portion and presented the remaining package to the Demon King.

“I won’t expect feedback, but please eat it. I went through the trouble of making it.”


Ignoring the silent Demon King, Viola started running. It would be troublesome if Ignatz and Arnold chased after her again. She was tired of the chase, and Viola just wanted to have a calm breakfast.

Running and running, Viola stopped her steps as she turned a corner in the corridor. A mysterious bust that had been standing at the end of the corridor was staring back at Viola.

“…Where is this?”

The Demon King’s castle was vast.


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