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Chapter 12: The Feeding Battle

“Demon Lord, is it delicious?”

It had become a routine—meals in the grand hall. Previously, only the Demon Lord and a few of his close aides would dine there, while others followed the tradition of eating in available rooms or their own chambers. However, Viola rejected that practice. It was too troublesome to carry and distribute the food, and it seemed wasteful for it to cool during that time. Besides, everyone agreed that meals were more enjoyable when shared.

Amidst the lively atmosphere of the grand hall, Viola persistently engaged the Demon Lord.


“How about it? Is today’s meal delicious? I heard you like alcohol, so I tried making it wine-infused.”

There was no response, but Viola remained undeterred.

The next day and the day after, Viola continued her advances.

“Demon Lord! Today, I made pie, and it’s made with real pie crust, not just potatoes! It was quite a challenge!”

“Demon Lord! Today, I focused on appearance and used flowers as they are!”

“Demon Lord! Today, I wanted to go all out, so I inserted a stick with explosion-type spells! Look, it crackles and looks beautiful! Oh, the meat is burning—!?”

“Demon Lord! Today, with environmental consciousness, I prepared a night scene using light-element spells! Isn’t it nice to have a meal while enjoying the view from a high place?”

“Demon Lord! Today—”

Viola’s persistent interruptions finally got to the Demon Lord on the fifth day of her constant meddling.

“What is it today?”


“What is it?”

“I’m moved that the Demon Lord responded to me…”

The Demon Lord, sighing, seemed about to start eating, but Viola hastily stopped him. She had finally succeeded in engaging him in conversation, and she wasn’t willing to let this opportunity slip away.

“If possible, I’d like to hear your thoughts on my cooking.”


Silently, as the Demon Lord was about to pick up his cutlery, Viola instinctively held his hand. He looked slightly surprised and raised his eyes to meet Viola’s.

Come to think of it, it had happened before.

“I’m sorry… You didn’t like being touched, right?”


To the brief denial, Viola blinked.

“You don’t dislike it?”

“That’s what I said. Isn’t it too soon for your hearing to go bad?”

“Well, that’s a relief. I thought I had done it again.”

Smiling, Viola received a somewhat uneasy nod from the Demon Lord. While inwardly quite excited about his unfamiliar demeanor, she eagerly awaited his next words.

“Do you not have the emotion of anger?”

However, the words spoken after hesitation were unexpected.

Viola, who couldn’t understand the intention behind those words, tilted her head in confusion.

“Angry? About what?”

“That’s fine, then.”

“Isn’t it a bit intriguing? cutting things off abruptly like that? I think it’s a no.”


The Demon Lord reached for his cutlery again, but this time, Viola firmly grasped his hand.

“You don’t dislike being touched, do you? I won’t let go until you tell me what you thought I was angry about.”


The Demon Lord’s eyes, looking up at Viola, narrowed slightly in a subtle curve. The man, who had smiled with amusement, gently enveloped Viola’s hand with the one not being held.


A colder hand than Viola’s, with a pleasantly cool sensation, encased Viola’s hand. Starting from the tip of her index finger, he delicately traced and stroked her fingers, the audacious touch tickling the spaces between them. As Viola involuntarily tightened her grip, the man’s laughter echoed softly in the back of her throat.

Releasing Viola’s hand and sliding from the wrist up towards the shoulder with a slow movement, the cold hand made Viola withdraw her hand abruptly. The Demon Lord wore a satisfied smile as he began his meal, leaving Viola with nothing to do but silently watch.

The sensation of being touched still lingered in Viola’s hand. Although it should have been colder than Viola’s body temperature, the touched area felt strangely warm.

“…Demon Lord! You still haven’t heard my thoughts on my cooking!”

If Viola raised her voice, the Demon Lord, who had just taken a bite, looked up at her with just his gaze. Although he reached for the second bite, in a way, it seemed like he was answering Viola’s question with that action alone. However, Viola couldn’t be satisfied without hearing it spoken out loud.

“Demon Lord! I said, Give me your thoughts――!?”

Viola’s words were cut off. Softly simmered meat had been thrust into her mouth, courtesy of the Demon Lord. Of course, she couldn’t protest with her mouth full. Talking with food in one’s mouth was uncouth. After chewing and swallowing, she tried to open her mouth.

The moment Viola’s mouth was halfway open, vegetables were shoved in.


Viola pounded her knee in protest while the Demon Lord continued his meal with an indifferent expression. The sight of the Demon Lord personally feeding Viola was an unbelievable scene, and the dining hall fell into an eerie silence. However, the two involved seemed completely unaware.

Covering her mouth with both hands to prevent any more food from entering, Viola managed to swallow what was in her mouth and protest.

“Demon Lord! It’s unfair to shut me up forcibly!”

“It’s your own fault for being so vulnerable. You brought it upon yourself.”

“Well, from the Demon Lord’s perspective, ordinary humans like me are bound to be vulnerable! Trying to deceive is useless! Come on, share your thoughts on my cooking!”


“Oh, come on! Why stay silent there? Are you being stubborn!?”

“Stubbornness, I wonder if it’s really me.”

Hit on a sore point, Viola pursed her lips, reached for the cutlery, and impaled the most appetizing piece of meat.

As if in retaliation, she shoved it into the Demon Lord’s mouth.

His crimson eyes widened, and he slightly averted his face. Viola reveled in her victory at catching him completely off guard.

“There, it’s delicious, isn’t it?”


Both were being stubborn.

In the end, with no resolution in sight, the day came to an end.


“Lake! Good morning.”

Passing each other in the corridor, Viola waved with a smile as she was greeted.

Within the Demon Lord’s castle, Viola had gained more acquaintances, and there were now more people who accepted her. Perhaps discarding the infamous robe played a significant role, but Viola was pleased with the relationships where they could enjoy delicious things together.

However, there was one thing she couldn’t quite understand.


“Demon Lord? What’s wrong?”

A passing man stared at Viola for a moment, snorted with satisfaction, and then walked away.

Perplexed by his actions, Viola tilted her head.

“Lately, I can’t understand the Demon Lord at all.”

She had been seeing the Demon Lord in the corridors more frequently than before. Not only Viola, but those who had lived in the Demon Lord’s castle for years were saying the same. It was a good thing that the distance between the Demon Lord and the residents of the castle was diminishing, but the reason why he kept getting involved with Viola for no apparent reason was unclear. Perhaps it was retaliation for something—an excessive persistence toward Viola.

However, there was no way to understand that man’s thoughts. Viola gave up quickly and turned her steps toward the deserted corridor. It was an area far from the residential zone and the grand hall, rarely visited by anyone. Viola’s favorite place, where a bust was placed, was around there.

As Viola reached the corridor as usual, she abruptly stopped her steps at the faint sound of voices. It seemed that there was already someone there today. Her feet, which should have moved away quickly, couldn’t budge. The unsettling tone in the voices contained the word “Demon Lord.”

“…Terrifying, isn’t it, the Demon Lord?”

“He’s arrogant, and it’s irritating, but if you oppose him, you’ll be killed, right?”

“You can’t get close to him, can you? He’s not the same kind of creature as us.”

At the explicit voices, Viola frowned.


The reason she didn’t immediately shout was that Viola’s mouth was quickly covered.

In a posture that seemed to embrace her from behind, the Demon Lord looked down at Viola.




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