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Chapter 13: Nox

“What are you doing here?”

“…Nothing, just taking a walk. Let’s part ways.”

A conversation is taking place deep in the corridor. Once aware of it, the urgency to separate the Demon King from here as quickly as possible takes precedence. However, the man who seemed to have already grasped the content of that conversation sighed lightly.

“Do I look like I care about that kind of thing?”

“Don’t you care?”


“As rumored, you’re strong.”

At Viola’s utterance, a raised eyebrow was directed toward her. The air trembled slightly.

While stating that it doesn’t bother him, there is an indescribable delicacy that seeps through, and Viola couldn’t help but be concerned. The hesitation was momentary.

“Demon King, come with me for a moment.”

Expecting a cold rejection, surprisingly, the Demon King obediently followed Viola. Ignoring the looks of amazement and envy from those passing by, Viola walked through the corridor with the Demon King in tow.

Turning around the castle walls, she arrived at one of the towers in the corners. Climbing the echoing spiral staircase, Viola reached the circular space on top of the tower.

“This is my time; you should understand if it’s something trivial.”

“Whether it’s trivial for the Demon King or not, I wouldn’t know.”

Viola turned her gaze to the vast expanse of scenery.

Beyond the precipitous cliffs, as far as the eye could see, there was a forest. A land that humans should not enter, with trees appearing red and black in the haze

The twisted trees intertwined with each other, with vines densely covering the branches. Occasionally, something resembling a village could be seen, but it seemed to be entirely constructed from trees cut from the forest, seamlessly blending into the surroundings.

Viola was the first to speak.

“Go ahead.”

She tossed something she took out of her pocket without looking. Without looking at it, the Demon King caught it with one hand and cautiously opened the light purple wrapping.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a snack. Remember when I made apple jam before? I also made these sugared and dried. They’re good when you’re feeling peckish.”

To the Demon King, who silently brought it to his mouth, Viola asked with a light smile.

“Is it delicious?”


She never expected him to have any expectations in the first place. Viola shrugged and returned her gaze to the man in front of her.

The Demon King, like Viola, was staring into the distance. His black hair fluttered in the wind, radiating a damp luster. His unnaturally pale, translucent skin, slightly tinted wet lips, and glowing crimson gem-like eyes harbored overwhelming power.

And all of that flowed effortlessly toward Viola.

“Isn’t it rude to stare at people without reservation? Didn’t you learn that?”

“Sorry. It’s just that you looked beautiful.”


“Isn’t it different in the demon tribe’s values?”

“The demon tribe is more interested in race than appearance. Only humans care so much about superficial things.”

“I’m complimenting you. Can’t you be satisfied without adding a touch of irony?”

“A happy woman is one who can accept compliments sincerely.”

Although it seemed like sharp sarcasm at first glance, Viola couldn’t find the will to retort. Because when the Demon King said that, he slightly narrowed his eyes.

Unlike gestures reminiscent of that time’s or something intimidating, it felt like there was something containing pain.

Viola had no way of knowing what kind of past the beautiful man in front of her had lived through. Nevertheless, he stood at the pinnacle of the demon tribe, where power is everything. It was easy to imagine that his path had not been an easy or happy one.

“Hey, Demon King, can I talk to you for a moment?”

The Demon King glanced at Viola for a moment, but without answering, he returned his gaze to the forest.

Taking that as tacit approval, Viola spoke.

“I’m an orphan, you know?”


“So, making a meal like this and eating with someone—it’s been a long time… it made me happy.”

Staring at the forest, Viola narrowed her eyes.

Viola’s mother, who raised her single-handedly, was always busy with work. The only time young Viola could spend with her mother was when they cooked and ate together.

That’s why Viola loved cooking. both making it and eating it.

“Since coming to the Demon King’s castle, the food has been delicious. Thank you, Demon King.”

“I don’t deserve to be thanked.”

“Just accept the gratitude straightforwardly.”

With a light laugh, Viola continued speaking.

“So, I’m human, and everyone in the Demon King’s castle is a demon, but the meal we ate together was delicious.”

Next to her, Viola felt the Demon King’s subtle movement. However, without diverting her gaze from the forest, Viola continued to smile gently.

“Humans and demons—it’s true that only humans drew a line in fear of demons, but there was a time when there was no such distinction, and we used to eat together. I thought about that.”


“So, shouldn’t my food be delicious for the Demon King too?”

“In the end, we’re back to that, huh?”

The Demon King sighed as if exasperated, but undeterred, Viola returned her gaze to the Demon King.

“In the course of talking about myself, Demon King, there’s something I’ve always wanted to ask.”

“Before that, let me ask you a question.”

“Do you have an interest in me, Demon King?”

“You have a big mouth.”

Despite complaining, his expression didn’t seem genuinely annoyed.

“Why did you join the force to subjugate me?”

“Do you see me as an enemy?”

“You don’t even count as one of my enemies.”


With a slight raise of his eyebrows, the Demon King, Viola, quietly lowered her head.

“I hadn’t thought deeply about it. I aimed to become a healing magician to cure my mother’s illness, but the goal disappeared along the way. Before I knew it, the only way to make a living was to serve the country and try to subjugate the Demon King… I’m sorry. I regret it.”

“It’s trivial.”

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her head, and Viola raised her face in surprise. The Demon King, whose hand seemed to have been brushed off, furrowed his brows in dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, he continued speaking.

“Do you think I care about one more gnat buzzing around?”


“I don’t care; your regrets have no value to me.”

“…You’re terrible at comforting.”

“Do you really think I, of all people, am comforting you? You have an easygoing mind.”

“I’m just comforting myself.”

Viola looked up at the Demon King.

Standing alone in the dimming air, he possessed overwhelming power, like a sovereign blending into the surroundings.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“I won’t guarantee an answer.”

“What’s your name?”


It was an expression she had never seen before.

Certainly, confusion colored that face. Eyes wide open, slightly parted lips. However, it wasn’t just confusion; it seemed like the air itself buzzed with some other emotion. The unsettling rustling of the trees must have reflected the emotions of the man in front of her.

“Name. Your name, Demon King.”

“Well, I forgot.”

“You forgot? Is that even possible?”

“A name is something to distinguish oneself from others.”

The eyes that were wide open were now lazily lowered. Long lashes cast a shadow, intensifying that red.

“Can’t you distinguish me? Do I need a name?”

“Well, if I call you Demon King, is that enough for you?”


“In that case, you’ll forever be the Demon King, won’t you?”

“I’ve never doubted that. Or perhaps you’re making some absurd prediction that I’ll rebel against one day?”

“Not in that sense. Demon King, do you never have a moment when you want to stop being the Demon King?”

Completely unable to understand, the Demon King, Viola, persisted patiently.

“As you know, I was a healing magician in the 23rd reconnaissance unit. But I don’t want to be called that forever. Alongside being a healing sorceress, I’m Viola, who loves cooking and wants you to admit my food is absolutely delicious.”


“Demon King is strong. He might not lose to most creatures in strength or otherwise. But to me, it feels too heavy to always carry the signboard of the strongest Demon King.”

“If I take it down, I’ll be killed. That’s how demons are.”

“I’m different.”

Immediately retorting, Viola walked to the edge of the terrace, placed her hands on the railing, and leaned forward.

As the time gradually darkened, a cool breeze caressed her cheeks. Staring at the forest slowly sinking into darkness, Viola whispered.


“Why suddenly?”

“Your name, Demon King. If you’ve forgotten it, I’ll give you one and call you that on my own.”

“That’s too straightforward. Did you come up with it from the scenery in front of you?”

“It suits better than Lux, don’t you think?”

With a click, footsteps approached Viola. The Demon King—Nox, who stopped a bit away, made Viola smile wryly.

Apparently, he wasn’t so easily willing to open up.

“Why do you constantly care about me?”


“Only you. You don’t show respect to me; just keep repeating disrespectful behavior.”

“Because only Nox never says my cooking is delicious.”


“Even if you say that, I’m not scared.”

“I’m the Demon King, you know?”

“But you’re Nox.”

In irritation, the Demon King shook his head, and the trees rustled. A twig flew and burst by Viola’s side. The fragments grazed her cheek, causing a momentary burning pain.

“Even with this, you’re not scared?”

“Yeah. Nox won’t kill me.”

Nonchalantly declaring this, Viola turned around and looked at Nox.

In the darkening air, two sets of eyes met in the darkness.

“Nox. No matter what, I’ll make you say it’s delicious.”

“…Let’s wait without expecting too much.”

Nox lifted the corners of his mouth ever so slightly.

It took a while for Viola to understand that it was a smile. Unlike the provocative and seductive ones she had seen before, it was different. The somewhat clumsy expression somehow lingered in Viola’s mind and didn’t fade away.

As Nox left, his long hair swaying, Viola didn’t stop him.


A low, small voice echoed.

The distance between the two had widened considerably, and the distant voice faintly reached Viola.

“You do it.”

“Eh, Nox!?”

Without answering any further, Nox, who turned his head as if to say he wouldn’t say more, disappeared in an instant. It must be teleportation-type magic.

Stunned, Viola stood on the top of the tower.

Above the darkening forest, a beautiful night sky stretched out.


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