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Chapter 18: Reunion

“If you ever come to the point where you can’t live without me, I’ll stop at that time.”

Viola muttered for what felt like the umpteenth time.

Strange, Viola let out a sigh of disbelief.

In the Demon King’s castle, Viola’s room Contrary to the expectation that it would be covered in dust after five years, the room, as if defying that prediction, remained untouched, as if everything had been frozen in time.

It wasn’t just that it hadn’t been cleaned. No, it had been cleaned, but Viola’s books left lying around were still on the desk, and the discarded jacket was carelessly thrown on the bed as it was.

As if time had stood still, the room had been preserved quietly.

Just the fact that Viola’s room had been left untouched was surprising enough, but Nox was a completely different person.

Staring at Viola with a heated gaze, and what’s more, those lips—

Viola hastily shook her head at the heat gathering on her face. Strangely, something must be wrong.

Yes, if you resurrect someone over five years, attachment should naturally develop. Emotions like gazing enraptured at a painstakingly crafted masterpiece over the course of a day should arise.

In that case, why did Nox resurrect Viola?

For the umpteenth time, Viola let out a voice of disbelief, and at that moment, the door to Viola’s room was forcefully knocked.


Without even opening the door, Viola, understanding the visitor, stood up and walked towards the door. Ignatz called out, and when Viola opened the door, she gasped at the scene before her.

The corridor was filled with people. It was a scene reminiscent of the first room she entered when she made her first dish.

“Ignatz? What’s going on?”

“Of course.”

Ignatz, who cut off his words, created an unusual smile.

“Everyone has been waiting for your awakening.”



The first to step towards Viola was Arnold.

Seeing his hand nervously pushing up his glasses, Viola blinked.

“You seem to be sleeping wonderfully.”

“As usual, Arnold.”

“…It’s my responsibility. I’m sorry.”


“I could only watch you being driven into a life-threatening situation and stabbed. That was—”

“It’s not Arnold’s fault. Not even Ignatz’s.”

It seems this earnest man had been troubled by that day all along.

Viola interrupted his words and smiled as if it were nothing.

“What I’ve decided .Since I’m alive, it’s fine, right? Well, it’s a bit pitiful that people can’t eat my cooking anymore.”

“…Yes, it was a very tasteless meal.”

“I suppose so! Did you miss my cooking?”

“Well, that’s…”

Arnold, who had loosened his stern expression, pointed behind him with one hand.

“There are those who want to greet you, as you can see, so I’ll leave it at this. Anyway, I’m glad you’re safe.”

“Arnold is being straightforward.”

“Shall I shut the mouth that says unnecessary things? You should just accept people’s kindness straightforwardly.”

A man who had pushed Arnold aside came forward and grasped Viola’s hand.


“Lester-san! I’ve missed you.”

“The reception is quite different from my time.”

“Arnold picked a fight from the first word.”

They looked at each other’s faces and laughed.

Viola, dragged along by Lester and the others, left the room and was led straight to the kitchen. With the hopeful eyes looking at her, Viola had no choice but to respond.

Standing in the kitchen, Viola began to look around the room.

The ingredients were still there. However, the outside fields were almost completely destroyed, and the seasonings Viola had hoarded five years ago were likely ruined. Opening the shelf where she had stored seasonings without much expectation, Viola experienced surprise for what felt like the umpteenth time.

Everything was neatly arranged, as if nothing had happened. the oil from five years ago. In normal circumstances, it should have been not only unusable but also in a sorry state. Lester, who smiled wryly, explained to the dumbfounded Viola.

“It’s the Demon King.”

“Nox did this?”

“Time flows slower only in this place.”

“…Isn’t that an incredibly high-level magic?”

“At least, in this world, only the Demon King can use it.”

“Why would the Demon King use such magic for something like seasonings…”

Viola muttered, but as she pushed aside the shelves, her hand stopped abruptly.

As if with trepidation, a frying pan squeezed through the gaps in the seasonings was pulled out.

This was in a terrible state. If it weren’t for the familiar red handle, one might not even recognize it as a frying pan.

Viola, lifting the bent and battered frying pan to eye level as if handling explosives, hesitated to ask Lester, fearing the answer.

“What’s this?”

“…It’s the Demon King.”

“Why did it end up like this?”

“Well, um… I can’t speak of it. It happened right after you didn’t wake up. Can you forgive me?”

“I don’t mind forgiving, but… What could have happened to make it like this?”

Smiling, Lester, who refused to say more, made Viola give up on further inquiries.

Pulling out a spare frying pan, Viola asked the men, who were not at all hiding near the kitchen entrance.

“What do you want to eat?”

Viola waved her hands to stop the men, who all started talking at once. She couldn’t understand what they were saying at all. At least she knew that dozens of dish names were mentioned. There was no way she could make all of them now.

As she pondered whom to ask, the area near the entrance fell silent.


With steady footsteps entering the kitchen, Viola showed a radiant smile.

It would be best to ask Nox. That way, there would definitely be no arguments, and everyone would agree with the chosen dish. Moreover, she could find out Nox’s favorite dish at the same time. It was a perfect opportunity.

Five years had passed. Despite that, Viola had not given up on the dream of making Nox say her cooking was delicious.


Involuntarily, Nox responded with a satisfied smile.

However, he quickly returned to a serious expression. Approaching Viola, Nox embraced her with one arm and whispered in her ear.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see when you look.”

“You’re not in perfect condition yet.”

“If I keep serving meals like when I first came here, I’ll never be in perfect condition. Besides, doesn’t Nox want to eat my cooking too?”



Easily agreeing, Nox left Viola wide-eyed. He was unbelievably straightforward. so much so that it was scary and lacked a sense of accomplishment.

“Do you want to eat?”



“That’s why I said I wanted to eat. Has your hearing gotten worse over the past five years? But…”

At that moment, Nox, who had affirmed it nonchalantly, lowered his voice and whispered with his breath intertwined.

“Even though it’s during cooking, I don’t like this situation.”

“This situation?”

“There are too many men in the Demon King’s castle.”

“Yeah. So?”

“Don’t you get it unless I say it?”

“Get what?”

Nox shrugged, pulling away from Viola’s ear. He then smoothly let his gaze slide over to the men watching at the doorway. Shadows fell over his crimson eyes, and a dark red shimmered deep within.

He grabbed her chin, tilting it upward. It wasn’t painful, but against the irresistible force, Viola instinctively covered her mouth with one hand.

With a questioning look, Nox gazed at Viola. But Viola couldn’t be beaten either. Meeting his gaze with a sense of protest, almost as if intimidating him, Nox lowered his lips onto Viola’s hand. Magic flowed into Viola with a smooth touch.

“It’s less efficient if it’s not mucous membrane.”


“I told you. This is a therapeutic act.”

“If that’s the case, do it more calmly! Nox’s actions are too…”

In response to Viola’s restrained figure, Nox chuckled in the back of his throat.

“what’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“I see.”

Nonchalantly releasing Viola’s hand, Nox leaned against the kitchen wall a bit away.

“It’s wine stew.”


“Were you deciding today’s meal? Or did my charm make you forget even the last 10 seconds?”

“…It’s unfortunate that you say that yourself.”

“It’s a fact.”

To the man who spoke without reservation, Viola sighed in resignation.

Stretching herself, she reached for the shelf filled with seasonings, just as tightly packed as it was five years ago.





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