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Chapter 13: The Overconfident Former Fiancé

Upon Oliver’s command, another room was quickly prepared, and Aria was carried there. Easton was tearfully holding Aria’s hand, and the worried Duke and Duchess Tarrant were all there.

By the way, Easton had been resisting Leefe’s treatment until just now but had realized he had no choice but to rely on Leefe.

Everyone was watching with anticipation. Unfortunately, everyone was also Leefe’s enemy.

(These people here are not the type to notice even if I were to use black magic right in front of them, so it’s okay…)

she don’t want them to look at her for a different reason.

(And everyone is still trying to kick me out, haven’t forgotten that…!?)

It seems too convenient, no matter how she looks at it. She wants to shout with Rene right now, but she won’t back down. Leefe has decided to do this.

“Could you also go behind the screen, Prince Easton?”

“Why. Aria is suffering so much.”

“It will be over soon; please go over there.”


As Easton, who was reluctant to move, continued to argue, Oliver intervened.

“…Can’t you move on your own?”

“! Um, I’ll go over there.”

Easton, who lacked obedience, released Aria’s hand the moment Oliver stood behind him. It seems he does have some learning ability.

(Still, it’s strange. Even though His Highness Easton is the next heir to the throne and the first prince of the Kingdom of Distoria, he humbles himself and shows remarkable respect for Lord Oliver…)

She heard that Oliver is also a member of the Shinwood Empire’s royal family, but wouldn’t it be strange to consider the difference in national power? Leefe was deep in thought when Aria’s groan reached her ears.


“Ah, I’m sorry, Aria.”

(I shouldn’t be thinking about such things. I need to focus!)

After confirming that everyone was behind the screen, Leefe placed her hands on Aria’s chest. Then she chanted a spell.

“Aria.《Dispel Poison from Within the Body》”

A black, sparkling mist spread from Leefe’s palms, slowly enveloping Aria’s body.

(Seems like the poison hasn’t spread as much as I thought. This should be over in just a few seconds.)

This isn’t a curse, but a remedy for magical potion poisoning. Aria collapsed in agony due to a magical potion tainted with black magic, but it could be easily treated by Leefe’s hands.

Enveloped in the light of black magic, Aria’s complexion improved in just a few seconds.

(Good, it seems the detoxification went well.)

“Huh…? Big sister…?”

“Aria. You’re not in pain, right?”

Aria, who had awakened, nodded slightly. At the same time, it seemed that the magic urging her to confess, which Leefe had used earlier, had also been lifted. Aria started to grasp the situation and looked around with wandering eyes.

(Well, this might not be so bad after all…)

The two magical potions Leefe brought were used for a different purpose than originally intended. However, Aria’s lie was exposed, and Leefe’s honor might have been somewhat restored.

(Now that the task is done, let’s leave quickly. Oliver also mentioned the need to meet someone important and that we shouldn’t overstay our welcome.)

“Aria is now in good health, so I’ll take my leave. Goodbye.”

As Leefe tried to step back from the screen and promptly exit the room, Easton grabbed her arm.


“What, what is it?”

“I underestimated your power. I want you to make the magic potion to cure my amnesia again.”

“This is the complete opposite of what you were saying just a moment ago. You were saying something about being terrified and unable to drink it.”

“That…I apologize for that. But you don’t want to be forgotten by me forever, do you?”

(Forgotten by me forever?)

Unexpectedly, Leefe blinked clearly at his words.

(Aren’t Easton and Aria in a relationship like lovers before he lost his memories?)

With that thought in mind, she tilted her head earnestly. As a black magician and a potion maker, it’s not that she lacks interest in curing amnesia.

(――But do I really want someone who betrayed me to remember me?)

At that moment, Easton’s hand, which had been gripping Leefe’s arm, was brushed away by Oliver. Then he spoke with an annoyed expression.

“Could you refrain from casually touching my fiancée?”


Leefe, who had just tilted her head in confusion, now tilted it in the opposite direction.

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