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Chapter 25: Conflict

“Zhao Min played some sinister tricks; it’s really a deadly trap.” Tang Xin hid in the corner, secretly peeking while sighing.

Today was the opening day of Zhao Pharmacy, and she estimated that with Zhao Min’s personality, he wouldn’t just do nothing. He wouldn’t simply set off firecrackers to celebrate the opening; he would gradually build a good reputation over time.

Sure enough, a burly man sneaked out of Zhao Pharmacy and entered the Qi family branch.

Although Tang Xin didn’t dare follow into the Qi family branch to watch the drama, she could roughly guess how things would unfold. After waiting for a while outside, a group of people rushed out of the Qi family branch one after another, their faces anxious, and some of them directly shouted, asking where Zhao Pharmacy was.

“The world judges heroes based on success or failure. Zhao Min is a formidable opponent and an excellent team member; that’s enough,” Yan Hao said calmly.

Tang Xin agreed wholeheartedly. The more tricks Zhao Min played, the harder life would be for the Qi family.

Locked in her room for several days making medicine, Tang Xin felt much relieved to see the ointment she prepared become the flagship product of Zhao Min’s store. She also witnessed customers leaving the Qi family branch. Feeling satisfied, Tang Xin decided to take Yan Hao out for a stroll and some fun.

It had been a while since she had been out, and Tang Xin was excited and wanted everything she laid her eyes on.

With a candy figure in her left hand and a grilled squid in her right, her mouth full, Tang Xin asked Yan Hao with unclear words, “Aren’t you eating?”

Yan Hao had never seen such a carefree girl, unconcerned about her image. After a moment of silence, he said, “I am a bodyguard; according to the bodyguard rules, section…”

Tang Xin found it amusing: “You’re not even a bodyguard for the Tang family anymore; why bother following Tang family rules?”

“I am here to protect your safety.” Yan Hao changed his wording.

“Only the Qi family might cause trouble for me. But now, they are probably in a mess, so they shouldn’t bother about me,” Tang Xin said, putting the grilled squid in her mouth and taking another skewer from the stall for Yan Hao.

Yan Hao chuckled. “How can a bodyguard eat and drink with the master on the street? How can I be vigilant for dangers?”

“Wu wu wu wu (I approved),” Tang Xin mumbled with the squid in her mouth, offering the skewer to Yan Hao.

Yan Hao reluctantly took it. He could never resist his master.

Tang Xin smiled triumphantly. “That’s more like it.”

As a few girls passed by, their eyes kept drifting towards the two. Occasionally whispering, Tang Xin caught a few phrases, all commenting on her rude behavior, standing next to the aloof and cool handsome guy, creating an odd scene.

Tang Xin grinned, thinking, “They say our styles don’t match, right? Then, I’ll just bring down the cool and aloof handsome guy’s style until our styles coordinate.”

“Eat quickly. I just saw other stalls with delicious food. Let’s try everything,” Tang Xin was enthusiastic.

“The food outside is not as clean as what we make at home.” Yan Hao couldn’t help but protest.

Tang Xin widened her eyes and said, “Having a meal occasionally won’t kill you. I’m a level two warrior, living just fine. What are you worried about?”

Yan Hao took a bite with a determined expression. It was slightly spicy, not greasy, and he found the taste surprisingly good.

Originally, he thought that since he could cook at home, where the food was clean and delicious, there was no need to buy it outside. However, now, looking at it, occasionally eating from a street stall seemed to have its own unique flavor?

Then, Tang Xin noticed that the person who was adamant about not eating finished a skewer of grilled squid faster than she did.

Tang Xin chuckled, finished the last bite of squid, tossed the bamboo skewer, and wiped off the sauce from the corner of Yan Hao’s mouth with her right hand. “Why is your mouth always covered in sauce when you eat?”

How many times has she taken advantage of her subordinate? Yan Hao remained expressionless, realizing that he was unfazed, remarkably calm, and had become accustomed to it.

Yan Hao solemnly told his master, “I only sell skills, not my body.”

Tang Xin looked at him strangely and said, “I know.”

Didn’t they agree to set him free after three years? She had no intention of going back on her word or restraining him.

Finally cleaned up, Tang Xin smiled in satisfaction. Suddenly, she remembered something, pointed at herself, and urgently said, “Did I also get sauce on my mouth? Quickly, help me wipe it off.”

Yan Hao mechanically raised his hand and helped his master wipe off the dirt from the corner of her mouth. The only thought in his mind was, “What do you really know?!”

“We found you.”

Xu Jiahui glared fiercely at the couple standing together, behaving intimately. Her eyes were almost shooting flames. She had been running around for the two of them, not seeing Qi Xing for a day. Yet, these two were openly displaying affection in broad daylight, rubbing against each other. It was downright infuriating!

Seeing Wang Jiao and Xu Jiahui with a puzzled expression, Yan Hao turned to his master and said, “Didn’t we agree not to be bothered when busy?” Fortunately, the squid was finished.

Tang Xin felt a bit annoyed. “Normally, who would have the mood to look for me when the shop is in trouble? These people are really unreasonable!”

She looked around and saw many stalls. She grabbed Yan Hao and ran to a nearby empty alley.

Xu Jiahui and the others chased them closely. After a while, they found Tang Xin stopping and waiting for them with a cheerful smile.

Xu Jiahui snorted coldly, knowing that there was no escape. Was she ready to face the consequences?

After the last fight, Xu Jiahui reflected on her actions and identified three mistakes.

Firstly, why, with their advantage in strength, did they need to seek help again? The other side could have taken Young Master Qi as a hostage; why didn’t they capture the girl first? Clearly, the girl had the final say. Moreover, even if Young Master Qi wanted to outnumber them, why didn’t he bring a contact list when going out?

This time, she learned from her experience.

Learning from past experiences, Xu Jiahui now carries a contact list with her. The moment she noticed the two of them, she used the contact list to inform the Qi family. Initially, she planned to wait until reinforcements arrived before taking action. Unfortunately, the targets intended to leave, forcing her to intervene.

“This time, Young Master Qi is not here. I’ll break your legs, and no one will step in to stop me,” Xu Jiahui said with a casual smile, gesturing to Wang Jiao to indicate that she should go first, then rushing towards Yan Hao.

Wang Jiao understood the plan they had agreed upon earlier: Xu Jiahui would engage the man, and he would go after the woman. Without wasting any words, he followed suit and charged forward.

Tang Xin maintained her smile.

Having been tricked once, how could she fall for it a second time? Since the other party wanted to break her legs, there was no need for her to hold back.

Although she successfully ambushed them last time, she still felt uneasy afterward.

Yan Hao had volunteered to teach her martial arts for self-defense, but she had sternly rejected him.

Growing up, she had no knowledge of martial arts. Having a former F-grade loser from her past life trying to learn martial arts was less worthwhile than spending time making self-defense powders.

For this reason, she had specifically instructed Yan Hao to buy medicinal herbs, make various self-defense powders, and store them in her space.

Now, wasn’t it time to put them to good use?

Tang Xin sneered, blocking Yan Hao from moving forward. She took out the prepared powder from her space and sprinkled it toward the two assailants while pulling Yan Hao back quickly.

Yan Hao remained silent, focusing most of his attention on the hand she was holding. Given the urgency of the situation, he chose not to argue.

Xu Jiahui and Wang Jiao were caught off guard and got hit directly.

“What is this stuff?” Even if Xu Jiahui didn’t understand medicine, judging by the effect of the ointment, she knew it was potent. Covered in a face full of white powder, her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Wang Jiao, even more desperate, realized that someone capable of creating potent ointments could easily create powerful poisons. Because he never thought of buying antidotes since he never had to go to places with miasma.

“Itch powder,” Tang Xin said leisurely. “Probably classified as a type of poison. Just a little touch, and it itches like crazy.”

What a joke! She had never heard of such a thing! Besides, she was a fifth-level martial artist. The higher the level, the greater the immunity to poisons.

Xu Jiahui sneered, about to continue her attack, when she heard a scream in her ear. Turning around, she saw Wang Jiao lying on the ground, desperately scratching his face and body.

Xu Jiahui felt a sudden shock, wondering if it was an illusion. Suddenly, she also felt itchy all over her body and had an urge to scratch.

Yan Hao watched as the two people in front of him rolled on the ground without any dignity, taking a step forward, intending to finish them off.

Tang Xin grabbed him and said, “Don’t go over there. In case you get some on you, it won’t end well. The powder is ineffective against Level Seven and above.”

Actually, she had an antidote in her space. Even if they got the powder on them, taking the antidote would solve the problem. However, she didn’t want Yan Hao to dirty his hands, so she casually gave an excuse to keep him away.

Anyway, being covered in itching powder, the fate of the two wouldn’t be good. After all, this was currently the most potent powder she had, and she couldn’t make anything more powerful due to a lack of materials.

Yan Hao understood her intention and didn’t say much.

The two turned and left.

“Itchy, so itchy,” Wang Jiao desperately scratched his body and face, feeling the unbearable itchiness. Even if his whole body ached, it would be better than what he was experiencing now!

Xu Jiahui gritted her teeth. She was faster and had more powder on her than Wang Jiao. At this moment, her skin itched so much that she wished she could roll on a bed of nails.

Fortunately, she remained rational. She knew that scratching with her hands might make things worse. She bit her lower lip until it bled, using the pain to keep herself awake and forcing herself not to scratch.

She was regretting it now. If she had been more cautious and carried an antidote, how much better would it have been? Unfortunately, except for those who frequently visited miasma swamps, who would bother to buy such expensive medicine?

Wang Jiao couldn’t take it anymore. He suddenly stood up and rushed towards the wall!

A loud “bang” echoed as he fell to the ground, but a smile appeared on his lips. For a brief moment, the pain replaced the maddening itch!

A hint of madness flashed across Wang Jiao’s face as he began repeatedly crashing into the wall, falling, getting up, and crashing again.

“He’s gone mad, completely mad!” A chill ran down Xu Jiahui’s spine. The wall was made of composite materials and was extremely hard. Crashing into it would only result in him injuring himself all over.

However, Wang Jiao continued to bash his head against the wall, seemingly indifferent to the pain. If he stopped, the unbearable itching would return.

Wait! If he knocked himself out, wouldn’t he no longer feel it? A spark of insight lit up in Wang Jiao’s mind, and he got up once again, slamming his head against the wall.

However, he forgot one thing. In order to extend the duration of each painful moment, he used all his strength to crash into the wall. With such force, hitting his head against the wall…

Xu Jiahui watched as Wang Jiao collapsed on the ground, unable to get up anymore. Meanwhile, her body became increasingly itchy, and a sense of despair overcame her.

Unable to endure it any longer, she desperately used her hands to scratch the itchy areas on her face and body.

“People over here, come quickly!”

A shout came from afar, but Xu Jiahui couldn’t pay attention. Under the relentless scratching, she carved scars into her own skin, unable to stop herself.

Soon, the Qi family members who received the message arrived. The leader took out an antidote, fed it to Xu Jiahui, and knocked her unconscious with a hand chop.

People watched as one person died from repeatedly crashing into the wall, and another was covered in injuries, sending shivers down their spines.





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