Home Post 2237-chapter-7


Chapter 7

Hanxiao looked at her own princess standing outside the carriage and hesitated to step into the mansion, unsure of what to say for a moment.

“Didn’t you tell him that I went to the palace?”

Her expression was serious, and for a moment she couldn’t help but frown at Hanxiao, letting others who were not aware of it see, as if something really big had happened in the mansion.

“This servant told him, but coincidentally, someone came from the palace and said there would be no lessons today, and His Highness was also there…”

Carefully, with a guarded tone, she explained. It made Cheng Nanyu feel quite puzzled. Why would her brother come to find her for no reason? It couldn’t be that he’s causing trouble for her again, right? She had been so well-behaved this morning.

But at this moment, Song Yushu was right at the entrance of her courtyard. Though she didn’t want to go, she could have avoided it for a while but couldn’t avoid it forever. Unable to stay away from her courtyard forever, she could only grit her teeth and go back.

Indeed, just as Hanxiao had described, she led two maidservants through the main gate, crossing the small garden. Even from a distance, she could see Song Yushu standing at the entrance of her courtyard, clad in white robes, hands behind his back.

It had to be admitted that her older brother did look quite handsome. It’s just that his heart was a bit dark…

Song Yushu stood there, lifting his head to gaze at the plaque above the courtyard gate. The three characters “Qinlan Garden” were written on it, exuding a certain elegance. However, one could tell at a glance that it was written by someone unrefined, with a somewhat hasty brushstroke.

“Why did older brother come over?”

When Cheng Nanyu walked up behind him, she tried to steady her voice as much as possible. But somehow, she began to inexplicably recall the events that happened in the imperial garden that day. As she thought about it, a blush quietly crept back onto her cheeks without her realizing it.

“Why is little sister blushing?”

Turning around, Song Yushu spoke, and there seemed to be a hint of amusement in his words. It was only then that she realized her face seemed to be slightly warm, quickly reaching up to touch it.

“Little sister just heard from Hanxioa that older brother is waiting for me. I was afraid that he might be getting impatient, so I hurried, and that’s why my face turned red.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

Song Yushu walked up to her, delicate fingers lightly lifting her chin. It was only at this moment that Cheng Nanyu could clearly see him.

This man, with his handsome appearance, was rumored to be quite popular among women in the Song Kingdom. He truly lived up to his reputation, looking like a captivating enchantment.

The Empress Dowager often praised her for being good-looking and petite. But compared to this older brother, she felt utterly insignificant.

“Am I good-looking?”

A faint smile played on Song Yushu’s face. However, it seemed like an illusion. Cheng Nanyu felt a bit dazed every time she looked at her older brother, as if her mind wasn’t functioning properly.

“Older brother… is indeed good-looking.”

Song Yushu gazed at her intently. Cheng Nanyu felt like his eyes carried a certain charm, attracting her to slowly step forward. However, just when she was about to enter that enchanting gaze, she was once again rejected at the door…

Even so, he was still good-looking, indescribably so.

He laughed with a genuine smile this time. Cheng Nanyu saw it very clearly, not missing a single detail.

Song Yushu looked particularly charming when he smiled, like the sun in early spring, warming and cooling at the same time, at least much better than his usual icy demeanor.

Cheng Nanyu regained some clarity, taking advantage of his happiness. Ignoring her own embarrassment from what she had just said, she took two steps back, rescuing her chin from his grasp.

“Does older brother have something to find me for?”

She took a step back, gradually distancing herself from her older brother. She watched as his smile faded away, eventually disappearing altogether. Later on, he pulled a finely carved mahogany box from his sleeve, expressionless, and handed it to her.

“What is this?”

She didn’t bother with why Song Yushu was unhappy. Instead, calmly, she accepted the box from his hand, ready to open it and see what was inside. Unexpectedly, he caught her hand.

“Go back; open it in the house. I’m leaving.”

Song Yushu lightly pinched her fair fingers, casually releasing her. Just as he said, he turned around and walked away, leaving Cheng Nanyu standing there in confusion.

She lowered her head to look at the mahogany box in her hand, lost in thought. Why would he suddenly give her a gift?

Mujin, who had been paying attention to the outside in the courtyard, saw Song Yushu leave and quickly came out. Upon stepping out, she saw Cheng Nanyu standing there, staring blankly at a box.

“Princess, what’s wrong with you?”

Cheng Nanyu was immersed in her own world and was startled by the sudden voice. She patted her chest and turned to look at Mujin standing behind her, not angry but shaking her head. She sighed and turned to step into the courtyard, still holding the delicate box.

Mujin glanced puzzledly at her back and hurriedly followed.

Cheng Nanyu entered the house with the box, closing the door and keeping Mu Jin, who was about to follow, outside. Qing Luan walked by and, seeing Mu Jin locked out, asked her with confusion.

“What’s wrong with the princess?”

Mu Jin turned around, facing Qing Luan, shrugged her shoulders, and opened her hands helplessly, indicating that she didn’t know either.

Inside the room, Cheng Nanyu sat upright at the table. The box that Song Yushu had given her was still on the table, and she stared at it for a while. After a deep sigh, she decided to open it.

It was just a box; what was there to be afraid of? After all, he was her brother; he wouldn’t harm her, right?

Thinking like this, her suspended heart sank halfway, and she reached out to pick up the box on the table. She carefully opened it.

Inside was a piece of green jade. Cheng Nanyu took it out of the box, examined it carefully, and found that it was a complete rose-cut green jade, crystal clear and beautiful. It brought her great joy.

After all, she was a girl. How could she not like such things?

She walked to the window, opened it, held the rose-cut green jade above her head, and let the sunlight shine through it. Suddenly, she burst into laughter.

Her brother… was not bad at all.

March 27th, a gentle breeze, and a cloudless sky stretching for miles.

Cheng Nanyu intentionally woke up early today. After carefully getting ready, she was about to instruct someone to prepare breakfast when she opened the door and saw Nanny Chang crossing the courtyard towards the main house.

She opened the door completely to welcome her. Nanny Chang, upon seeing her come out, seemed somewhat surprised, hesitating for a moment.

“Princess, you’re up early today.”

Nanny Chang, accustomed to Cheng Nanyu’s usual love for sleeping in, was taken aback to see her up early. It seemed a bit unusual, and she felt she had been a bit rude in front of her young mistress.

Cheng Nanyu couldn’t help but feel a bit helpless after hearing Nanny Chang’s words. However, she had to admit that she had been a bit indulgent before.

“I’m going out with Third Brother today, so I woke up a bit early. Is there something happening so early, Nanny?”

Nanny Chang, being an elder in Princess Qingyang’s household, had watched these young masters and mistresses grow up. When she heard that Cheng Nanyu was going out with Cheng Huayan, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter. While others might not know, as the wet nurse of Princess Qingyang, she understood Princess Qingyang’s thoughts very well. Princess Qingyang was most satisfied with the third prince, Cheng Huayan. Naturally, Nanny Chang felt that Cheng Huayan was a perfect match for Cheng Nanyu. Moreover, Lady Chen, the mother of Cheng Huayan, was very satisfied with Cheng Nanyu. In the eyes of the two mothers, this matter was almost a certainty, even though the younger generation was still unaware of it.

“Princess, please join us in the main hall for breakfast.”

This was quite unusual. Although Cheng Nanyu had been raised under Princess Qingyang’s care, the princess had not shown particular warmth towards her. Therefore, such instances of having meals together were rare over the years, except for special occasions or important matters.

However, asking Nanny Chang wouldn’t yield any meaningful result, so Cheng Nanyu chose not to inquire further. She simply nodded and followed Nanny Chang to the main hall.

Upon arriving at the main hall, she realized that, apart from her mother, her older brother Song Yushu was also joining them for breakfast. When Princess Qingyang saw her standing at the door, she waved her over. Cheng Nanyu smiled and walked towards them, stealing a glance at Song Yushu, who was sipping porridge. He had an expressionless face, a complete contrast to the person who gave her a gift yesterday.

“Going out today?”

Seeing her daughter, who rarely got up early, dressing up, Princess Qingyang was curious about her plans for the day. However, her inquiry seemed somewhat indifferent, as if she didn’t really care whether she knew or not. She even casually served some food to Song Yushu beside her.

This gesture made Cheng Nanyu feel like she was quite superfluous in this house.

But what else could she say?

“Yes, today I’m going out to play with San gege and Lingdong.”

Cheng Nan Yu grew up in the princess’s residence. Besides her own family, the only other place she could be was the imperial palace. As for the imperial palace, emotions there were always cold and distant. Even Cheng Lingdong, who was usually favored by the emperor, rarely had the chance to see him.

And Princess Qingyang always followed the rules and never interfered in Cheng Nan Yu’s affairs.

“Hua Yan is back?”

“Aunt, I’m here.”

Just as Princess Qingyang asked, a male voice came from outside the main hall. When he walked in, it became clear that it was Cheng Huayan, the one being talked about.

“I just returned not long ago, and I’ve picked such a good day to come and visit my aunt early!”

“You mischievous monkey!” Princess Qingyang, upon seeing him, smiled and quickly instructed the maid behind to bring a chair and ask him to sit down.

Cheng Nanyu, on the other hand, stood there, not knowing whether to sit or stand.

Song Yushu silently glanced at Cheng Nanyu, standing there, and pushed the chair next to him.

Cheng Nanyu was stunned.

She never expected that one day her feared older brother would find a way out for her.

“Are you really here to see your aunt? I think you’re here to see your sister!”

Princess Qingyang didn’t notice the subtle movements between her son and daughter. Her gaze wandered back and forth on Cheng Huayan, seemingly very satisfied. Cheng Nanyu, after sitting down, kept her head down, focusing on her porridge, oblivious to her mother’s gaze. However, Song Yushu, sitting across from her, observed everything clearly.

“Sister is, of course…”

“Did my sister see the gift I gave her yesterday?”

Cheng Huayan was enthusiastic, but he was interrupted midway. His smile faded slightly, and he turned to look at Song Yushu, who was staring at Cheng Nanyu.

Cheng Nanyu was enjoying her meal, and who would have thought that her brother, sitting across from her, would suddenly ask her a question. The spoon in her hand was neither placed down nor raised.


Princess Qingyang apparently harbored no dissatisfaction with Song Yushu interrupting Cheng Huayan. Instead, she smiled at Song Yushu and then turned to Cheng Nanyu.

“Did your older brother give you a gift?”

At this point, Cheng Nanyu had to put down her spoon. She glanced at her smiling mother and nodded.

“I also want to thank my older brother; I really like that piece of green jade.”

“As long as my sister likes it.”

Song Yushu’s face still showed no expression, as if giving a gift was a casual matter, and he didn’t care whether the recipient liked it or not. This made Cheng Nanyu feel a bit stifled.

Just a moment ago, she was grateful for him saving her, and now that bit of goodwill has vanished in an instant…

This older brother was truly unpredictable, smiling one moment and expressionless the next.

“Yu’er, have you finished your breakfast? If you have, we should leave.”

Perhaps feeling the awkward atmosphere, Cheng Huayan timely spoke up to ease the tension. He then turned and smiled at Cheng Nanyu, who was immersed in her porridge.

In fact, Cheng Nanyu had been drinking porridge the whole time and hadn’t eaten much. But she really didn’t want to sit in this awkward room any longer. She nodded in agreement, ready to get up. Then she remembered that they had agreed to have Cheng Lingdong join them today. Why hadn’t she seen her today?

“Where’s Lingdong?”

Speaking of Cheng Lingdong, Cheng Huayan smiled. “Lingdong said she hasn’t finished the task given by the embroidery master, so she won’t be coming today.”

“Task given by the embroidery master?”

This puzzled Cheng Nan Yu. She was Cheng Lingdong’s companion reader, so why hadn’t she heard about a task from the embroidery master?

“Aunt, it’s getting late. Since Yu’er has finished, I’ll take her out.”

Princess Qingyang, seeing the two standing together, was pleased. She nodded and agreed, smiling. Cheng Huayan extended his hand, intending to hold Cheng Nanyu’s hand as they used to when they were children, but Cheng Nanyu dodged.

“Third brother, let’s go.”

Cheng Huayan didn’t find it awkward and just smiled. “I forgot; I used to play with Yu’er like this all the time. I always felt I hadn’t grown up. I was thoughtless; Yu’er, don’t blame me.”

Cheng Nanyu was a bit puzzled when Cheng Huayan reached out to hold her hand earlier, but now she understood.

“Why would I blame you? When we were little, Third Brother always protected me.”

Cheng Huayan laughed, and the two walked away, disappearing around a corner.

Princess Qingyang was very satisfied with the harmonious scene just now. She smiled as she watched the two walk away and then turned to Nanny Chang, still wearing a joyful expression.

“These two kids, childhood sweethearts, are most suitable for each other!”

“Yes.” Nanny Chang nodded. Just as she was about to say something else, Song Yushu stood up.

“Mother, I have finished.”

He put down his chopsticks and stood up, walking out of the main hall. Princess Qingyang, seeing his indifferent demeanor, also withdrew her smile and sighed softly.

“This child… I owe him!”

Madam Chang glanced at Song Yushu’s retreating figure and shook her head helplessly.

On the other side, Cheng Nan Yu, who had already left the mansion, naturally didn’t know that her brother had also left after her departure. She let Cheng Huayan lead her out of the city.

“It’s not time yet. How about we take a stroll outside the city? The scenery there is beautiful.”

Originally, they had come out to have lunch at Cheng Huayan’s new restaurant, but it wasn’t time yet. He suggested going outside the city for a walk, and Cheng Nanyu naturally had no objections.

The two of them took a carriage to the outskirts of the city. It was a beautiful spring day, and the scenery outside the city was delightful. Cheng Nanyu felt as if she had left the city; her whole being, every hair on her body, felt relaxed. Even the air outside the city didn’t feel as oppressive as in the inner city.

It was spring, and the willow trees were just budding. The grass on the ground was tender, carrying a pleasant fragrance, making her feel light and refreshed.

Finally, she could escape from reality for a while.

Standing on the grass, she stretched her arms slightly, closing her eyes to savor the taste of spring. Cheng Huayan stood behind her, and his gaze never left her throughout.

Unfortunately, some people were so oblivious, chattering away behind them, disrupting the tranquility.

“Brother Ah Yuan!”

The oblivious ones arrived. <(`^)>










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