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Chapter 27: Unyielding

“Viola, what are you planning to make today?”

“I can’t put much effort into breakfast every day, so I’ll make something simple. But for lunch, since we have the opportunity, I’m thinking of making something elaborate, so I’m getting ready for that.”

“If there’s anything I can help with, let me know.”

“Yes, thank you.”

As the two walked towards the kitchen, exchanging words, the face of the early-shift man standing by the wall twisted. There was a clanging sound of metal.

At that moment, Leon let out a small breath. He flowed one step back, lowered his hips, and assumed a vigilant stance. The hand resting on his waist cut through the air.

After a brief pause, as if coming to his senses, Leon relaxed his stance. Then, he politely bowed.

“Nice to meet you. I look forward to working with you.”

Despite Leon’s friendly smile, the man still showed no signs of lowering his guard. Viola furrowed her brows as she noticed the man holding a spear and touching the short sword at his waist, not hiding it.

“Hey, Lake.”

“Viola, this man is a hero!”

“Yes, I know. Nox is aware of it too. But!”

“I know that Leon is someone you don’t want to accept, but for now, he is a guest in the Demon King’s Castle. Can you understand that?”

“If Viola says so…”

The man who had lowered his spear trembled. Viola, looking down at his hand, which was clenched white, turned back to Leon.

“Leon, too. Stop it; they are not bad.”

“Yeah, I get it. Sorry, I’m cautious by habit, though.”

Smiling at Viola, Leon apologized politely, and the man nodded silently.

From there on, the scene unfolded like Viola recalling the first time she came to the Demon King’s Castle. No, it might be worse than that.

As they walked down the hallway, the sound of weapons clashing echoed, and numerous gazes pierced them. Leon lowered his eyes, bit his lip, and followed Viola.

Finally reaching the kitchen, he couldn’t help but let out a small sigh.

“Leon, I’m sorry. But I want you to understand; they are not bad people.”

“I’ve heard that many times, but I understand.”

“Yes, right.”

While preparing breakfast, Viola took out a pile of potatoes. After quickly inspecting them, she took out the misshapen ones and began peeling them. Since she would mash them anyway, she decided to save the good ones for side dishes.

Usually, there are others who come to help Viola at this time, but today, sensing Leon standing tall near the entrance, only Viola was in the kitchen.

“Viola, you know, you are trusted not only by the Demon King but also by the demons.”

Leon started the conversation. Viola answered as she tossed the potatoes into the pot with salt.

“Do you think so?”

“That demon said, ‘If Viola says so’.”

“His name is Lake. It’s rude to call him a demon.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Glancing at the simmering pot, Viola continued as she finely chopped the celery she had just washed, as if it were an ordinary conversation.

“I don’t know if Lake and the others believe in me, but I believe in them.”

“That’s a really good thing.”

Frowning at the comforting words, Viola turned to Leon near the doorway. Their eyes met, and Leon gave a soft smile.

“What’s wrong, Viola?”

“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about it. More importantly, I want to hear about what’s going on over there. Has anything changed since I left?”

“Yeah. The Five Knights have started actively participating in the Demon King subjugation, especially the Water Knight’s momentum.”

“I heard a little about it. Oh, by the way, Leon.”

After confirming that the potatoes were well cooked by piercing them with a fork, Viola took them out of the pot and into a strainer. While draining the water, Viola asked Leon.

“Both times, Leon came in here almost alone. It’s dangerous; why did you do such a reckless thing?”

“Of course, because I heard Viola was kidnapped.”

“Kidnapped… it might be a bit different. I came here of my own volition. But more importantly, for the sake of just one person, the hero is risking his life like this…”

“I’m fine.”

Interrupted by those words, Viola turned around in surprise. In the process, the splashing water stained her clothes, and Viola instinctively looked down at it.

Quickly wiping off the water and raising her head, Leon was still smiling as before.

“It’s okay; in the end, I’m still alive.”

“Well, that’s true.”

As a cold breeze grazed her cheek, Viola turned her head sharply to the right. The door connecting the main hall and the kitchen, a door usually used only for serving, opened, and a man entered the kitchen.


“Nox? You’re early.”

“What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean, huh?”

Raising the potato in her hand and the stick to mash it, Viola showed them to Nox, who sighed quietly. In an instant, the air trembled.

Before she realized it, Nox was standing right next to her. Just as his hand was about to wrap around Viola’s waist, a sharp intake of breath was heard.

“What’s going on?”

Nox, turning his gaze towards Leon, narrowed his eyes slightly. Ignoring that gaze, Leon continued to smile gracefully, tilting his head slightly.

“Oh, nothing?”

“If you don’t have business, stay silent.”

Without hesitation, Nox’s arm wrapped around Viola’s waist. Feeling the cold breath entering her ears and the sensation of her spine tingling, Viola looked up at Nox with caution.

“Viola, let me rephrase it so even you can understand. What is the hero doing here?”

“Just chatting. It’s more enjoyable with someone to talk to.”

“I’ll be your conversation partner.”


Surprised by the unexpected words, Viola looked at Nox twice, forgetting her caution. Did Nox just offer to be Viola’s conversation partner?

“I’ll be your conversation partner. What do you want to talk about?”

“Why so suddenly? We’ve never done that before.”

“Have you ever talked to a human man where I wasn’t around? Besides, I told you not to disappear on your own.”

“I said it’s impossible.”

“Impossible? To live, you still need my magic. Don’t think you can escape from me.”

Nox’s magic.

Upon hearing those words, Viola’s face turned red, recalling various things. Nox smiled satisfactorily and gently stroked her flushed cheek with his hand.

Aware of her heated face due to his persistent gestures, Viola squeezed out her words.

“If you’re going to keep me company, I want to know more about Nox.”

“About me?”

“Yes. You won’t tell me anything, will you?”

Viola’s words were probably unexpected. Nox, looking down as if contemplating, Viola repeated her question. Perhaps this was a chance to get to know more about the mysterious Nox.

“I know you like wine. Hmm, why is your room always dark?”

“It’s more calming that way. Besides, it suits me, don’t you think?”

With a soft, throaty sound, a smile, and a slow lick of his lips, Nox made Viola convinced that it would be better not to delve too deeply into this topic.

“Hmm, then, what about your age?”

“It’s not much different from yours.”

“Really? I always thought you were much older.”

“Well, I am older. What’s next, what I like—”

—Should I ask?

Retreating instinctively at those words and hugging herself, Viola and Nox laughed genuinely amused.

“I was just teasing. Or did you really want to know? If so, let’s do it practically.”

“I really don’t want to know!”

“I see.”

It was infuriating to feel like she was the only one disturbed by the calm man standing there. Even if she glared at him, it probably didn’t matter much to Nox, similar to how ants wouldn’t bother him much.

As if trying to nibble, Viola swatted away the hand, reaching for the nearly mashed potato. Desperately trying to continue the conversation, Viola said, “Then, your favorite color!”

“What do you think?”

“Black. Because you always wear it, and I’ve never seen Nox not wearing black.”

“Do you need to ask when you already know?”

“Then I’ll ask something I don’t know. Family?”

In a momentary silence, Viola realized her own slip of the tongue. As she tried to weave words to cover it up, Nox’s fingertip blocked her mouth. Embracing Viola from behind, Nox whispered in her ear.

“The same as you.”

“Yeah. Uh, sorry—”

The words she tried to apologize with were sealed by Nox’s lips. Immediately, a sweet magic flowed in like honey, and Viola closed her eyes, unable to resist.

Why now, even when Leon is here?

The will to resist—the words of complaint—were powerless against the overwhelming sweetness and the seductive movement of the tongue. As usual, the man who crushed Viola’s waist with just a kiss looked down at the trembling Viola with satisfaction.

When his extended hand swept Viola’s hair, Viola, still feeling lingering discomfort, opened her mouth.

“It’s unfair. You know I can’t resist.”

“You didn’t seem to have the intention to resist, did you? You struggled so much at first, but…”

“I just gave up.”

“Is that really so?”

The fingertips that touched Viola’s hair then grazed her ear, gently caressing the soft part. The sound of it echoed in her head. With Viola’s breathing trembling as if she might cry, Nox let out a satisfied sigh.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Viola, hurry up and surrender to me.”


“I don’t have much patience.”

“Even though you waited for five years.”

“I waited for five years.”

In the earnestest tone, Viola lifted her face, forgetting the gentle stimulation in her ears. In those crimson eyes swaying with fervent desire, a small breath escaped.

“…What does Nox want me to do?”

“I, well…”

It was at that moment. A sudden noise made Viola turn around in surprise. Barely catching the sight of the white robe disappearing into the corridor, Viola scolded her trembling legs and stood up.

“Are you going after him?”

“Yes. We don’t know what might happen. It’s dangerous for Leon and everyone else.”


Suddenly grabbed by the shoulders with strong force, Viola gasped. Close by, she was showered with intense red and felt the cold fingertips slide against her throat.

“If you’re going, then go. I know you care about the hero. But…”

Wet lips lightly touched Viola’s lips, like a fleeting brush.

Without magical power, just a simple touch.

“Don’t hand yourself over to that man.”


Releasing her hand from Viola, Nox slowly stepped away. A few seconds later, Nox’s figure disappeared.

Viola, coming back to her senses, dashed after Leon.

Hoping that nothing untoward would happen.





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