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Chapter 12: Storm

She offered a bouquet to the two graves in front of her.

“Father, Mother, I’m going to the capital. Maybe I won’t be able to come back here. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’ll fulfill my debutante duties so that I won’t be ashamed to be your daughter. I’ve decided to wear the green dress that Father gave Mother. I’ll also wear Mother’s necklace. I wanted both of you to see me like that… But I’m sure, being like Mother, I can carry it well. Watch over me from heaven.”

She gently kissed the two tombstones.

She might never return here again.

Although she should have been prepared for that, she couldn’t stop the endless tears from flowing.

On the early morning of the day she departed for the capital, after paying respects at her parents’ graves, she went to say goodbye to Roger and Nick.

“Roger, Nick, thank you for everything. Take care of yourselves.”

“Miss, don’t talk like you’re not coming back. You’ll come back with those guys, right?”

“Yes, I want to come back.”

She understood why Nick’s tone was a little angry and why the tip of his nose was red, but Eva pretended not to notice and smiled.

She wanted them to remember only her smile.

“Miss, please take care. Remember the words we promised, okay? Don’t forget.”

Roger handed Eva a bottle filled with rose petals.

“What’s this?”

“These are rose petals from the Rose Garden. They might be needed in the capital by people from neighboring countries. If they need them, please have them with you.”

“Roger… You…”

“I had the opportunity to tour the Rose Garden with Lady Elizabeth before.”

Roger knew that Raymond was the Crown Prince of the Dacian Empire. He knew he was a vampire, and he knew about his affinity for the vitality of roses.

“Thank you. I’ll take it.”

Thankful for Roger’s consideration, Eva smiled and said, “I’ll be back,” leaving the cabin.

Despite preparing herself for the possibility of not returning, she ended up needing only one suitcase.

Annie said, “Miss, you packed too little,” but…

“Annie, take care too. Thank you for always being by my side. It gave me strength. If I can’t come back, I’ll make sure to send letters.”

While conscious of a bright voice and smile, she tightly held Annie’s hand.

She wanted Annie to remember her smile as well.

The crybaby Annie’s tear ducts had already collapsed.

“Don’t cry, Annie. I’ll be fine.”

Yes, she had to tell herself that she was ‘fine.’

She had been living by convincing herself of that. And she would continue to do so in the future.

In the end, it seemed that Raymond’s party decided to enter the capital along with the Marquis’s family.

Since the day of their outing, Eva has not been able to meet Lucas even once. It appeared that Raymond and Lucas had rarely returned to the mansion. When she peeked into the stable, she often found that Roch and other horses from the Dacian Empire were not there.

Whether it was disappointing not to see Roch or disappointing not to see Lucas… Eva avoided delving into her own feelings of disappointment each time she peeked into the stable, as it was scary to explore them.

This time, two carriages were dispatched from the Marquis’s family. One carried her uncle’s family, and the other was for Eva and the servants. Although the quality of the carriage Eva rode in was lower, it was much better than traveling in the same carriage with her uncle’s family.

The journey to the capital would take two days by carriage. They planned to stay overnight in a town along the way on the first day.

Eva closed the book she had been reading and slightly shifted the curtains hanging on the carriage window to peer outside.

She could see Lucas sitting on Roch, facing forward. Raymond’s group, all on horses, surrounded the carriage.

Surprisingly, Lucas seemed to have taken a position near the carriage Eva was in, not with the carriage of her uncle’s family at the front.

It was as if Lucas and the others were acting as escorts for them, which surprised her.

Although she could imagine that Lucas and his group might be stronger than the Marquis’s knights, logically, shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Whether he noticed her gaze or not, Lucas turned towards Eva. With his cape fluttering and sitting confidently on Roch, he looked very gallant.

Their eyes met through the window. Eva suddenly noticed a slight upward curve in Lucas’s well-shaped mouth.

While feeling a flutter in her heart, Eva consciously nodded in acknowledgment without letting her emotions show. She then gently closed the curtain again.

After several breaks, they arrived in a town with an inn in the evening. It seemed that Raymond’s group would also stay in the same inn.

During each rest stop, Eva’s cousins crowded around Raymond. Lucas, who accompanied Raymond as a servant, also attracted curious glances from the cousins.

(“Oh, Bonnie is touching Lord Lucas’s arm again.”)

(“Matilda is pressing her body against Lord Lucas again.”)

Whenever she looked towards Lucas, she couldn’t help but notice her cousins flocking around him.

Eva disliked the restless feeling in her heart, so during breaks, she spent time alone, away from everyone.

At the inn, she was assigned a servant’s room. It seemed that her uncle had stopped disparaging Eva in front of Raymond’s group. The likely reason is the elevated status of his daughters as candidates for the Crown Prince’s fiancĂ©e.

Although she was given a private room, upon entering, she found it to be a small room with only a bed.

“Well, at least there’s a bed. It’s enough here.”

After being rocked in the carriage for half a day, Eva felt tired. Despite feeling it was improper, she lay down on the bed, feeling a drowsiness that almost dragged her in, and closed her eyes.

When Eva vaguely awakened and peeked out the window, the sun had already set. Feeling hungry, Eva sat up and stretched.

Her uncle’s and Raymond’s dinner would have already started. In any case, Eva would not be invited to dinner. Perhaps she should get something from the kitchen.

After washing her face with the water jug and basin left in the room, Eva, feeling refreshed, left her room and headed to the kitchen.

The inn turned out to be surprisingly large. Eva, who had thought the kitchen would be easy to find, wandered around anxiously, looking for any inn staff. Perhaps they were busy during dinner time, as she couldn’t find any employees.

Wondering what to do, she stopped and looked out the window. A large lake came into view. Gazing absentmindedly, she heard thunder from afar. Simultaneously, heavy rain started, and the wind fiercely slapped raindrops against the window.

Suddenly, the sky lit up, and thunder struck the lake.

“A storm is coming…”

Storms brought back unpleasant memories. In a world filled with the sound of thunder and raindrops hitting, her mind went blank.

Instinctively stepping back from the window, she felt a sensation as if her back had collided with something. As she tried to turn around, the outside of the window was brightly illuminated, and thunder roared, breaking the air. Eva, who screamed, was suddenly embraced from behind, and her head became confused.

“Eva! It’s me! Lucas!”

When Eva finally understood the repeated words whispered in her ear, she was tightly held. When she tried to pull away, the arms wrapped around her tightened even more.


“Ah, have you calmed down?”

The strength in the arms eased, and Eva could move freely.

“I… what happened?”

“Frightened, you were screaming.”


She remembered being surprised when thunder struck the lake. When she instinctively looked out the window, heavy rain was still falling, but the thunderclouds seemed to have passed.

Lucas’s thumb wiped away tears on Eva’s cheek. As Eva, who had frozen, looked up at Lucas’s well-defined face, he sighed in relief.

“Good. You’re back.”


“Yeah, you were… screaming in panic.”


Thunder had startled her, and she remembered that much. When she inadvertently touched her cheek, she noticed traces of tears.

Eva said, “Lord Lucas, I apologize for any inconvenience,” while attempting to move away from Lucas’s arms.

“Lord Lucas?”

She remembered that vampires had strong powers. Eva wouldn’t be able to escape unless Lucas loosened his grip.

“Lord Lucas, I’ve already calmed down. Please… release me.”

Now, even though there was no one around, they were in the inn’s corridor. She didn’t know when someone might pass by.

Lucas let out a sigh.

“Okay… I’ll let go. Now, tell me what happened.”

“Alright?” Eva nodded repeatedly, and finally, Lucas released her.

“I apologize for getting so agitated.”

She bowed her head to Lucas.

“No, I just happened to see you when I was passing by. If I startled you by trying to greet you, I apologize.”

“No, that’s not it. I don’t remember what happened when I was agitated, but it was because of the thunder.”

“Thunder? Are you afraid of it?”

“My parents died in a carriage accident on a stormy day with thunder. That night, I kept looking out the window, waiting for my parents to return. I remember the thunder and lightning happening repeatedly. I always associate this kind of weather with the accident… Usually, I don’t get upset, but for some reason today… I’m truly sorry for causing you trouble.”

“Today… you’ve been on the carriage for a long time, maybe.”

Feeling sorry for causing trouble and being seen in such a state, Eva looked down. She then felt Lucas’s hand gently resting on her head.

“Now, are you not scared?”

“Yes, I’m fine now.”

Like treating a child, Lucas stroked Eva’s head, and then his hand left.

When Eva raised her face, following his big hand, she was met with Lucas’s soft eyes.

“You still look pale. Have you eaten dinner yet?”

“No, not yet. I was planning to get something from the kitchen, but I couldn’t find it.”

“You were lost?”

Lucas, who raised the corner of his mouth, took Eva’s hand and said, “Let’s go to the kitchen,” as they walked.

“Lord Lucas?”

“I haven’t eaten yet either. Let’s go get something together.”

“What? But weren’t you with Lord Raymond?”

“Your cousins were being annoying, so I escaped.”

“You escaped… Is that alright?”

“Handling women is better suited for my elder brother, so leave it to him.”

Lucas’s hand, which was holding hers, felt warm. The unpleasant feeling of her cousins being touchy-feely with Lucas seemed to dissolve.

Lucas effortlessly reached the kitchen, ordered dinner for two, and then sat with Eva at a table near the kitchen.

“Lord Lucas, weren’t you on your way somewhere?”

“Ah… yeah, I was looking for you.”

Lucas answered, turning his face slightly away.

“For me? Was there something?”

“No, I just couldn’t see you during the break while we were moving, so I got a little worried.”

Eva’s shoulder jumped in surprise. He was concerned about me? Even though I had been a bit childish, raising my eyebrows at my cousins’ behavior.

Blushing and turning pale, Eva, who unintentionally showed a flustered expression, was observed by Lucas, who was watching her intently. He suddenly relaxed his mouth.

“Maybe you were avoiding me because your cousins were bothering me?”

“Oh, um… yes. I’m sorry. It’s presumptuous of me to think like that, but when I see the two of them being so touchy-feely with Lord Lucas, it somehow makes my chest feel uneasy…”

While speaking nervously, Eva stole a glance at Lucas’s expression. His wide red eyes and Eva’s gaze intertwined. Lucas covered his mouth with the back of his hand and, looking a bit embarrassed, averted his gaze.

“Oh? Did I say something strange?”

“No, it’s not… not wrong. It’s just that you…”

When Lucas let out a big sigh, the timing was perfect as the dishes were delivered to the table.

“Come on, let’s eat!”

Seeing Lucas start eating, Eva hurriedly decided to focus on her meal.

After the meal, Lucas ordered wine, and Eva received a warm herbal tea.

“Your complexion has improved.”

Lucas, sipping wine, softened his gaze.

“Yes, thank you.”

“This town is close to the capital. We should arrive tomorrow afternoon. Are you going to the mansion?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard. Lord Lucas, where will you be staying in the capital?”

It’s hard to imagine going to the Marquise Mansion even after arriving in the capital.

“Ah, I have a residence for times like this.”

“I see… Well then, it’s goodbye after tomorrow.”

She tightly held the cup of herbal tea in both hands, as if embracing it.

It felt unexpectedly lonely.

“But, my brother might attend the royal ball.”

“Huh? Is that so?”

“What about Lord Lucas? Won’t you be attending?”

“Dressing up and dancing sound like a hassle. If I go as a servant, I won’t have to go all the way to the venue.”

Servants were not allowed into the venue, only up to the waiting room.

“Besides, both my brother and I stand out too much. There’s no need for both of us to go.”

Indeed, both of them had well-proportioned figures, shining golden hair, and the appearance of storybook princes. Moreover, in the Tifris Kingdom, where vibrant colors were rare, they would attract even more attention.

Thinking about the actions of her aunt and cousins, Eva could easily imagine that going to the ball would be troublesome with more women approaching them.

“Well then, I won’t be able to see Lord Lucas again, will I?”

Eva muttered quietly.

“What, you want to see me that badly?”

Lucas teased with a smirk, and she nodded sincerely.

“Yes, I enjoy our conversations like this. I didn’t have any friends other than childhood friends… But, Lord Lucas will probably return to his country soon, and once I’m engaged, I won’t be able to have conversations like this anymore…”

Lucas, who seemed to be in a good mood, quickly stiffened.

“Even if you’re engaged, you can still talk, can’t you?”

“No, it’s just my speculation, but I don’t think I can return to the territory anymore. It doesn’t seem like my uncle intends to take me back. We’ll probably exchange engagement documents during the ball, and then I’ll be taken to their house. If that happens, I won’t be able to meet you anymore.”

“Is that okay with you?”

“Whether it’s good or bad, I don’t have the choice. I’ve already visited my parents’ graves with that intention. The only regret is the rose garden, but I believe Roger will take care of it well. So, whenever you come to the Marquise’s territory, please be sure to stop by that rose garden.”

Eva smiled at Lucas, who had a complicated expression.

“Oh, Lord Lucas, do you know the term ‘green hand’?”

“Green Hand?”

“Yes, my father used to say that my mother was a possessor of a green hand. It’s a term for someone skilled in gardening. Like my mother, I want to become someone with a green hand. If I can be involved with flowers in the next place, that would be enough for me.”

Eva smiled at Lucas, conveying her assurance that she would be okay.

They quietly sipped their drinks for a while.

Eva didn’t mind the moments of silence between them.

Spending time with Lucas, who had a calm and poised demeanor, brought a sense of peace to her heart. Since the death of her parents, Eva has always been fearful deep inside, despite maintaining a facade of normalcy. She had desperately worn emotional armor, trying to be a strong child who didn’t cry.

With Lucas, she felt like she didn’t have to try so hard so that she could be herself. She felt as though she was protected by the confident atmosphere that surrounded Lucas.

As the conversation seemed to be coming to an end, Eva couldn’t help but feel a bit sentimental.

“You seemed quite busy. Were you out with Roch?”

“Yeah, following my brother’s orders, here and there. He’s rough with people.”

“Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m fine. Your rose garden saved me.”

“Is absorbing the vitality from roses perceived by vampires as nourishing as bloodsucking?”

“Well, something like that.”

After some hesitation, Eva gathered her courage and asked Lucas.

“Do you ever desire to drink blood?”

She couldn’t forget the moment when Lucas had sucked on her finger, which had a drop of blood from the rose thorn.

Surprised but mischievously smiling, Lucas answered, “It’s not like any blood will do. Each one has its own scent. If it’s a fragrance I find pleasant, it feels sweet to me. So, when I smell that scent, I feel like I want to drink blood.”

“A pleasant fragrance, huh?”

I wonder how my scent was. It would be nice if he thought it was sweet.

A sudden thought crossed Eva’s mind, and she realized she seemed to be acting as if she wanted to be bitten. Flustered, she fumbled within herself.

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