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Chapter 34: To the Royal Castle

Viola shivered lightly in the biting cold wind that felt like it was slashing her cheeks.

In the moment she looked up, she shook her head at the crimson eyes that peered back at her, dismissing them as nothing.

Even in the sky, it was still a bit frightening, despite being in Nox’s arms.

It had been an indeterminate amount of time since she was in the human world. At first glance, it seemed unchanged from before, but upon closer inspection, the faces of the humans toiling in the fields lacked vitality. Everyone was exhausted from the prolonged campaign against the Demon King.

However, it would all come to an end soon.


Nox, who had been staring at a point in the sky, muttered in a low voice. The magic that flew toward him disappeared before it could touch his body.

“Demon King! It’s a vibration-based attack, judging by its power, probably one of the Five Warriors, maybe the Grass Warrior, so the weakness is fire!”



“Ignatz, don’t kill them. It’ll be troublesome later.”

“I know, Arnold, you’re always so noisy!”

Flames erupted from Ignatz’s hands, quickly scorching the blue sky. By this point, Viola could see numerous shadows floating in the sky, heading towards the royal capital – interference was inevitable.

As Ignatz attacked, shadows fell sporadically. Arnold, grimacing, waved his hand, and their descent speed suddenly slowed.

“Don’t make things more complicated!”

“I just neutralized them!! It’s their fault for being weak!!!”

“Trying to fight these people was a reckless move on our part.”

Even Leon, shrugging his shoulders, was undoubtedly a formidable individual since he could fly alongside those with wings. Although only a few elite members of the Demon King’s castle were present, they were holding their own in battle against the numerous human forces.

“Ignatz! Arnold! Water on the left, thunder on the right!”

“Don’t give me orders, human!”

“I appreciate it. Leon, right? Why not work at the Demon King’s castle?”

To the left, Ignatz; to the right, Arnold. Beams fired from both sides, scattering those approaching with a loud noise.


“It’s darkness.”

With a swift motion, Nox’s hand emitted a jet-black light, causing Leon to shake his head.

“It seems I’m not needed.”

At that moment, a distant white beam cut through the sky, narrowly grazing Viola’s body.

“Nox! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, but get ready to move.”

With a brief reply, Nox’s body suddenly tilted. A strong sway, a sudden shake of the head, and Viola’s vision became chaotic. She had to swallow her complaints about Nox’s unexpectedly rough movements. Her body was being swung around vigorously, and she didn’t want to accidentally bite her tongue.

As Viola’s vision started to spin in all directions, Nox’s low click of the tongue was heard.


“They’re targeting Viola.”


“Yeah. Honestly, you understand nothing.”

Embracing Viola, whose body was slipping, Nox made a sharp turn. His arm held her, preventing her from being thrown away.

“He’s the archbishop.”

Leon’s tense voice sounded. Immediately, Leon’s hand extended, and a similar white flash flew towards the distant sky. At that moment, the attacks ceased.

“He noticed I was here. Quite old, but I didn’t expect him to come this far.”

“Demon King!!!! Are you unharmed!!!”


“Targeting Viola-san, huh? I see, using tactics that bring up unpleasant memories.”

“The archbishop will be astonished to hear that.”

In response to those mocking words, Nox’s voice hardened. When Viola looked up at his face, Nox gave a wry smile.

“At that time.”

Catching a glimpse of Leon lowering his gaze, Viola understood. In other words, Nox fears.

He fears that Viola will be hurt again.

That’s why he refrains from attacking aggressively and is overly concerned about Viola.

“It’s okay.”

“I can’t trust that from you.”

“Demon King.”

Leon, approaching Nox, extended his hand.

“I want you to return the sword. If you do, I’ll handle it.”

“We were once comrades, right?”

“We didn’t have much contact, and now I’m trying to do something more important than that.”

Arnold, who had approached, pondered, pressing his fingertips to his forehead.

“Unfortunately, with that level of power, it’s dangerous for Ignatz and me. Our affinity is the worst for the holy attribute.”

Ignatz punches Arnold from behind when he says that he can do it if he wants to.

“I guess we’ll do it!! It’s our responsibility to respond to the Demon King’s wishes!”

“Good, Ignatz.”

Casually waving his hand, a holy sword appeared at the tip of Nox’s hand. Under the blue sky, it emitted the same clear and beautiful light.

Nox, who released it, smiled.

“How long will it take?”

“I’m not good with decimals.”

The figure of Leon, who had emerged with the sword in one hand, disappeared.

At that moment, Viola’s body spun again. Feeling a sensation as if her internal organs were being stirred, Viola swayed while gazing in the direction where Leon disappeared.

Then, probably ten seconds or so.

Viola let out a small breath as a pillar of white light rose, connecting the ground and the sky.


How far had they flown?

Beyond the sky, the shadow of the royal castle began to appear. Viola, realizing that there was a slight increase in the strength of the arms holding her, peered into Nox’s eyes.


“No problem.”

Observing Viola’s somewhat suspicious demeanor, Nox formed a faint smile.

“It’s true that I used to chase after those illusions, but now I’m more concerned about someone in danger.”

“I don’t think it’s dangerous.”

“Who said it was about you?”


“If you are aware, please behave.”

A white terrace extended around the tower at the front of the royal castle.

In a place where the king would normally stand and address the people, Nox silently descended.




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