Home Post 2418-chapter-59


Chapter 59

The rain obscured the sky, and mist filled the air.

The illusion gradually emerged before them, and the first sensation Ning Ning felt was a bone-chilling cold.

Zheng Weiqi deliberately chose a notoriously difficult level within the floating tower. Joining them were the famously poor He Zhizhou and the notoriously fierce Pei Ji.

Unlike the last time they entered the floating tower, where they scattered, this time the four appeared in the same place.

This place resembled a Jiangnan town during the rainy season, with thick smoke and dark rain forming a vast net that descended from the sky onto the light green clothing of the wild grass.

It should be nearing evening now, with darkness yet to fully fall. The sun or moon couldn’t be seen in the sky; only fluffy clouds accumulated into clusters, covering bursts of light from the sky.

They stood on a long embankment; not far away was a tranquil river, dyed into a hazy gray color by milky-white mist. Willow trees cut the wind, lightly stirring the spring rain. A gentle breeze blew, ruffling the jade-colored river like a cold mirror.

A stone bridge spanned the river, and looking back, there were low houses with blue tiles and white walls, soaked in the rain and mist, making their traces indistinct.

It looked like ink spreading on rice paper, appearing distant and unclear.

Ning Ning took a deep breath of the cool air, a refreshing blend of the scent of grass and trees, like tasting a fresh dessert in the summer—refreshing and invigorating.

This illusion was not mentioned in the original work, so she was unaware of the specific plot. Zheng Weiqi had only mentioned that it had stumped many Foundation Establishment and even Golden Core disciples.

She was immersed in setting up a stall down the mountain and rarely ventured into the floating tower. Hearing that this level was extremely difficult, she had never attempted it.

An unexpected cry suddenly echoed, mournful as if someone had accidentally lost a lottery ticket with a five-million prize.

Ning Ning used her spiritual energy to shield against the dense rain and looked towards the source of the sound.

There were a few people on both sides of the embankment. The one closest to them was a young girl in a green dress, holding a paper umbrella embroidered with lilac flowers. She was gently sobbing with her head down, though her face was covered by her hands and not visible. From her swaying figure and faintly visible facial features, she could be considered beautiful.

She seemed to be suppressing her cries forcefully; each sob was fragmented, like scattered debris carried by the wind, randomly striking the eardrums of those nearby. Undeniably cold and clear, melancholic and sorrowful—perfect for a guest appearance in “Rain Alley.”

“She’s crying so sadly.”

He Zhizhou pondered, “As far as I know, in almost all the plots of xianxia novels, the scene of a person walking in the rain shedding tears originates from a sad romantic relationship. This calls for the appearance of a handsome and comforting young man like me.”

Zheng Weiqi, experienced in the ways of the world, glanced at him nonchalantly and tightened the long sword at her waist. “As far as I know, in almost all the plots within the floating tower, that girl is most likely a genuine demon. Don’t fall for the beauty trap; you might just get kicked out as soon as you enter.”

“What does it matter if she’s a demon?” He Zhizhou, a former expert in various dating simulation games for otaku, grinned confidently. “After we return, I’ll tell you the story of White Snake and Xu Xian. With my charm, even if she’s a demon, I can turn the situation around and create a beautiful love story.”

“Just you?”

Ning Ning, accustomed to teasing him, said, “If we talk about a love story, my little junior brother’s face is more suitable to be the male lead.”

Pei Ji pursed his lips but remained silent.

Just as Ning Ning finished speaking, the sobbing beside her suddenly stopped. What followed was the sound of something falling to the ground and splashing into the water—

It turned out that the girl in the green dress, crying and falling, had slipped on the wet ground. The oil-paper umbrella was blown away by the wind, leaving her alone in the rain, struggling to get up.

The green dress touched the water, resembling a blooming, floating duckweed.

Finally, her appearance became gradually clear in the rain and mist. Her eyebrows were like distant mountains, and her eyes were cut like autumn water, truly mournful and graceful, eliciting pity.

“Now it’s time for me to make an entrance! Pei Ji, pay attention, and learn. You can definitely use this skill when pursuing a girl in the future.”

He Zhizhou lowered his voice and said, “I’ve seen this plot before; it’s just a matter of helping her up, comforting her, and then leading the conversation to unfold the plot. You guys just watch carefully.”

Pausing for a moment, he added, “Do you guys feel that her skirt, when spread open like this, looks like a round onion pancake? It’s making me a bit hungry—can you eat in this illusion?”

Ning Ning:…

With your level of thinking, it’s not even close to developing a love story! Please go directly to the stall and fry onion pancakes. Thank you!

For some reason, a faint sense of unease suddenly surged in her heart. She even began to worry about the girl.

He Zhizhou acted promptly and without hesitation. He immediately stepped forward and, in perfect accordance with the plot, shouted dramatically, “Miss, what happened to you!”

He didn’t use an umbrella and walked with his feet splashing in the puddles. Sometimes he stepped on the moss on the riverbank, causing him to unintentionally sway left and right.

He didn’t look like a graceful young man but more like someone walking in duck-like steps.

This was destined to be a love story involving ducks and onion pancakes.


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