Home Post 2419-chapter-60


Chapter 60

The girl in green, upon seeing him, lifted her teary eyes and tremblingly extended her right hand, sweetly calling out, “Young Master.”

Ning Ning had already vaguely guessed the ending and sighed inwardly.

—He Zhizhou was running very fast, so he would definitely not notice that near the spot where the girl in green slipped, there was an incredibly large and damp patch of moss.

In the next moment, he personally demonstrated what “scored twice” meant.

(T/N: scored twice; two events happen at the same time.)

The moss said, “The shoes kiss me with pain, but I repay it with a song.”

He Zhizhou’s movements were comparable to those of the Philippine National Diving Team. After a salute to the Buddha, he flipped upside down with hands raised and legs straight, exactly like the green-dressed girl. He took a solid tumble.

He thought things wouldn’t get any worse.

However, the hammer of fate finally fell on the delicate shoulders of this handsome youth.

—Before falling, he was running in the direction of the green-dressed girl.

Newton’s coffin was still there. According to the laws of physics, under the action of inertia, even if he fell to the ground, he would continue to slide in her direction.

Question: If the green-dressed girl stays in place while He Zhizhou slides down towards her with both feet, what will happen?

Answer: I can’t bear to answer.

His legs continued forward, and his soles landed perfectly on the girl’s shoulders.

Then he kicked her far away.

Still spinning and sliding endlessly towards the distance.

In today’s misty rain, He Zhizhou encountered a girl spinning and sliding like a spinning top.

She had the color of a spinning top, the fragrance of a spinning top, and the melancholy of a spinning top, mournful and wandering in the rain.

She slid past like a dream, sorrowful and lost like a dream. Like a spinning top passing through a dream, she slid past him.

Silently, she moved further and further away, to the ruined shore.


The shore.

He Zhizhou suddenly widened his eyes, futilely reaching out his right hand like a mudfish in the rain, and exclaimed tragically, “No—!”

He had thought in this script that he could be the dashing male lead among the blooming flowers. Little did he expect to correctly guess the beginning but utterly fail to foresee this ending.

He was not Xu Xian; he was a string of spinning tops.

(T/N: Xu Xian is from the story The Legend of the White Snake.)

And the girl he had kicked away spun and slid directly to the end of the embankment.

The moment she completely fell into the river, He Zhizhou saw her expression.

It was as if she had finally found the person who stole her five million lottery ticket—shock, fear, anger—a mix of emotions more abstract than an abstract painting.

In the distance, some passerby screamed in surprise, their voice so loud it could pierce through the fog, soaring into the sky alongside the dark clouds, “Help—someone—murder—!”

Who would have thought?

It was clearly a complex plot-oriented adventure game, yet the player took a different path, directly committing murder against a crucial NPC right at the beginning.

Zheng Weiqi couldn’t bear to watch, letting out a long sigh.

Ning Ning covered her face with her hands, speechless and choked up.

Pei Ji’s gaze carried a hint of confusion, as if he couldn’t quite understand why He Zhizhou’s “learn well” turned out like this.

If the floating tower could speak, it would undoubtedly utter that classic line with indignant fury—

Are you kidding me? You people are simply the worst batch of disciples I’ve ever had!


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