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Chapter 33: The Ball (1)

The enjoyable time in the capital passed in the blink of an eye.

And it was the day before the final day.

After dinner, Fiene was drinking tea in the salon when Noah invited her to a ball.

“Me to the ball?”

Fiene blinked.

“Oh, it’s a masquerade since I’m like this. I was invited by a pushy friend. If you don’t want to, just say so. I won’t force you.”

Noah always wore a robe. Except when going out with Fiene, he always went to work at the magic tower in that attire.

“I don’t mind, but is it okay for me to go?”

“That friend of mine heard about you from somewhere and keeps bugging me to introduce you.”

Fiene became curious about who Noah’s friend might be.

“If Noah-sama has such a friend, they must be quite important, right?”

“Well, a little important, but it’s fine if it’s you, Fiene.”

Hearing that they were somewhat important, Fiene had a bad feeling.

“Could it be that they’re royalty?”

Fiene forced a smile, and Noah averted his eyes.

“He’s coming as a private individual, so there’s no need to be formal.”

“I knew it; he’s royalty.”

Fiene felt a bit uneasy because she had never met royalty in this country.

“Do you mind?”

Noah’s expression clouded just a little.

It seemed like he wanted to take Fiene with him.

In that case, Fiene’s answer was already decided.

“No, I’ll go. I’ve never been escorted by a man to a ball. Since I came all the way to the capital, I want to have many new experiences. Besides, my dress is adorned with plenty of decorations.”

Saying that, Fiene smiled, and Noah also relaxed his mouth.

Preparations for the ball began in the evening.

“Fiene-sama is slender, so I don’t think you need to tighten the corset.”

Liz’s consideration was appreciated. Fiene would get dizzy if her body was tightly squeezed by a corset.

Her hair was tied up, makeup was applied, and while consulting with Liz, she chose accessories. Just as everything was ready, Noah came to pick her up.

Today, Fiene was wearing a pale pink dress.

“It suits you well, Fiene.”

Praised, Fiene blushed.

However, Noah’s face was completely covered by a mask, and his expression couldn’t be seen.

Noah took Fiene’s hand, and the two headed towards the courtyard, boarding a carriage.

“By the way, Noah-sama, why are you wearing a full-face mask today? Usually, it’s just a half-face, isn’t it?”

“If I wore a full-face mask, I’d be suspected at the entrance and wouldn’t be allowed in the shop.”

“I see. So, is Noah-sama’s face well-known?”

“I have chosen my favored establishments, so only a limited few know.”

Fiene thought that this might be why rumors of his ugliness were spreading. While his right half was marred by severe burns, Fiene didn’t find him ugly.

The carriage stopped in front of a large mansion on the outskirts of the capital.

“Is this today’s venue?”

“Yeah, it’s the mansion of a certain marquis.”

Noah got off the carriage first, offering his hand to Fiene. With his help, Fiene descended from the carriage.

“Fiene, don’t push yourself for my sake. If you feel unwell, tell me immediately; I have potions with me.”

“Yes, thank you.”

He always cared for Fiene’s well-being.

“Also, don’t accept drinks or food from anyone else. You can reject dance invitations too. Don’t leave my side.”

Noah listed the precautions for the dance party.

“Hehe, Noah-sama, you seem like my guardian. It’s okay; I’m not a child.”

“But you’re naive.”

Unable to retort to that, Fiene nodded obediently.

“I understand. I promise.”

“Good, let’s go then.”

Fiene also put on a mask that covered her eyes. It felt suffocating to cover the entire face like Noah.

“If you keep doing that, they’ll figure out how beautiful you are.”

Surprised by Noah’s words, Fiene peeked at his face, but unfortunately, the mask made everything invisible.

“Tonight, Noah-sama, you’re somehow cunning.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

As the two engaged in casual conversation, they entered the venue. Perhaps due to Noah’s presence, there was no strange tension.

“Noah, over here.”

As they entered a venue adorned with several large chandeliers, a voice called out to them.

A dignified man, clearly dressed in well-tailored attire, approached.

“Hello, Ed. It’s been since yesterday.”

“Haha, we just met at the magic tower.”

Fiene was anxious, wondering who this ‘Ed’ was.

“So, this is Miss Fiene of the Hausen family. She’s truly beautiful.”

She was surprised that he knew her name and was even complimenting her.

“Ed, be careful where and who might be listening. Please refrain from using full names.”

Noah, usually rough in his speech, was speaking politely. He must be of royal blood.

Speaking of royalty named Ed… The answer came to Fiene immediately.

The Second Prince, Edmund.

Realizing this, Fiene hurriedly kneeled, but he stopped her.

“I’m here today as a private individual. It would be troublesome if my identity got out. Of course, the organizers know, but I’m keeping it confidential otherwise.”

Saying this, he smiled only with the visible part of his mouth beneath the mask.

“However, you stand out. Since I’ve introduced Fiene, is it okay now?”

“Noah, don’t tell me you’re thinking of leaving already?”

“Well, that depends on Fiene.”

Upon hearing those words, Fiene’s heart skipped a beat.

“Fiene, do you want to savor the atmosphere of the ball a bit longer? If you want to dance or if you need some snacks, let me know anytime.”

Noah showed an overly protective concern.

Being prioritized over royalty made Fiene feel both flustered and touched.


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