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Chapter 32: Yun Tian-Part 3

Her brows slightly furrowed, wearing a hesitant expression, “I’ll try to find a solution. Hopefully, I won’t disappoint you.”

Butler Su sighed in relief, showing gratitude. “Thank you, Miss Tang.”

Butler Su initially intended to accompany them all the way home, but at the street corner, Tang Xin insisted that Butler Su stop.

Jokingly, if her home address were known, would she still need personal space?

Although the Yun family could gather various precious medicinal herbs and finding her home address wouldn’t be difficult, she didn’t want to disclose it voluntarily.


“Has she been sent back?” Yun Tian didn’t turn around, focusing on the screen. The content on it seemed quite interesting, making it hard to look away.

“Yes.” Butler Su respectfully stood behind Yun Tian.

“Master, there’s something I don’t understand.”

Yun Tian gently spoke, “You don’t have to say it; I already know. You’re wondering why I sent her to the warehouse, right?”

“Yes. Master usually only allows pharmacists who might cure you to enter the warehouse, motivating them to find a cure. But Miss Tang gained influence recently because she obtained an ancient prescription, and she herself doesn’t have the ability.”

Butler Su was puzzled.

“She doesn’t have the ability?”

Yun Tian repeated these words, then sighed with a bitter smile.

“Initially, I thought the same until I saw her behavior in the warehouse. We underestimated her; we didn’t show enough respect to her. No wonder she’s unwilling to wholeheartedly treat me.”

Butler Su was surprised. “What does Master mean?”

Yun Tian manipulated the screen a few times, saying, “See for yourself.”

A video appeared on the screen, and Butler Su saw himself with his back to Tang Xin, leading the way. The two people behind…

Butler Su’s pupils dilated. “What is this?”

Yun Tian closed his eyes. Having watched the video several times alone, he knew exactly why Butler Su was shocked. “She knows all the herbs in the warehouse, and she knows which ones are ordinary and which ones are precious.”

Having seen precious herbs, she would stare at them a little longer. When seeing ordinary ones, she would ignore them.

As for the most precious Starry Sky Grass, her eyes were almost glued to it, hardly wanting to look away.

Originally, he installed a nanometer pinhole camera in the warehouse for fun. Now, Yun Tian felt genuinely fortunate for doing so.

“How is this possible!” Butler Su was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

It’s important to note that most of the Yun family’s wealth was on the third-ranked planet in the Federation. There, the Yun family could be considered one of the top aristocratic families.

Due to his rare illness from childhood, his master was not favored by the family head and was kicked out after receiving a portion of the family fortune. When he left, the master didn’t show any mercy and took many precious herbs to treat his illness.

Later, coincidentally arriving at Huangsha Star, the master lived in seclusion to focus on recovery.

As for the herbs in the warehouse, let alone the people on Huangsha Star, even in the talented Yun family, there were not many who could recognize all of them.

For example, Master Yun Gui.

“If it weren’t for Master Yun Gui’s continuous study of the master’s condition in recent years, he might not even recognize all the herbs in the house. How could a little yellow-haired girl possibly do it?!”

(T/N: young and immature)

Butler Su couldn’t help but say.

“In this world, there are always some geniuses. They will break the common understanding of ordinary people and achieve things others cannot.”

Yun Tian sighed, then turned to ask, “Wasn’t it your suggestion for me to meet her?”

Butler Su was speechless.

He tried any method, no matter how unconventional, just hoping to find a solution. Little did he know that he would encounter a miracle healer.

“I’ll go and bring her over.”

Learning that the master might be cured, Butler Su couldn’t sit still. He wanted to rush to Tang Xin immediately.

“Nonsense. Masters like her, unless they are willing, how could they be willing to treat me?”

Yun Tian smiled bitterly.

“It seems the master has a temper. If you bring her here recklessly, she might already hold a grudge.”

“What should we do then?” Butler Su felt helpless.

Having offended her, there was no room for regret. If he had known she was a divine healer, he would have treated her with the utmost respect. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

“Now we can only hope that the threat from the Qi family becomes greater and more difficult to deal with. It’s best to create some trouble for the divine healer. If the divine healer is in trouble, I can step in to help, and there should be some face-saving. Have someone keep an eye on her and report any situation to me at any time.” Yun Tian said calmly.

In reality, his mood was far from as calm as it seemed on the surface.

Since childhood, suffering from a rare illness, every pharmacist who treated him showed surprise, pondering and marveling at such an unusual condition.

Tang Xin, however, showed no reaction and left after examining his pulse.

She recognized more herbs than Master Yun Gui, but showed no interest in his rare condition.

He couldn’t help but suspect that Tang Xin had seen a similar illness before, knew how to cure it, but didn’t want to.

After finally finding a pharmacist with some skill, he unintentionally offended her.

Yun Tian inexplicably felt that the possibility of his recovery seemed even more distant.



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