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Chapter 112-Part 2

Xue Hang squinted his eyes and glanced at Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian acted as if he hadn’t noticed and approached, saying, “Mr. Xue, long time no see.”

The two had met a few times, but they were merely acquaintances. Xue Hang’s memory of Xiao Qian was limited to being a decent actor. Meanwhile, in Xiao Qian’s eyes, Xue Hang was a formidable, ambitious person and entrepreneur.

Xue Hang nodded slightly and responded indifferently, “Hello.”

He looked at Jiang Nian, who was beaming beside him. He forced a smile, but quickly suppressed it. Seeing her so happy made him less so.

Jiang Nian said, “Mr. Xue, it’s been a long time since we last met. I didn’t expect you to come for a set visit today.”

If she had known, she would have prepared earlier and performed better. Otherwise, she might have turned her surprise into a scare.

Xue Hang chuckled. But wasn’t it turning surprise into a scare?!

With that thought, he stiffened again, grinding his teeth silently.

Jiang Nian also sensed that Xue Hang’s mood seemed a bit off. After careful consideration, she realized she hadn’t offended him. Aside from the scene not being shot well, he said it was okay and no reshoot was needed… So she wasn’t worried. Xue Hang was such a wise person; he wouldn’t involve the innocent. If he wanted revenge, he would target those who made him angry.

“…… Hmph.”

Xue Hang couldn’t help but glare at Jiang Nian. He not only wanted to grind his teeth but also had an itch in his hand.

He waved his hand, feeling tired, and told the producers and directors to busy themselves and not pay special attention to him. Xue Hang had spoken, and they couldn’t disobey. Even though they moved aside, their eyes couldn’t help but glance at Xue Hang.

Seeing fewer people around, Jiang Nian approached a little and whispered to Xue Hang, “Benefactor, I’ve listened to you. I’ve been working hard and relying on myself with integrity. I promise not to let you down!”

Others could practically see Xue Hang’s face turn green.

Finally, unable to resist, he reached out and pulled Jiang Nian’s scattered hair.

Soft and delicate, with a slightly cool temperature.

For the past few months, Sun Xu has been hiding and living a miserable life. He didn’t dare to go out, let alone face the pointing and whispering of others. He didn’t even want to answer his family’s phone calls. Every day felt like a blur, like living like a dog.

His life used to be so glorious. Every outing was accompanied by at least five or six people protecting him, along with fans following him and endless praise and gifts. Now, it was just rotten eggs he faced.

Having once stood at the peak, he was completely unaccustomed to this life at rock bottom.

Sun Xu pondered a lot. If he wanted to regain his former glory, he’d have to wait several years until the public forgot about this incident today. But he didn’t want to wait that long. Who knew if there would still be a place for him in the industry a few years later? In that case, he probably needed Jiang Nian’s help.

As long as Jiang Nian forgave him and was willing to be with him again, the outside world wouldn’t be so bold in their criticisms. After all, if the person involved forgave him, what right did others have to gossip? If Jiang Nian explained a few things for him again, wouldn’t his comeback be just around the corner?

However, considering that Jiang Nian had already moved and blocked him on her phone, her attitude was so resolute that he was afraid she wouldn’t agree if he approached her rashly. But he didn’t want to give up his only chance. After much deliberation, Sun Xu bought a plane ticket, disguised himself, and went to the film and television city.

He knew that Jiang Nian was currently filming “Before Dawn,” and there were many fans and media reporters visiting her on set. Of course, just in case, he also contacted his former agent, begging him to inquire about Jiang Nian’s recent situation.

That agent had some conscience and told Sun Xu that he had heard that the entire crew of “Before Dawn” was going to have dinner tonight at a hotpot restaurant near the hotel, and even sent Sun Xu the address.

To avoid the gaze of others, he booked a flight for 8 p.m. and arrived after 10 p.m.




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