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Chapter 42-Part 2

Tang Xin’s heart was filled with inner turmoil. With her intelligence, how could she not know to change the story? She shouldn’t have told anyone at all!

“I always tell others that they can only drink it once. Drinking too much will cause explosions and death.”

So, does that mean he’s special, not like others?

Yan Hao cheerfully drank the potion in one gulp, smacking his lips afterward. “It tastes a bit like sour plum juice.”

Tang Xin felt annoyed just looking at him. She kicked him out of the room with a valid reason: “After drinking the potion, one needs to diligently practice martial arts to fully unleash its effects.”

Yan Hao glanced deeply at his master and whispered, “I will become stronger; I will work hard, very hard, until no one can bully you anymore.”

Tang Xin seemed not to hear, turned around, and closed the door in one go.

When she was alone in the room, she discreetly touched her ears, feeling a bit hot.

Considering his unwavering loyalty, she decided to give him three bottles of the potion!

However, he still had to sleep on the floor.

Ten days later, Tang Xin used a silver needle to extract a few drops of Yan Hao’s fingertip blood and put them in a test tube.

During these ten days, she fed Yan Hao the potion every other day until all three bottles were empty.

Calculating, today should be the day when all the potion is digested, and results should show.

“What are you doing?” Yan Hao asked curiously.

“Test your genetic level,” Tang Xin replied without looking back.

“Shouldn’t you use a specialized instrument for that?” Yan Hao wondered.

“Ordinary people need it; I have other ways.”

And they’re better methods.

Tang Xin busied herself for a while, preparing a white potion. Then she dripped blood from his fingertip into the potion, gently swirling it to blend the blood and potion together.

Yan Hao watched as the white potion gradually turned into beige, yellow, orange-red, and finally deep red.

After a while, it stopped changing.

Tang Xin stared at the deep red potion for a long time, unable to believe her eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

“What does it mean?” Yan Hao humbly asked for guidance.

Tang Xin cleared her throat, composing her expression. “SS-level genes.”

“SS level?” Yan Hao exclaimed, “Isn’t the highest S level?”

Tang Xin looked up at the sky.

She had tested the potion on more than one person with S-level genes, and it had turned orange-red.

The potion wouldn’t lie. Turning into deep red indicated that Yan Hao’s genetic level was higher than S-level.

Tang Xin secretly pondered. She had conducted relevant research before.

Theoretically, human genes could indeed reach SS level, but no one had ever achieved it.

Could it be because he drank three bottles of the purification potion?

No one had ever tried drinking three bottles before. She knew it was safe, but she hadn’t expected to achieve an SS level.

Tang Xin speculated that the instrument could only roughly detect the range. A-level genes close to S level and A-level genes close to B level were not the same concept.

Or perhaps Yan Hao’s genes were already excellent, and combined with the remarkable effects of the purification potion and drinking three bottles in a row, several factors combined to create this unique SS level.

Tang Xin’s thoughts drifted away.

As an S-level gene, Yun Tian has already been rendered half-paralyzed and on the verge of death. No wonder we haven’t heard of anyone reaching SS level; they probably couldn’t hold on long after birth.

Tang Xin tentatively asked, “Do you feel any discomfort anywhere?”

Yan Hao was puzzled. “I feel amazing, unprecedentedly powerful, with no discomfort at all.”

Upon hearing this, Tang Xin felt somewhat relieved.

Being a Level 6 martial artist himself and having been nourished by her medicinal meals for months, it’s no wonder he could withstand SS-level genes.

“From today onwards, you’re officially an SS-level gene. Don’t go around testing yourself all the time; you’ll scare people.” Tang Xin instructed.

Yan Hao chuckled. “I understand.”

If outsiders found out he was SS-level, they might even dissect him!

Well, fortunately, the master doesn’t count as an outsider.

Suddenly, a phrase flashed through Yan Hao’s mind: “Becoming a genius because of you.”

As he thought about it, his ears started to feel hot, and a feeling of inexplicable embarrassment washed over him.

Yan Hao then thought of another question, hesitating as he asked, “Can the master really cure Yun Tian?”

Using treatment as an excuse, the master could obtain the herbs and concoct medicine for him. He could then focus on leveling up, reaching Level 7 or even 8 within two or three years. Then, they wouldn’t have to fear the Yun family anymore; they could just leave with no regrets…

Yan Hao thought to himself that if the master really had such plans, he wouldn’t be surprised at all, because it would make perfect sense.

Tang Xin coughed twice, then said seriously, “Actually, making medicine is just my side job; healing is my main profession!”

That proud and contented expression.

Yan Hao’s expression softened. He realized he seemed to be enchanted; no matter how he looked at the master, he couldn’t help but feel joyful. It was hard for him to maintain his stoic demeanor because his mouth wanted to smile mischievously.

After dinner, Yan Hao spontaneously carried his own blanket to the bed.

Tang Xin saw this, looking utterly bewildered, “???”

He’s already an SS-level martial artist at Level 6, and he still wants to compete with her for the bed?!

After working so hard to make six bottles of potion and giving him half of them, not only did he not show gratitude and try to repay her, but he also turned cold-hearted!

It turns out she misunderstood him…

Tang Xin felt deeply saddened and disappointed.

“You take the bed; I’ll sleep on the floor.” Tang Xin, feeling helpless, was about to take her blanket to the floor but was stopped by Yan Hao.

Yan Hao couldn’t understand, “Why are you…” not sleeping together on the bed?

As he said this, he seemed to realize something and stopped speaking halfway.

Suddenly, his face turned grim. He actively threw the blanket onto the floor, squeezing out a few words through gritted teeth: “You stay. I’m the guard; of course I’ll sleep on the floor.”

Tang Xin was relieved. Maybe it was a misunderstanding? He was still a good person after all, not someone who turns his back on others.

On the other side, Yan Hao quickly lay down in bed, sleeping on his side with his back to Tang Xin. He felt indignant.

Just flirting without taking responsibility—he didn’t expect that she would be such a master!

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