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Chapter 43-Part 2

With a scowl,Butler Su led the person to the hall and notified Tang Xin to meet the guest there. He plopped down beside, refusing to leave.

Tang Xin strolled over with her guard, seemingly relaxed.

Upon seeing the newcomer, Qian Xin warmly approached, smiling brightly. “I heard Pharmacist Tang won against Master Yun Gui? Truly, appearances can be deceiving; heroes emerge in unexpected places.”

Butler Su’s eyelids twitched. Heard? Heard from whom?

Tang Xin remained composed, adopting an aloof demeanor, and casually asked, “What brings you here?”

She knew the source of the other party’s information. It was she who had Zhao Min spread the news about her being in the Yun family and her remarkable medical skills.

She specifically targeted relatives and friends with patients from wealthy families.

Previously, she was worried about lacking self-protection ability, so she deliberately restrained most of her sharpness. Even the slightest hint of it still attracted trouble.

Now, with her being in the Yun family and having the top expert on the planet—Butler Su—by her side and the future top expert—Yan Hao—as well, she felt quite safe.

She took the initiative to spread the news, implying to others that they could bring precious medicinal herbs from home to the Yun family to find her.

Qian Xin didn’t mind at all. In fact, in her mind, someone with skills should have their own personality! How could a master not have character? What’s the point of being a master then?

“Well, my sister recently injured her face, leaving some scars. I bought five boxes of Master Yun Gui’s scar removal cream at the auction. Most of the scars have faded, but there are still some faint marks left. I wanted to ask Master Tang if there’s a way to remove them completely?” Qian Xin asked respectfully.

Tang Xin pondered for a moment, prolonging her response, “Regarding this—”

Qian Xin immediately understood, taking out a rectangular brocade box and handing it over. “This is the Seven-Star Herb that the Qian family happened to obtain. Unfortunately, we don’t have capable pharmacists at home, so it hasn’t been put to use. Now it seems the herb is waiting for a worthy owner.”

Butler Su had never known that the young lady of the Qian family could speak so eloquently.

Seven-Star Herb? Tang Xin’s eyebrows were raised. What a valuable item!

She took it without hesitation, opened it, and glanced inside.

With just one glance, she knew that this Seven-Star Herb was of excellent quality.

Thinking about the bold words of Miss Qian at the auction, Tang Xin roughly guessed that Qian Xin would do anything to cure her sister’s face.

Tang Xin didn’t bother with bargaining; instead, she reached into her pocket, took out three boxes of scar removal cream from her spatial storage, and handed them to Qian Xin.

To her, scar removal cream wasn’t valuable. Exchanging it for the Seven-Star Herb was a big win for her.

“The topical cream should be applied thickly on the scars three times a day, morning, noon, and night. Do not wash it off. It will take either three or five days, fast or slow, and the scars will definitely disappear.”

Given so readily, Qian Xin was instead stunned, hesitantly taking the three boxes of cream and shyly asking, “If there are any problems later…”

Tang Xin replied directly, “If there are any problems, feel free to come find me at the Yun family.”

Qian Xin was delighted; this was the meaning of being responsible to the end!

“Thank you, Master Tang.”

Qian Xin held the cream, happily leaving. Butler Su’s face grew even darker, frowning, “Miss Tang, isn’t this inappropriate?”

Not putting all her effort into treating the master, but instead taking on a part-time job in front of him, occupying the Yun family’s hall. What is she thinking?

Tang Xin was fearless, casually saying, “The Yun family’s warehouse doesn’t have any Seven-Star Herb.”

Butler Su was taken aback, then quickly reacted, “Miss Tang, can you tell me? I’ll send someone to retrieve it.”

Tang Xin snorted lightly. “Do you even know what Seven-Star Herb is? Do you know how demanding its growth requirements are? Daring to say retrieving it so casually. Even if you can ensure its retrieval, Yun Tian may not necessarily be able to wait.”

Butler Su’s expression stiffened. Anything related to the master, he took very seriously. Having accompanied the master for many years, he naturally knew how difficult it was to obtain the precious medicinal herbs in the warehouse.

If he hadn’t taken advantage of leaving home to search through the Yun family’s warehouse, how many could he find just by relying on luck? Butler Su was uncertain.

After all, many precious medicinal herbs couldn’t be bought even with money.

With this in mind, Su Bo’s complexion softened slightly, and his voice became gentler. “So, that is why Miss Tang is here?”

“Although Huangsha Star has limited land, families that can mingle in the top circles usually have some assets,” Tang Xin explained.

“We don’t know how long it will take for Yun Tian to recover from his illness. Isn’t it a good idea to get some more medicine from others just in case?”

Better safe than sorry, right? Butler Su found this reasoning quite reasonable, but seeing Tang Xin’s actions, he felt a bit uneasy.

He didn’t care about the precious medicinal herbs in the warehouse. After all, it had been agreed long ago that once the master recovered, all the medicinal herbs would be given to Tang Xin.

What he cared about was that Tang Xin wasn’t focusing on treating the master’s illness but was instead distracted by other things.

Tang Xin seemed to see through Butler Su’s dilemma and sighed, “Uncle Su, do you think treating the illness relies on me alone?”

Butler Su was stunned. Wasn’t it?

“Of course not!” Tang Xin continued, “I’ve already planned out the subsequent treatment methods. Now we just need Yun Tian’s body condition to catch up. If he can’t keep up and I arbitrarily use the subsequent methods on him, it’s very likely to cause problems. Do you understand?”

Butler Su was shocked, half-believing, and asked, “Is it that serious?”

Tang Xin emphasized with seriousness, “Rushing will only make things worse. Illness goes away like drawing silk. It needs to be treated slowly; you can’t rush it. You’ve waited for over twenty years; can’t we wait for two or three more?”

Butler Su couldn’t say anything in opposition anymore, and he left in a daze.

Yan Hao’s eyes carried a hint of amusement, with an understanding look in his eyes. “Illness goes away like drawing silk, hmm?”

Tang Xin looked up at the sky.

Once again, she was seen through, but luckily, Yan Hao wouldn’t betray her.

Butler Su’s guess was correct. She was indeed taking the opportunity to gather medicinal herbs, and she wasn’t putting all her effort into treating Yun Tian.

Frankly speaking, if she really put her heart into it, she could have cured Yun Tian in a month.

But why should she work so hard?

She and Yan Hao were half-hostages in the Yun family. What if she cured Yun Tian and Butler Su turned against her?

With their current strength, the two of them couldn’t deal with Butler Su.

So, she had already made a decision. Before Yan Hao reached the seventh level and surpassed Butler Su in strength, she would ensure that Yun Tian appeared “weak and sickly” and “slowly recuperating.”.

She didn’t intend to harm Yun Tian’s body. She would just take some mediocre medicine, mix it with some effective ones, and delay the progress of treatment.

This way, Yun Tian would appear to be improving. And she could buy herself some time.

“After all, one must always be on guard against others,” Tang Xin sighed leisurely.

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