Home Post 2781-chapter-269


Chapter 269: The Sect Leader Wakes Up Grumpy Every Day (17)


After walking for a while, Yun Niang finally returned to her usual charming self.

“You’re quite lucky,” she said.

Shen Mubai didn’t understand.

Yun Niang explained, “Being a cook in the past didn’t just require culinary skills; it also had to match our master’s taste. Our master has always been capricious, with no specific preferences. If something pleases his eyes, then it’s good; if not, then it’s not. Although your culinary skills are not bad, if you want to stay in the Fire Lotus Sect, the first and most crucial step is to gain the master’s approval.”

Shen Mubai belatedly felt fortunate, but thinking back to how Jun Jiuling had behaved during the meal, she hesitated and asked, “Did the Master think the food I made today wasn’t delicious enough?”

Yun Niang smiled and said, “Our master has a special constitution. Even if he doesn’t eat for ten days or half a month, it’s fine. But even so, he still desires food. Although he doesn’t prioritize convenience, he is very picky. The dishes made by disciples and elders in our sect are never served to the master. If he wants to eat, there are disciples specially sent to gather food for him, which he then selects personally.”

Shen Mubai thought about it and realized that if those things were served to Jun Jiuling, it would truly be asking for trouble.

Yun Niang glanced at her with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You are now a member of the Fire Lotus Sect. As long as you don’t betray the Master, you will always be one of us, forever a ghost. But if you betray…” She didn’t finish her sentence but instead let out a vague chuckle.

Shen Mubai quickly swore, “I am loyal to the master.” If not, let me die a terrible death.”

Yun Niang covered her mouth and chuckled sweetly. “We’ll see about that based on your future behavior.”

Shen Mubai immediately promised to do her best.

Then she heard Yun Niang say to her, “You should go back and cook now. The disciples in the sect are eagerly waiting for you to feed them.”

Shen Mubai muttered to herself, “…mother….”

As she returned to the kitchen with the remaining dishes, she found that all the food in the kitchen had disappeared without a trace.

At that moment, a head popped out from the innermost part of the kitchen; it was You Yi. He was gnawing on a chicken bone and said, “Cuihua, you’re back.”

Seeing Shen Mubai holding dishes, his eyes lit up, and he immediately bounced over, skillfully taking them from her hands. He smiled and said, “You’ve worked hard.”

His obedient and cute appearance was completely different from before, devoid of any hostility.

Shen Mubai silently watched the three of them enjoy their meal, then spoke softly, “Aren’t you forgetting someone?”

You Yi looked innocent. “Yun Niang? But she said her gu worms haven’t been fed yet.”

Even Wu Er chimed in, “You don’t need to worry about Third Hall Master. Hurry up and cook.”

Zuo Yi picked up food with his chopsticks but remained silent.

Shen Mubai was so angry, she felt like a pufferfish.

In the end, she could only gnaw on a cold, steamed bun fiercely and then go to cook while carrying a shovel.

And those three well-fed guys enjoyed the last of the leftovers, completely satisfied.

Especially You Yi, who was practically about to kneel and beg, “Cuihua Cuihua, can we have beggar chicken tomorrow too?”

Shen Mubai looked at him, using the same face as his brother to act cute, feeling unlucky.

You Yi shook her arm. “Please, Cuihua.”

Shen Mubai endured, “Have you washed your hands?”

You Yi quickly let go, looking at his oily hands embarrassedly, and said with an awkward smile, “Sorry about that.”

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