Home Post 2833-chapter-55-part-1


Chapter 55-Part 1

On a cold winter night, although the cold wind was blowing, Ji Ran’s whole body was getting warmer and warmer. She understood his meaning; he was thanking her for appearing in his life.

But for her, it might not be any different.

In her previous life, she lived until twenty-seven, yet she had never liked anyone. Perhaps it was because of her parents’ unhappy marriage, which left a mark on her heart from an early age.

Love and marriage all revealed their least satisfactory aspects to her.

So much so that she hardly believed in these things from a young age.

Even couples of many years couldn’t withstand a betrayal. Clearly bound by interests, marriages would still dissolve at a word. Emotions were too fleeting and unpredictable, like clouds in the sky, so beautiful and pure.

But who could truly grasp a cloud in their hands?

Under the influence of Pei Yuan since childhood, Ji Ran has developed a pragmatic personality. She was always taught to seize what was advantageous to her. She worked hard to rank first in her class as a child and seized every opportunity when she grew up and started working.

Don’t say she hadn’t considered emotional issues herself; even Pei Yuan rarely urged her. Perhaps from her own experience, men were less reliable than work.

Money could enjoy everything and obtain everything.

Ji Ran had always been a staunch supporter of Pei Yuan’s theory; even though she was born into a wealthy family, she still worked a hundred times harder than ordinary people.

But now she was starting to waver.

She had once not known the taste and had once firmly rejected it, but she still found herself attracted, influenced, and harboring thoughts she had never had before.

She wanted to know what it felt like to like someone.

Even if it were the apple of Eden, she had to taste it herself to know its flavor. So in this life, she tasted the flavor of the apple from Eden.

And it wasn’t bitter; it was sweet.

Ji Ran leaned her hands on the railing of the corridor, cupping her hands around her mouth to make a trumpet shape, but her voice was very soft: “Me too.”

Although she couldn’t tell everyone openly now, it didn’t matter.

One day, they would grow up and be able to openly accept everyone’s blessings.

“What are you all doing?”

Suddenly, a roar came from downstairs, with the dean standing downstairs. Even though there was a power outage at the moment, there were still students standing densely packed in the corridors of the building.

Moreover, the unmanned aerial vehicle in the sky was particularly arrogant, especially the banner several meters long, shining brightly in the night sky when the surrounding buildings were all powerless.

“Damn, the Golden Haired Lion King is back so soon.”

“Hurry back to the classroom, or the Golden Haired Lion King will unleash his Lion Roar Skill, a mass destruction weapon, again in a moment.”

The surrounding students all sighed.

The reason why the dean of the sophomore department was nicknamed this way was that he always stood downstairs shouting at the mischievous students upstairs, his voice loud enough for the entire teaching building to hear clearly.

So students gave him the nickname: Golden Haired Lion King.

The dean shouted with his neck up, “Why aren’t you all going back to the classroom yet? What’s that flying in the sky? Put it away quickly.”

He didn’t recognize what was flying in the sky because he rushed downstairs too quickly and didn’t put on his glasses, so he couldn’t clearly see what was written on the banner.

Ji Ran, hearing this, nervously asked in a low voice, “What should we do now?”

“It’s okay,” Shen Zhidan said lightly, and sure enough, the drone slowly flew back in the direction it came from.

Many students who hadn’t returned to the classroom yet stood in the corridor, watching the drone carrying the extremely eye-catching banner slowly fly away into the distance.

The fluorescent banner was overly dazzling against the dark night sky.

This scene was too captivating; even the dean stared up at the sky, watching the drone’s departure.

“If you don’t go back to the classroom, then just stand there and wait for me to come up…” The dean had just finished shouting when someone from the second floor or above shouted something.

“The power’s out, aren’t we dismissing?”



The scene, which had barely been under control, unexpectedly spiraled out of control once again. Even the usually timid and obedient students were now stomping their feet and banging on desks.

While everyone was caught up in the chaos, Wen Qianxia turned her head and asked softly, “Ranran, who set up that confession banner?”

In fact, Wen Qianxia had a guess, but she couldn’t help asking.

The confession was just too romantic and creative. Even though she wasn’t the one involved, she was excited to the point of trembling, wanting to stomp her feet and scream for Ji Ran.

Ji Ran pursed her lips and smiled, but she didn’t say anything.

This was her and Shen Zhi’s little secret, one she didn’t want to tell anyone.

No one at all.

Ji Ran knew her thoughts were a bit selfish, but isn’t that how young girls are? They should have a little secret of their own.

Finally, the homeroom teachers from each class returned to their classrooms and managed to regain control of the situation.

After Mr.Qiao gestured for quiet, he said softly, “Alright, everyone, stop making noise. The school’s electrical room person is currently repairing the circuits.”

Because of the heavy snow today, short circuits were not unique to No. 4 middle school.

There was a sigh of regret from everyone. Why bother with repairs? It would be much better to just dismiss school directly.

Mr.Qiao stood below the podium, with many students below taking out their phones for light. Actually, it wasn’t allowed for students to bring phones to school at No. 4 Middle School. However, usually each one claimed innocence and a single-minded focus on studying, insisting they didn’t bring their phones.

But now it was all exposed.

He looked at the students below, smiling helplessly. “Your sighs just exposed the essence of your mediocrity.”

There was laughter below.

A mischievous boy said, “Sorry, Teacher Qiao, for making you the homeroom teacher of the mediocre class.”

“Sorry, teacher.”

Whether it was because of the power outage making everyone more relaxed or the darkness providing them with good cover, many people were saying things they wouldn’t dare to say normally.

Even jokes that they wouldn’t dare make were now met with hearty laughter.

Mr.Qiao also relaxed in his tone. He said, “Being the homeroom teacher of the mediocre class is also good. I never thought that being good at studying was the standard for judging a person. Besides, even if you’re at the top of the class, in the end, I’m still here to serve your little elementary school mediocrities.”

This time the whole classroom exploded as if it had been ignited, with cheers mingled with whistling.

Mr. Qiao, being a young teacher, usually liked to joke around, but today his humor successfully amused all the students in the class.

It wasn’t until the corridor outside became lively again that they noticed.

Mr. Qiao walked to the door and happened to meet the homeroom teacher from the next class coming out. Only then did they know that the electrical room couldn’t be fixed for a while, so the school leaders decided to let the students dismiss and go home.



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