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Chapter 292: The Sect Leader Wakes Up Grumpy Every Day (40)

Jun Jiuling stared at her with a gloomy expression.

Shen Mubai cowered, “Alright.”

Seeing her obediently agree, Jun Jiuling’s face softened a bit.

He asked, “Do you have something to give me?”

Shen Mubai looked confused. “No, I don’t.”

Jun Jiuling’s face darkened again. He glared at Shen Mubai, his tone dangerously low. “Think carefully.”

Seeing his terrifying expression, Shen Mubai’s heart trembled. She anxiously searched her mind and hesitantly asked, “Master, am I supposed to give you something?”

Jun Jiuling saw her genuinely puzzled expression, and his face grew even darker, looking like a demon king emerging from hell.

Shen Mubai stared at him in a daze, filled with fear and confusion, as he seemed on the verge of killing someone.

Unexpectedly, Jun Jiuling just gave her a cold look with his dark eyes and said, “Get out.”

Feeling aggrieved, Shen Mubai rolled off the bed and went back to her room next door, still unable to figure out why Jun Jiuling was angry. She fell into a depressed sleep.

In the middle of the night, she felt someone slipping into her bed.

Half-awake, Shen Mubai sensed another person beside her and almost died of fright.

“Bai bai, it’s me,” the person whispered.

Rubbing her eyes, Shen Mubai realized who it was and glared at him. “Didn’t I tell you not to come at night?”

Jun Jiuling pouted pitifully, “But I couldn’t help it.”

Resigned, Shen Mubai sighed. “Fine, just go back to your room later.”

Jun Jiuling nodded, his eyes sparkling in the dark as he looked at her.

Shen Mubai, unaware, yawned softly.

Jun Jiuling leaned over and kissed her cheek with a smack.

Shen Mubai jumped slightly in surprise.

Jun Jiuling’s eyes curled into a smile. “Today’s.”

He snuggled closer to her, inhaling her scent, feeling a bit dizzy. He wanted to get even closer to Bai Bai; it was never enough. But what would be enough…

Jun Jiuling tilted his head, recalling his mother’s words: Once married, a couple would become very close, never separating.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Shen Mubai interrupted, “Are you hungry?”

Jun Jiuling’s attention was momentarily diverted.

He blinked and said, “Not hungry.”

Shen Mubai found it odd but didn’t think much of it.

She said, “I went to the market today.”

Jun Jiuling propped his chin on his hand and frowned. “Who did Bai Bai go with?”

Shen Mubai mentioned Wu Er’s name.

Jun Jiuling responded with a displeased “Oh” and complained, “Bai Bai has never gone to the market with me.”

Shen Mubai continued, “I originally bought you some candied haws, but they’ve melted by now.”

She hadn’t thought about whether Jun Jiuling would come tonight; it was just a passing thought that led her to buy them.

Hearing she bought him candied haws, Jun Jiuling’s eyes curled into a smile. He hadn’t even tasted them, but his heart felt sweet. “I want them.”

Shen Mubai got out of bed and handed him the candied haws, wrapped in paper. They were a bit melted and sticky.

Jun Jiuling didn’t mind at all. He cherished them and ate them bit by bit.

In truth, he didn’t like the sweet and sour taste of candied haws, but knowing that Bai Bai bought them for him made his heart feel sweet.

After finishing the candied haws, Shen Mubai, worried that Jun Jiuling would be discovered if he stayed too late, said, “You should go back to sleep now.”

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