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Chapter 41:Fiene’s Determination (2)

The sound of Martha opening the curtains could be heard.

“Good morning, Lady Fiene.”

In the haze of half-awakeness, morning had arrived.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

As Fiene spoke, Martha looked surprised.

“Lady Fiene, you were worried about me.”

Perhaps less tired than yesterday, Martha smiled, and her complexion slightly improved.

Having slept a little, Fiene’s mind started to clear.

Magic that doesn’t react to crystal balls; Maggie’s condition is magic overload; and she is unaffected by Rolf’s restrictive magic.

Since childhood, Rolf has tried to harass Fiene with magic, despite her lack of magical ability. She had never fallen victim to any of it. Eventually, being unaffected became bothersome, so she often feigned being under its influence.

“My magic… it doesn’t heal or repel, but maybe it absorbs? No, if that were the case, my magic would overflow someday, leading to magic overload. But what I suffered from was magic depletion. I see! That’s it.”

A smile crept onto Fiene’s lips naturally. Martha’s eyes widened at Fiene’s demeanor.

“Lady Fiene, perhaps it’s better for you to rest a while longer.”

Martha expressed her concern.

“No, I’m fine. I’m going to help Noah now. And I want to live out my life.”

With determination, Fiene declared and leaped out of bed.

She dashed down the central staircase towards the research building, where Noah was.

There, Lloyd was present as well, looking utterly worn out.

“Lloyd, the seal on the door might be lifted.”

“What do you mean!”

Lloyd, who rarely showed expressions, widened his eyes in surprise.

“I’ll give it a try.”

Despite saying so, Fiene was confident that this was the solution.

Noah had been aware. That’s why he hadn’t told Fiene. He might have anticipated this situation.

Fiene strongly wishes, “Door, open,” and imagines it.

Then she sees blue thorns covering the door. Fiene can see the magic he casts. She gradually absorbs it, neutralizing it.

The thorns covering the door gradually disappear.

Fiene turns the doorknob, and the door opens smoothly without any resistance.

“Lady Fiene, what is this?”

While hearing Lloyd’s surprised voice, Fiene jumps into the laboratory.

She finds Noah collapsed on the desk.


“My lord.”

They both rush towards him simultaneously.

Was it too late? Did the door open because Noah’s life had ended?

Fiene cries out and shakes Noah’s body.

She wants to heal him. She clings desperately, wishing strongly. His body is still warm.

“Lady Fiene, please calm down! My lord is alive.”


Crying, Fiene looks up at Lloyd.

“He’s probably just sleeping.”

Relieved, Lloyd wears a smile mixed with tears. Noah’s eyelashes tremble faintly, and then his eyes open.

“Hey, shut it. Let me sleep a bit. I’ve been pulling all-nighters.”

Noah’s groaning voice is heard.


Fiene calls out, touching his right cheek with her hand. Then, with a soft sound, the burn marks on Noah’s right side disappeared.

“Noah, your facial scars were magic, weren’t they?”

Surprised by Fiene’s incredulous words, Noah sits up abruptly.

“Fiene, what are you doing?! Stop it right now.”

“I’m relieved that you’re alive…”

“Of course I am. The experiment was a success. Did you finally realize your own power?”

Noah’s eyes widen significantly.

“Hehe, well, isn’t it strange? The genius Noah-sama still doesn’t understand the nature of my magic, even after all this time. You wanted to hide it…”

As Fiene said that, her vision warped.

“Hey, Fiene, Are you okay?”

Listening to Noah’s voice pleasantly from afar, Fiene lost consciousness.

“Fiene, wake up!”

A cold towel was pressed against her cheek.

Feeling the sensation, Fiene woke up.

“You fool. After going through all that trouble with your lifespan, you’re on the brink of magic depletion again. You’re lucky; they’re just minor injuries, so they’ll heal with a potion. For now, drink the medicine I developed. I’ve already tested it on myself. Your organs will be repaired quickly as well.”

A beaker containing a toxic-looking red liquid was handed to her.

Fiene was lying on the sofa in the laboratory. It seemed like not much time had passed since she lost consciousness.

But seeing Noah again, tears welled up in her eyes.

“I’m glad you’re safe, Noah-sama.”

“Enough of that; drink the medicine I made! Test subject.”

Fiene reacted to the term “test subject” and obediently drank the liquid in the beaker.

Instantly, her body felt hot, and her throat felt scorched.

“What is this? This liquid is like vodka!”

Fiene’s eyes widened.

“How do you feel physically?”

“It’s… hot. And I feel energized, like I want to sprint.”

“Good, the experiment was a success. With this, your magic depletion is cured. You’ll live a long life, at least.”


“You’re truly something else. You’re the first one to break through my magic. Even the contract magic of exchange has been dissolved because of you. Damn it, I’ve lost confidence because of you. I can’t stand the insecurity of the lab’s security. At this rate, even that shelf might get broken.”

She didn’t use any complicated techniques. Fiene just imagined it.

“Um, by exchange magic, do you mean exchanging internal damage?”

“Yes. It’s a good thing my medicine was finished first.”

Noah said it with relief.

Fiene is more curious about the identity of this mysterious medicine that cured her advanced magic depletion syndrome.

It repaired her battered internal organs.

“Noah-sama, what is this?”

“It’s a genuine Elixir. I’ll go rid of the counterfeits from now on.”


Fiene couldn’t comprehend, and her eyes widened.

“Lloyd, I apologize for causing concern. I will depart for the capital tomorrow morning.”


Lloyd smiled happily at Noah’s command.

Afterward, Noah informed his servants of his safety and thanked them.

The next day, as Noah was about to depart alone for the capital, Fiene clung to him.

“Please take me to the capital too.”

“It’s not a problem, but I have important matters to attend to, so I can’t spend much time with you. Besides, I heard you’ve been pulling all-nighters. How about taking a break?”

Noah frowned in concern.

“No, it’s not that I want to play. I have something I want to settle.”

“What is it?”

“It’s about my family. Especially Muge! I’m also furious with Rolf.”

“Did you… by any chance, read the letter?”

“I’m sorry. I read the letter addressed to you from my father.”

Fiene bowed her head to Noah.

“That Lloyd…”

“Lloyd-san isn’t at fault! I asked him because I wanted to know about my magic.”

“He’s an unavoidable fellow. But when you go to your parents’ house, I’ll go with you. I don’t know what might happen.”

Noah tells Fiene, almost as if persuading her.

“It’s okay. I’m not that foolish anymore. I just can’t forgive Muge.”

“Hmph, that’s a coincidence. There’s someone I want to kill… beat too. Evidence or anything like that doesn’t matter. I’ll grab them by the scruff of their neck.”

Noah, who usually doesn’t show much emotion, is unusually angry.

“I’ll hit Muge too.”

Fiene also clenches her fists with determination.

“Is hitting them enough to satisfy you considering what you’ve been through? You were in such a precarious state that you could have died if there had been a shortage of potion.”

Noah looks at Fiene in surprise.

“Huh? Well, I’ll think about revenge later.”

Come to think of it, Fiene hadn’t been thinking about anything since life here had become too comfortable.

“That’s right. Fiene, your power is easily exploitable. Absolutely no talking about it to others.”

She had a feeling like that.

Noah probably knew that but didn’t say it.

Fiene had never heard of being able to see magic cast by others. Even now, if she concentrated her gaze a little, she could see the powerful magic enveloping Noah.

Once she became aware of it, Fiene seemed to be able to freely use her own magic.


Fiene deeply nodded in response to Noah’s words.

And so, the two of them set off for the capital together.

The journey was instantaneous, using teleportation magic circles.

When Fiene opened her eyes, she found herself in a white room in the mansion in the capital.

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