Home Post 3072-chapter-159


Chapter 159

The Xinghen Sword pierced through the eye of the formation, causing the Water Mirror Formation to collapse under the brilliance that covered the entire sky.

As the fragments of the mirrored surface shattered, two secret realms gradually merged into one. The side that belonged to the false mirror image completely disappeared, and before the disciples realized what had happened, they found themselves in the real secret realm.

The originally low and clear dome cracked like glass, revealing a distant, murky night sky covered by dark clouds. A blood moon hung in the sky, faintly emitting a dim red light.

The lush, continuous forest was gone, replaced by the remnants of gnarled, dried trees. The air around them was tinged with thin layers of black and red. Demonic energy, like mist floating in the night, silently permeated every corner.

The scent of blood and scattered corpses was everywhere. The sudden transformation turned this paradise into an ancient battlefield, startling many.

The disciples from various sects were only somewhat psychologically shocked compared to the demon cultivators with Qi Han, who suffered greatly.

In the real secret realm, many demons were killed, and the secret realm’s exit had been closed for years, with murderous demonic energy lingering around like a cursed domain.

The fox clan, heavily weakened, was corrupted by this energy, turning into “Mirror Ghosts” that feasted on human flesh. The injured demon cultivators, whose spiritual energy diminished, also suffered greatly under this impact.

Xu Ye stared blankly at the sky, where cracks spread out like petals, speechless with shock. After a long while, he muttered to Qiao Yan, “Miss Qiao, could it be… the Water Mirror Formation has been broken?”

He then broke into a bright smile and turned to the Fox clan girl beside him, his eyes filled with relief and joy.

“Great! The formation is broken, the Demon Lord’s power will be greatly reduced, and we no longer need to fear the demons. The spirit fox clan can be saved!”

Qiao Yan met his gaze, bit her lip, and then turned towards the house where the Mirror Ghost was.

It was her childhood friend, Yan Qing.

Yan Qing’s abdomen had a large piece of flesh torn away, bleeding red and black blood continuously. Combined with the injury from Xu Ye’s sword qi, he was in grave danger.

His appearance had drastically changed, looking nothing like the graceful and handsome youth he once was.

His pale face was twisted into an extremely grotesque shape, and his facial features were severely out of proportion. His once clear black eyes were now cloudy, and his skin was like the bark of a dead tree, making him look terrifyingly thin, as if only a thin layer of skin covered his bones.

Corrupted by demonic energy, Yan Qing no longer recognized her.

Back then, he had rushed out to protect her, even when he was on the verge of death, holding onto the Thousand Silk Tassel tightly. These were ingrained in his bones, unforgettable no matter what. But now, when he looked into Qiao Yan’s eyes, there was only fear and confusion in his pupils.

Thankfully, he was still alive.

“Miss Qiao, I controlled my strength when I swung my sword. The impact on him was minimal—though the sword qi knocked him back, it wouldn’t cause much harm. Don’t worry, I’ll find some medicine for you right away!”

Xu Ye followed her, taking out a storage bag. With a flash of golden light, a small mountain of medicinal herbs appeared.

“Let me see… This is a pill made from Tianshan Snow Lotus and Blazing Fire Lotus; this is Tianxiang Life-Continuing Dew made from Supreme Immortal Ganoderma; and this is the Tianshu Sacred Spring brewed from Mingxin Bud and Infinite Water…”

He squatted on the ground, rattling off a long list, then looked up at Qiao Yan with an unguarded grin.

“Miss Qiao, take whatever you like.”

Qiao Yan, teary-eyed, hiccupped as she cried, stunned by the sight of the herbs on the ground.

Although she had never left the secret realm, she had studied medical books day and night to treat her “clansmen’s” injuries and had heard of the spiritual plants he mentioned.

Blazing Fire Lotus was a rare treasure found once in a hundred years, usually growing on the cliffs of extremely hot volcanoes. The name Tianshu Sacred Spring alone indicated its preciousness, and indeed, it was a prized item in the cultivation world that countless people dreamed of.

Tianxiang Life-Continuing Dew is capable of regenerating bones and healing severe injuries. The price of one bottle can buy a city.

Yet, at this moment, these precious treasures from heaven and earth were all dumped on the gray ground by Xu Ye, as he casually said, “Take whatever you want,” as if he were setting up a stall.

—Who is this guy?

“I’m not very familiar with medicinal herbs, so don’t be polite.”

Seeing her hesitation, Xu Ye hurriedly added, “I have plenty at home, really! My father said, If we don’t use up the old stock quickly, there won’t be room for the new batch.”

Yan Qing had almost been gutted by another Mirror Ghost and, by any normal measure, shouldn’t have much time left—

But money transcends the five elements, and money makes the world go round. As a supremely wealthy individual, Xu Ye defied “normal measures.”

No wonder he always seemed timid and pampered, like a young master raised in luxury. It turns out that this guy is not only a sister’s boy but also a daddy’s, mommy’s, and money’s boy, with treasures all over him.

Little did Qiao Yan know that, outside the secret realm, one of the three great families of the imperial city bore the surname “Xu.”

Qiao Yan: …

“Th-thank you.”

Qiao Yan, still in a daze, picked up a bottle of skin-beautifying cream from the pile and squatted down, facing the nearby Mirror Ghost.

Seeing her approach, Yan Qing recoiled like a frightened animal, clutching the Thousand Silk Tassel tightly in his hand, eyes full of wariness.

“When I gave it to you, you weren’t this unwelcoming.”

Qiao Yan choked, tears streaming down her face again. Glancing at the gaping wound on his abdomen, she knew time was of the essence and hurriedly wiped her tears. “Who said ‘okay’ so coldly back then… idiot.”

Yan Qing seemed surprised that she was crying, standing there in a daze.

He saw the strange girl lift her right hand.

On her wrist, the same green Thousand Silk Tassel was wrapped around.

For the first time, the hideous monster retracted its hostility and the hazy black fog before his eyes dissipated, revealing a hint of clarity and pain.

He still couldn’t remember everything.

However, after a moment of hesitation, Yan Qing cautiously extended his hand, trembling and fearful, to gently wipe away the tears from her eyes.

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