Home Post 2406-chapter-55


Chapter 55

Tian Xianzi squinted his eyes, resembling a fox with malicious intentions. “What? Do you really want to see him?”

A tall, middle-aged man not far away was slightly taken aback, then nodded desperately. “I want to see sword master Zhen Xiao’s long dragon!”

Zheng Weiqi, who had just taken a sip of water, sprayed it out directly.

She vaguely felt that she might not survive today.

“A long… long dragon?”

Tian Xianzi never expected to hear such words, and his mouth twitched. “What do you mean by this ‘long dragon’ you’re talking about?”

Yet Qin Chuan was dead serious, making Tian Xianzi seem like the one with malicious intentions. However, when the former continued with his simple and honest explanation, even Ji Yunkai almost spat out his tea.

Without hesitation, Qin Chuan blurted out, “It’s the thing he often uses to poke female disciples.”

This was an outrageous statement.

The entire hall was in shock. Meng Jiaqi covered her face expressionlessly, and Ning Ning and He Zhizhou exchanged glances, feeling utterly hopeless.

The culprit, Zheng Weiqi, forced a bitter smile, looking world-weary.

“Haha, what is Qin Chuan saying? Children speak without restraint, children speak without restraint.Qin Chuan, stop talking; let’s just have tea.”

But sword master Zhen Xiao’s face darkened, pressing on step by step, “No, continue—Sword master Zhen Xiao, how could he randomly injure female disciples?”

“I don’t know about that.”

Qin Chuan, who didn’t understand the romantic intricacies portrayed in novels, frowned with some distress. “But sword master Zhen Xiao is really powerful! When I read the book, it said something like ‘driving the long dragon, nine shallow and one deep,’ ‘ice and fire dual cultivation, causing female disciples to pant continuously.’ It sounded like a very formidable sword technique!”

Pausing for a moment, he hesitated again. “But every female disciple who practices with him seems so pitiful, always being pierced through by the long dragon, and they hurt so much that they have no strength in their whole body. They keep begging him, but he doesn’t listen. Is it always so ruthless when practicing sword techniques?”

Tian Xianzi couldn’t hold back anymore, and the corners of his mouth twitched, forming a crazily uplifted arc.

Seemingly understanding something, sword master Zhen Xiao laughed coldly, “Oh? What else do you know about sword master Zhen Xiao?”

“Do you also admire him?”

Qin Chuan grinned innocently. “I’ve read books, so I know everything about him—I even know sword master Zhen Xiao’s catchphrase!”


Zheng Weiqi lost control of her facial expressions, her entire face looking like a crumpled pancake, messy and pale.

No, no—! Qin—Chuan—!

Even many years later, Qin Chuan couldn’t forget the scene in the Lord’s Mansion reception hall that day.

The elders of the Xuanxu Sword Sect were all hesitant to speak, while on the other side, the young disciples covered their eyes and ears, refusing to listen or look. The atmosphere was heavy and mournful, resembling a funeral.

In the center of the storm, the middle-aged man lightly parted his lips, imitating the wicked and cold appearance of the male protagonist in the novels. In a tone resembling chopping meat, he roared out the long-preserved lines in his heart:

“Now I’ll let you know whether I am a man or not! Uh, roar!”

That inexplicable low roar was absolutely considered the essence.

He would always remember that every time the sword technique was completed, it would end with a low roar from sword master Zhen Xiao. How domineering, how passionate, and how full of manly spirit!

This was the call of the heart, the dedication of love.

The hall fell silent, and someone couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Qin Chuan, oblivious to the increasingly dark expressions of the people, continued, “If you want to know the specific content, you can borrow books from Sister Zheng to read. She’s very generous.”

Danger, Zheng Weiqi, danger.

Zhen Xiao’s expression was indifferent. With a slight movement of his fingertips, Zheng Weiqi’s storage pouch flew directly into his hands. However, with a gentle shake, a few books with goose-yellow covers fell out.

“Bloodthirsty Passion: Elder Tian Xianzi’s Mad Devotion,”

“Cute Baby Onslaught: The Unyielding Sect Leader,”

“Owing Both to Buddha and to You: My Mother’s Affairs with Master Mingkong.”

One was more eye-catching than the other, each challenging common decency.

Especially the last one, “My Mother’s Affairs with Master Mingkong,” just the title alone felt depraved, enough to make even the Buddha shed tears.

Zhen Xiao’s expression remained unchanged as he picked up the last book that had fallen to the ground.

On the cover, boldly written in big letters, was a line of text.

“After sword master Zhen Xiao and elder Tian Xianzi proposed simultaneously,”

Followed by a brief introduction:

〔He, ruthless and bloodthirsty, extraordinarily charming, pressed her against the wall: “Woman, I don’t mind playing a forbidden game with you.”

He, unrestrained and handsome, red-eyed, held her hand: “Three thousand weak waters, only taking a sip.”

When she encountered him, she was destined to have nowhere to escape in the vortex of love.

In the weariness of the mortal world, tears had already fallen. Who became whose calamity, and who was whose fate? She lightly smiled and said, “Only children make choices. As for me, I want to eat brother’s rice bowl!”〕

(T/N: I’m not sure what this means, but a rice bowl could mean someone’s source of income or livelihood. So what she means here is that she wants to depend on him or probably marry him.)

God, brother rice bowl!

Zhen Xiao: “Heh.”

He was not someone who laughed often.

At this moment, however, this laughter was exceptionally clear, like a sudden burst of explosion. In the words of the novel, it was six parts cold, three parts playful, and ten percent a brewing murderous intent.

In short, it was a laugh that felt like someone was about to be killed—the kind that made you think of dismembering a body.

Zheng Weiqi knew that things were not going well. She wanted to struggle and say, “Martial Uncle, listen to my explanation.”

Unfortunately, in her haste, she blurted out the truth: “Martial uncle, listen to my sophistry!”

When it came to courting death, she had always excelled.

With this statement, the scene fell into a rather eerie silence, making the child’s already precarious situation even worse.

—As the saying goes, it’s often the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Little did Zheng Weiqi expect that she would not believe in superstitions. Instead, she brought a full-sized elephant and directly smashed it onto the camel.

There was no way out anymore.

He Zhizhou remained silent for a while, his face full of sorrow, and he lowered his voice. “Senior Sister, remember to keep smiling so that you won’t have too much resentment when you die.”

Ning Ning, with a heavy heart, covered her face with her hands. “Senior Sister, don’t be afraid. With deep fellow disciples’ affection, we will help you.”

Ning Ning is still reliable!

Zheng Weiqi was about to listen to her plan when, unexpectedly, a faint whisper came from her side: “Do you want gold or paper money? Don’t be polite; anyway, it’s the last time I’ll give you something.”

… Pig teammates, shut up!

Tian Xianzi, holding back his laughter, sighed long, “Senior Brother.”

Zheng Weiqi was worthy of being his longest-standing personal disciple. His eyes darkened, and he blurted out the next sentence: “Don’t beat the child to death; just try to keep her barely alive.”


In the welcoming hall, chaos ensued, while in the medical pavilion, it became much quieter.


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