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Chapter 48-Part 2

In her previous life, during Ji Ran’s teenage years, she hardly had time to visit amusement parks. As for these childish and cheap bags, they were nothing but rubbish in Pei Yuan’s eyes.

However, this time around, she suddenly felt a little inclined to try something childish.

Like a child wanting candy, even if the parents say the candy isn’t good, at least let her taste it herself to judge whether it is good or not.

So, there were two little voices tugging at her heart.

One voice said, Ji Ran, be sensible; this is too childish; it doesn’t suit you at all.

The other voice said, Let me try it; just try it, okay?

While she was lost in thought, Shen Zhi reached out and took down the strawberry bag hanging on the wall. After he hung the bag on her, he lowered his head and glanced at it, his eyes carrying a hint of inquiry.

Ji Ran also looked down; the little red strawberry hanging at her side was soft.

She felt a bit embarrassed and said, “It’s too childish, isn’t it?”

As she spoke, a girl next to her said to her companion, “That strawberry bag is so cute; I want one too.”

“Ask the shopkeeper if there are any others left.”

The girl asked the nearby shopkeeper and found out that the strawberry bag Ji Ran was wearing was the last one.

The girl pounded her chest and stomped her foot, saying, “So cute, I feel like I’d be the pinkest chick on the street with this on my back.”

“Seriously, are you just saying it looks good because you see someone else wearing it? Are you sure it will have the same effect on you as it does on that little fairy sister?”

The girl was completely demoralized by her companion’s remarks and was eventually dragged away.

Ji Ran couldn’t help but take another look. It was so childish. Why was this strawberry bag so childish?

But she also liked it.

She actually didn’t realize she was such a girly girl.

So she looked eagerly at Shen Zhi, her eyes filled with a message: “If you praise me one more time, even if this strawberry bag is childish, I’ll still buy it.”

“What did you eat to grow up?” Shen Zhi reached out and pinched her cheek, feeling as smooth and tender as ever.

After meeting her gaze, Shen Zhi suddenly lowered his eyelids, his voice unusually deep and slow as he said, “How can you be so cute?”

Ji Ran tightly pressed her lips together, but she couldn’t stop the upward trend.

Alright, considering your excellent taste, even if it’s childish, I’ll take it.

After Ji Ran happily left with her little strawberry bag, they hadn’t walked far before they saw a dark area nearby, completely different from the cartoonish and sweet style of the entire amusement park.

A haunted house!

This time it was Shen Zhi’s turn to speak, and he said softly, “That seems quite interesting.”

Ji Ran suddenly turned to look at him, feeling that this person must have some ulterior motive. Did he think all girls were afraid of ghosts? Ji Ran smirked inwardly, thinking Shen Zhi was underestimating her.

So she nodded without hesitation, saying, “Sure, let’s play that.”

The haunted house also allowed groups of five to enter. When Ji Ran and Shen Zhi went over, there were people waiting in front of them. The staff quickly let them in.

The entire haunted house had a particularly dark and damp environment, and even before entering, one could feel the eerie atmosphere.

Especially with the terrifying music echoing around them.

Accompanying them were three girls, and just as they reached the entrance, there was a particularly sharp voice coming from the girl at the back.

“I…… I don’t dare walk at the back,” the girl said.

The girl with short hair beside her trembled as she hugged her.

“Me neither.”

Ji Ran eagerly looked at them and unhesitatingly stood close to Shen Zhi. She… she was actually scared too.

Although she pretended to be indifferent on the surface, she was actually quite afraid of these things. Ji Ran was afraid of the dark, and she even had a mild fear of enclosed spaces.

But she still bravely walked at the front. The walls of the haunted house were adorned with various skeletons, skulls, and ghost masks.

The faint green glow pervaded the surroundings, and regardless, the atmosphere of terror was created exceptionally well.

Ji Ran was feeling a bit annoyed. Why was it so dark here? It was even hard to find the way.

Shen Zhi walked beside her without saying a word. The two of them walked at the forefront, while the three girls behind them huddled together, trembling.

But halfway through, something suddenly swooped down from above and circled around them.

Ji Ran’s heart skipped a beat, feeling as if it had stopped beating altogether.

The three girls behind them were even worse off; in complete disarray, their screams almost drowned out the terrifying music in the haunted house.

It wasn’t until one of the girls suddenly said, “Ahhhhh, a ghost! Someone’s touching my feet.”

A dark figure suddenly stood up, causing the three girls to freeze in fear, followed by incredibly sharp and tragic screams.

Shen Zhi clearly felt the sudden stiffening of the girl beside him.

He was about to reach out and hold her when his hand was just about to extend. The person beside him reacted faster and actually rushed out directly.

Shen Zhi watched Ji Ran with wide eyes until they reached the front of the dark figure. Then, without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed the figure’s collar, followed by a muffled thud.

Ji Ran’s knee collided directly with the person’s abdomen, causing him to cry out in pain.

“Stop scaring people,” Ji Ran said, her face stern and cold.

The next moment, when she let go, the person on the ground immediately lay there, clutching his stomach and groaning in pain.

The three girls beside them huddled together, stunned by the scene before them.

The person lying on the ground whispered in a small and aggrieved voice, “I’m the ‘ghost’ here.”

His job was to scare people.

Ji Ran opened her mouth, feeling embarrassed and guilty all at once.

The haunted house was just too dark; she couldn’t even find her way, and then suddenly a figure appeared. She thought it was some bored visitor trying to scare people, so she got angry and acted without thinking…

And Ji Ran, well, she was different from other girls in temperament.

While other girls might have been scared and stood there screaming, she was the type to confront it head-on, as if to say, “You think you can scare me? Well, I’ll fight back so hard that you won’t be able to scare me anymore.”

Shen Zhi stepped forward and politely helped the person up.

After the person regained their footing, he sincerely apologized, “Sorry, my girlfriend is a bit naive.”




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