Home Post 3085-chapter-97


Chapter 97

The grand hall was filled with kneeling people, except for those from Dongxu Kingdom and Baiqi Kingdom.

Su Hua didn’t kneel, so she had a clear view of Emperor Qi’s appearance.

Dressed in a golden dragon robe, he looked like a handsome middle-aged man around forty. His demeanor was solemn and stern; he was not one to smile easily. Probably no one dared to scrutinize his face so closely.

As if noticing Su Hua’s gaze, the two locked eyes, and Emperor Qi revealed what he believed to be his kindest smile.

“……” Why is this dog emperor smiling at me like that? It’s terrifying! His smile looks like a blooming chrysanthemum.

Could it be that he fancies me? Well, it’s understandable since this goddess is so stunningly beautiful that even the heavens envy my looks.

Unfortunately, she’s not interested in him.


Clearly, it was the Heavenly Dao that struck her, yet she explained it as the heavens being jealous of her beauty? And the most incredible part is that she believes it herself?

Impressive, my host.

Emperor Qi walked to the dragon throne in the grand hall and sat down, then made a gesture of virtual support, “Rise.”

Everyone stood up and sat down. Emperor Qi started talking about the grand competition, especially mentioning Su Hua.

“I’ve heard that Yao Hua is from the Yao family and ended up in Dongxu Kingdom due to some accidents. Minister Yao, is this true?”

The head of the Yao family, sitting at the end, quickly stood up, knelt on the ground, and respectfully said, “Your Majesty, it was my fault. I hadn’t confirmed whether Hua Hua was truly lifeless and sent her away—Your Majesty, it is my fault. It’s only right that Hua Hua resents me.”

“I see.”

Emperor Qi’s expression was stern.

“Minister Yao indeed mishandled this. Yao Hua, how about I help you vent your anger by making you a princess, so Minister Yao won’t dare to bully you?”

Before Su Hua could speak, a tutor from Xuanyun Academy stood up.

“Your Majesty, Yao Hua, is to be conferred as a princess of the Dongxu Kingdom upon her return. I’m afraid she cannot be conferred as a princess of the Huanglan Kingdom.”

“Instructor, that’s not correct. She hasn’t been conferred yet,” The head of the Yao family stood up and retorted.

The instructor remained silent but continued to stand there, making it clear that he would not back down.

The atmosphere became awkward.

Su Hua stepped forward and smiled, “Thank you for Your Majesty’s kindness, but I have no desire to be a princess, whether of the Huanglan Kingdom or the Dongxu Kingdom. I joined the grand competition simply for a spot in the secret realm, to accompany him. I don’t care about anything else.”

After Su Hua spoke, everyone’s eyes turned to Mu Ye.

A similar thought flashed through everyone’s minds—this kid’s ancestors must be smiling in their graves!

Whether they were or not, Mu Ye was very happy with Su Hua’s public, indirect declaration of their relationship.

The two gazed at each other affectionately, as if no one else existed in the grand hall.

“Ahem.” Emperor Qi coughed, and when everyone turned their attention to him, he said, “Since that’s the case, I won’t insist. Today, I have yet to toast Yao Hua.”

Emperor Qi raised his cup and said, “Congratulations to Yao Hua for winning first place in the grand competition of the three kingdoms.”

“Thank you.”

Su Hua graciously accepted his gesture.

Emperor Qi was somewhat flattered; after all, she was a God Of Magic!

Sensing Emperor Qi’s increasingly intense gaze, Su Hua screamed in her heart.

Look! Do you see it? Do you see how this dog emperor looks at me? I told you he was interested in me! You didn’t believe it!

“……” Unable to respond to the host anymore.

Overthinking is an illness; the host needs treatment.

Emperor Qi’s attitude left the people in the hall with different thoughts. Some things might not be clear to outsiders, but these people knew them very well.

This emperor had just sent someone to assassinate Su Hua a few days ago, yet his attitude has drastically changed in the blink of an eye.

There are two possibilities: one, he is trying to confuse the enemy by putting on a façade; or two, perhaps their suspicions are correct.

As for that suspicion, everyone kept it a closely guarded secret.

After the palace banquet, Su Hua noticed that the female protagonist was missing, likely having gone to find the male protagonist.

In the original storyline, Meng Yunxin also had a rival in love. Long Ao had a foster sister who had been living in his residence. She had been poisoned and was in a coma, akin to a vegetative state.

Later, Meng Yunxin detoxified the woman, but once she recovered, she immediately started competing with Meng Yunxin for Long Ao.

This woman was quite cunning, and Meng Yunxin suffered several covert setbacks because of her.

Judging by the timeline, Meng Yunxin should be treating that woman now, and an important male supporting character has also appeared.

Su Hua felt all the troublemaking instincts in her come alive.

De’er: “…” Feeling sorry for the protagonists.

Back at the inn, Su Hua finally had a good night’s sleep, with no one trying to assassinate her anymore.

The next day.

Everyone boarded the flying magical beast, the Thunder Roc, and set off for home.

After nine years, Dongxu Kingdom had finally won first place in the grand competition again, and everyone was extremely excited, looking at Su Hua with admiration.

Upon returning to Dongxu Kingdom, the emperor did not summon Su Hua but instead came to the academy to see her in person, saying things to win her over, which annoyed Su Hua immensely. If it weren’t for Mu Ye wanting her to take first place, she wouldn’t have stolen the spotlight from the female protagonist.

“You, stop.”

The girl who was pointed out ran over excitedly and said, “Master, what can I do for you?”

“Do you have anything valuable on you?”

“I have a Great Rejuvenation Pill.”

“Hmm, will you sell it for ten thousand gold coins?”

The girl took out the Great Rejuvenation Pill and offered it with both hands, “Master, I’ll give it to you.”

“I don’t accept handouts.” Su Hua took out ten thousand gold coins from her space and said, “Take it.”

Watching Su Hua’s departing figure, the girl’s eyes sparkled.

“Master is really principled.”

Su Hua spent her time accompanying Mu Ye in training and occasionally splurging to prepare for entering the secret realm.

It’s worth mentioning that during this period, Mu Ye’s corruption value also dropped to eighty.

The secret realm is located at the junction of the three kingdoms, very close to the border. It opens once every three years, for one month at a time, with a limit of one hundred people per entry; exceeding this limit results in great danger.

Of course, danger and opportunity coexist. The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity, but these opportunities are often unattainable.

This has been the experience of the three kingdoms over the years.

The kingdom that takes first place in the grand competition can choose to bring forty people into the secret realm, while the other two kingdoms can each bring thirty.

Don’t underestimate the difference between ten people; the secret realm is full of opportunities. One extra person could secure a major fortune, boosting the strength of the entire kingdom.

Although the three kingdoms balance each other, a king who doesn’t aspire to unify the world isn’t a good king, so they all secretly aim to enhance their national strength.

Thus, the first place in the grand competition becomes particularly significant.

At the entrance of the secret realm, the participants from the three kingdoms were already waiting.

Dongxu Kingdom’s troops were diligently guarding the entrance to prevent any disturbances.

Soon, a large white light circle appeared at the entrance of the secret realm.

“The secret realm has opened. Everyone, be careful.”

Once inside the circle, they would be transported to different places. Even though Su Hua held onto Mu Ye’s hand, they were still forcibly separated during the teleportation process.

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