Home Post 3132-chapter-99


Chapter 99


Su Hua was a bit impatient.

No matter which path they took, Long Ao wouldn’t die, so why bother?

In the end, Long Ao chose to go to the right. Su Hua followed the four of them, occasionally glancing around the secret chamber, but she couldn’t see anything unusual.


Two secret guards blocked Long Ao in front of him, and arrows continuously shot towards them in the corridor.

Su Hua quickly retreated a few steps with Long Ao. Looking ahead again, she saw the center of the secret chamber starting to split, separating Su Hua and the others from the two secret guards.

“F*ck! The secret chamber can do this? It didn’t collapse. Impressive, my dear plot master.”

Long Ao didn’t have time to pay attention to what Su Hua was saying because he noticed that the ground beneath his feet was beginning to collapse. Holding Ni Xiang in one arm, Long Ao tipped his toes and leaped to the other side.

Seeing this, Su Hua quickly followed suit. She still needed the male lead to find Mu Ye.

After flying over, they encountered a few more hidden weapons, but fortunately, they were all safe.


After turning a corner, they reached a dead end, or rather, there were only two doors left.

The Door of Life and the Door of Death.

“Master, which door should we take?”

“The Door of Death.” Long Ao turned around.

“Miss Yao, we are going to the Door of Death. Which one will you choose?”

“I’ll go to the Door of Death as well.”

Turning the protrusion beside it, the Door of Death opened. It was dark inside, and even the light from the night pearls couldn’t illuminate it in the slightest.

After the four of them went in, Su Hua also stepped into the Door of Death.


The sound of the stone door closing.

Then, Su Hua felt a bright light before her eyes, and the scene rapidly changed. She found herself at the foot of a mountain.

“Hua Hua.”

A young man came running towards her. He was dressed in a moon-white robe, his long hair half tied and half loose, his eyes shining like the stars in the sky.

“Come quickly.”

The young man grabbed her hand and ran forward, “I have a gift for you.”

The mountain had overlapping peaks and lush trees, and the young man, gentle as jade, held the young girl’s hand, running through the forest. A gentle breeze lifted the hem of her skirt slightly.


Su Hua stopped, and her face darkened.

The young man, puzzled and worried, asked, “Hua Hua, what’s wrong?”

Su Hua sneered, “An illusion.”

With her sword in hand, Su Hua swung at the young man. He quickly dodged, urgently saying, “Hua Hua, what’s wrong? Don’t you recognize me? Hua Hua.”


The young man’s figure shattered, and the scene rapidly changed again.

Still at the foot of the mountain, Su Hua was tied to a high wooden stake, with a fire pit below and many people around her.

“Burn her.”

“Burn her.”

“She’s a demon!”

Painful memories resurfaced. Su Hua broke free from the ropes and leaped up, her expression wild and unrestrained. “A bunch of NPCs, trying to control me, stupid!”

The red sword danced, and the scene changed once more.

This time, it was a small farmhouse courtyard. Su Hua was in the courtyard, lazily basking in the sun on a couch.

“Hua Hua.”

Mu Ye came out of the house, sat down next to her on the couch, holding her hand, and said, “What shall we have for dinner? Aunt Li came by this morning and gave us a lot of farm eggs. Will you make egg custard for me?”

“Idiot. Idiot.”

Trying to deceive her with Mu Ye, how could that simpleton say so much? Completely unprofessional.

The scene shattered once again. Su Hua opened her eyes and was still in the secret chamber. The oil lamps on both sides were already lit. She saw people around her in either pain or happiness, but ignored them and walked straight toward the light.

The best way to break an illusion is not to engage with the characters from the start; otherwise, one would sink deeper.

Following the oil lamps, the surroundings began to change gradually.

Suddenly, Su Hua heard the sounds of fighting ahead.

“Mu Ye, hand over the elixir.”

Hearing Mu Ye’s name, Su Hua rushed forward and soon saw two people fighting on a round platform ahead.

“Ah Mu.”

Hearing Su Hua’s voice, Mu Ye turned happily towards the sound. Meng Yunxin seized the moment to attack. Su Hua quickly swung her sword, blocking Meng Yunxin’s attack, and flew over.

“Miss Meng.”

Seeing Su Hua, Meng Yunxin gritted her teeth and said, “Yao Hua.”

With her here, did she still stand a chance?

She should have summoned the Zijin earlier.

“Hua Hua.”

Mu Ye immediately stepped forward, holding Su Hua’s hand like a treasure, “The elixir, for you.”

Su Hua quickly realized what it was. In the original plot, the female lead got it and gave it to her flood dragon, which then transformed into a divine beast.

“How did you get it?”

“Over there.”

Mu Ye pointed to a stone statue ahead.

Su Hua examined it carefully but couldn’t discern what it was.

Meng Yunxin, standing opposite Su Hua, shouted, “Yao Hua, hand over the elixir, and I will owe you a favor.”

The female lead’s favor was valuable, but she didn’t care.

“Every time you trade, you talk about favors. Who do you think you are?”

“You—” She was just a step late, and Mu Ye snatched the elixir.

A voice in her heart clamored that it was her possession.

Meng Yunxin drew her sword. This item was crucial for the Zijin and had to be reclaimed.

“Yao Hua, what will it take for you to give me the elixir?”

Mu Ye tightened his grip on Su Hua’s hand. It was his gift to her; he didn’t want her to give it away.

“This is a gift from Ah Mu. I won’t give it up no matter what.”

Su Hua gave a mocking smile, “Do you plan to take it by force?”

“If you refuse, don’t blame me.” Killing and taking treasures was natural, “Zijin.”


The atmosphere in the secret chamber suddenly became tense. A huge flood dragon occupied half the chamber’s space, looking like a mix between a dragon and a serpent, entirely white, both fearsome and intriguing.

The flood dragon possessed dragon blood. If it could survive a catastrophe or gain a stroke of luck, it could transform into a true dragon, becoming a divine beast from a sacred beast.

This elixir was sensed by the flood dragon, which led Meng Yunxin here, but Mu Ye had beaten her to it, leaving Meng Yunxin no choice but to seize it.

Legend has it that flood dragons had seven nostrils. Su Hua looked closely but couldn’t see clearly with so many holes.

The flood dragon’s mental pressure filled the air. Mu Ye couldn’t withstand it for long, sweat beading on his forehead. Su Hua rummaged through her space and found a red umbrella. She opened it over his head, and the oppressive feeling disappeared instantly.

“Hold this.” Su Hua smiled and said, “Let me handle this flood dragon.”

Meng Yunxin watched in surprise as Su Hua remained unaffected by the flood dragon’s pressure.

Flood dragons were water creatures. Seeing Su Hua charge forward, the flood dragon immediately spat out water. This water was vastly different from regular water magic, more like a small river gushing directly at Su Hua.

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