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Chapter 52-Part 1

“Miss Tang, what do you think? Feel free to name your price,” Yun Tian said with a smile.

Tang Xin thought the proposal was not very good, and the timing was even worse.

Just as she was about to refuse outright, the Yun family’s gatekeeper reported, “Young Master, there’s a man named Zhao Min looking for Miss Tang.”

Zhao Min? Isn’t he busy with the opening on Jupiter? How did he end up back here? Tang Xin wondered.

Yun Tian turned to Tang Xin and said, “My matter isn’t urgent. Miss Tang can attend to her business first.”

Tang Xin didn’t hesitate and had Zhao Min brought in. She couldn’t help but think to herself how everything seemed to be happening at once, with everyone seeking her out.

With Yun Tian’s permission, the gatekeeper returned and shortly brought Zhao Min over.

Zhao Min greeted Yun Tian politely and then fell silent, looking as if he had a lot on his mind but couldn’t say it out loud.

He looked troubled, with a persistent gloom between his brows.

Tang Xin was slightly startled, “Why the long face? Did the genetic purification agent not work, or is it not selling? That can’t be…”

Zhao Min wiped his face and gave a wry smile. He was actually worried because the agent worked too well, to the point where he feared for his own safety.

“Don’t worry, divine doctor. The agent works very well. A girl with an E-level gene bought it and drank it on the spot. In three days, she advanced two levels and is now C-level.”

Zhao Min deliberately avoided mentioning the low auction price, focusing instead on the public’s enthusiasm.

He wanted to create the illusion for the divine doctor that he had allowed the low auction price to thoroughly promote the agent and make the store famous.

As Zhao Min spoke, he felt quite helpless.

More and more people were seeking the Tangmen for the genetic purification agent, their eyes gleaming with greed.

Seeing these people made him nervous, so he hid in a rented luxury house for several days, avoiding the store.

With nothing to do in the house, he decided to return to Huangsha Star and ask the divine doctor about the two-level advancement.

“Advanced two levels?” Tang Xin was slightly taken aback.

She had seen many people drink the agent, and it wasn’t a lie.

However, this “many” was relative to the total number of people who had taken the purification agent.

Starry grass was extremely rare. One plant could make two bottles of purification agent, but there was a roughly 40% failure rate in production.

This meant that ten plants could normally produce eleven or twelve bottles of the agent.

In her previous life, she had made no more than a hundred bottles in total.

She had seen the effects on more than seventy people.

Most of those who took the agent were B-level or A-level, with a few scattered C-levels.

Most people calculate carefully and wouldn’t waste the agent on someone useless.

For a D-level person to become C-level was a happy event for the individual but a waste for the family.

People preferred to give the agent to those with good talent to create an extraordinary genius.

Though she had never encountered a two-level advancement before, after hearing Zhao Min’s description, Tang Xin had a basic understanding.

It took one or two bottles of the purification agent to advance from S to SS-level. Advancing from C to A-level took one bottle, so it was reasonable for an E-level person to advance two levels after taking the agent.

The lower the gene level, the easier it was to improve and the more noticeable the effect.

Tang Xin shared her analysis with Zhao Min.

Zhao Min felt helpless but didn’t dare to speak harshly, instead saying pitifully, “Divine Doctor… please tell me about such things earlier next time…”

Tang Xin shrugged, “Isn’t it great that the effect is amazing?”

“Yes, very good. People with money on Jupiter have gone crazy, flooding into the store. I’ve told them several times there’s no more agent, but they don’t listen. Some even started bidding among themselves without asking for my permission.”

Zhao Min mentioned a number that made the doctor react and caused Yun Tian’s eyebrows to twitch involuntarily.

Yun Tian could no longer remain calm.

He knew the genetic purification agent was valuable and highly sought after, and he was prepared to accept a high price.

But he hadn’t expected the price mentioned to be far beyond his wildest estimates.

Were these people really willing to bankrupt themselves for a dose of the agent?

Yun Tian had a headache. Words once spoken couldn’t be taken back.

But if he had to buy at the quoted price…

It would cost him a third of his cash reserves!

If it were for himself, he wouldn’t hesitate. But he was buying it for Butler Su, and Yun Tian began to waver.

His family, the Yun family, was vast and wealthy, but he didn’t receive much in the division due to his low status.

On top of that, he had already used a lot of rare medicinal herbs for his treatment, leaving him with little cash.

Now, with the precious herbs given to Tang Xin as payment, losing another third of his cash would leave him with almost nothing.

Tang Xin spoke at the right moment: “Young Master Yun, you helped Zhao Min transport the medicine and people, so I shouldn’t refuse your request. However, the genetic purification agent is currently lacking materials and cannot be made. Once it is ready, I will notify you.”

Butler Su was puzzled: “The warehouse has never run out of medicinal herbs. How can it be that it can’t be made now?”

Tang Xin, without batting an eye, lied, “I use rare herbs from my space ring, not just the Yun family’s warehouse supplies.”

After a pause, Tang Xin added, “Previously, only young people took the medicine. I’m not sure if someone of Butler Su’s age would have any problems. There’s some time before the next batch is ready, so you can take this opportunity to consider it.”

Yan Hao remained expressionless, as if his master’s nonsense was the absolute truth.

He marveled at his master’s growing ability to fabricate stories.

His master had told him before that the agent was absolutely safe; she was sure of it.

Now, not wanting Butler Su to take the agent, she used people’s fear of the unknown to scare him.

Yun Tian’s expression relaxed slightly, relieved.

“Luckily, I asked Miss Tang first; otherwise, I might have harmed you. You aren’t angry, are you?”

Butler Su hurriedly replied, “How could I be angry at your kind intentions, Master?”

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